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Message de rikikileclown posté le 2004-11-12 22:27:16 (S | E | F | I)
I took this text on the net, anyone can translate it and correct some fault in the text? nobody will answer at this question, at last, good luck (y)

My sister is the only person who hates me, let me tell you about her
Well, I think she's very intelligent but however, she makes herself seem like she isn't ( (but we get used to it) ...
I think too she can be nice with people that she wants to .
Then, She has got many friends ... (more than me)
I've never seen her with a boy, perhaps she can be shy at times (of course)
I think too she can be nice with people when she wants to.
Her habits ? She likes to play the piano and listening to music, she likes talking to her friends on the telephone (Girls are so weird).
She appraciates to go abroad and visits some new countries ...
Even if I find she prefers to go to the cinema, eh? I don't really know ...
She actually hates ME, bad people (Grunch, so bad people). I guess she hates too the racism (Like everybody) ...
She thinks that I'm a fool, am I?
Well, whenever I talk to her, she gets angry and doesn't answer me, but I think she could be friendly.
Do you see what I mean? No? other examples are : " When I come back from school, she's very excited and annoying, perhaps she has had a bad day, perhaps not but it's not my problem !!!
With our sister, she's very nice, I wish she was like that to me.
If you talk to her, she always says " boys stink " and I find it's very rude because she gets really cocky and very annoying !
She can be really boring, but then so can everyone else.
Oh well, i've forgotten to say that she talks all the time ! but if I tell her, she doesn't believe me,
What's wrong with her? what's the matter?
She seems to be sweet but she's not nice to me, maybe she is nice to you? I hope so because otherwise she will get into trouble. Like I said, she gets cocky all the time, which is unfortunate but nevermind ...
Physically, she has nice brown eyes, she's thin and rather small (don't you think?),
Her hair are brown and medium long and she hasn’t got pale skin.
She likes to wear jeans, a t-shirt with a suite, and a big coat which is in my opinion horrible !
At last, the next time that you'll meet her ! Try to be sweet !
Oh ! i forgot ! she's friendly when she wants something...

How does that sound?

Edité par bridg le 12-11-2004 22:42

Réponse: re:Mistake? de bridg, postée le 2004-11-12 22:40:25 (S | E)
Nous ne faisons pas ici de traductions ni de corrections de pages web ici. Les seules demandes de traductions autorisées sont celles, moins longues, qui émanent d'un travail personnel et pour lesquelles l'auteur a déjà fait lui même une partie de ce travail.
Je te joins par MP

Réponse: re:Mistake? de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-15 09:50:40 (S | E)
en revanche je me suis 'amusé' à cliqué sur "traduire" lorsque les sites sont en langue étrangère, ce que j'ai obtenu était catastrophique, on ne comprenait rien à rien. c'est particulièrement le cas avec Yahoo !!

si la demande est motivée par des raisons educatives, pourquoi ne pas poposer notre aide?

Allez Bridg!!!



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