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Message de virginia posté le 2004-06-04 12:43:58 (S | E | F | I)
what do you think about the smoking ban which has been enforced in Ireland since March? Do you think it's a good idea?
I'm not annoyed by it because I don't smoke. It's better for the waiters' health, but I think that it breaks with the tradition of the pubs.
Give your point of view!

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-06-04 13:04:02 (S | E)
I don't smoke, some I'm not annoyed by it !

I think that's a good thing. Smoking is not good for health.
When you decide to smoke, you decide by yourself to make your life in danger.
But when you decide to go to a pub in order to meet friends or because you must work, I think that's not normal you should become ill because some people want to destroy themselves.

Furthermore, some people are allergic to cigarette smoking, so because of that, they can't meet some friends in a pub, if people can smoke inside.

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-04 13:24:05 (S | E)
I completly understand your point of view, rosminet, however, don't say people smoke because "they want to destroy themselves" ... If you don't smoke, you can't understand ...

Réponse: re de thierry31, postée le 2004-06-04 15:56:48 (S | E)
most smoker want to stop. but, often, they can't. Why ?
every one, has a story own. I don't believe the smoker stupid, now,
everybody knows, the effects of tobacco, and, in France, on each box of cigarettes, you can read : the tobacco kill you, or something like that,
I don't want hindering, the smoker, to smoke, but when you are not a smoker, and you breathe the smoke of someone else, it's unbearable ,
espacially, when you're an ancient smoker, I tell you that, with full
knowledge of the case.
you are quite free to smoke, but , you know, the liberty of every one ,
stop, where its of the others begin ( hi, the mistakes)


Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-04 16:08:35 (S | E)
well ... thierry, going that way ... freedom applies in both direction ... smoker and non-smokers ...

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-06-04 17:14:31 (S | E)
Yes, Chris, but if I don't smoke I don't disturb you while if you smoke, you can disturb people around you !

Ok, Chris, I modify my sentence : "I think that's not normal you should become ill because some people accept to destroy themselves and other people around them." Because you don't smoke to destroy yourself, but you know what problems you should have, so you accept to destroy yourself, don't you ?

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-04 17:43:16 (S | E)
but if you don't smoke and don't want me to smoke, you compel me not to smoke ... so only your "freedom" is taken in account...

however, I don't care and I can smoke outside ! )))

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-06-04 18:23:50 (S | E)
So Chrisg, there is no solution !

"but if you don't smoke and don't want me to smoke, you compel me not to smoke ... so only your "freedom" is taken in account..."

And if you smoke and I don't want to to breathe in cigarette smoke, I must go away, so only your "freedom" is taken in account ...

In fact, I think that, whatever the matter, everybody could be able to go and stay in public places (cinema, railway, restaurants, administration ...) without being disturbing. (by cigarette smoke, rings of mobile phones ....).

But the problem of the smoke of the cigarette is also that can make you sick when you breathe it in. You can be ill later, but some people can be sick immediatly. That's also very bad for pregnant women. So, what can do these people ? Staying at home if they don't want to breath in smoke of cigarette ? Some of the smokers, (I know, not you Chrisg), don't care about them and don't want to smoke outside ! And, people who have healthy problems must leave the place.

Else, I smoked a little bit when I was young and I've never found an interest for doing it !

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-04 20:11:20 (S | E)
well ... then it should be ok between us ! ))) next please !



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