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Message de frederiquebain posté le 2004-11-20 22:05:27 (S | E | F | I)
Complétez par other ou others

1-I can't find

  • 2-Tell come as soon as they can

  • 3-I'll take two big boxes and you take the...............

  • 4-We need the............knives.These are too long

  • 5-. Can I have some...........?

  • Réponse: re:other ou others ? de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-20 22:17:08 (S | E)
    1-I can't find

    2-Tell the. come as soon as they can

    3-I'll take two big boxes and you take the...others............

    4-We need the...other.........knives.These are too long

    5-. Can I have some..others.........?

    J'espère que c'est bon !!

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de gorgayles, postée le 2004-11-20 22:22:49 (S | E)
    1-I can't find
    2-Tell the. come as soon as they can
    3-I'll take two big boxes and you take the...others............
    4-We need the...other.........knives.These are too long
    5-. Can I have some..others.........?

    pas trop de fautes j'espère
    merci a+

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de bridg, postée le 2004-11-20 22:31:39 (S | E)
    Je vois que Lucile revoit ses bases alors je tente

    1-I can't find the other tickets.
    2-Tell the others to come as soon as they can
    3-I'll take two big boxes and you take the others
    4-We need the other knives.These are too long
    5-. Can I have some others?

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de claire1, postée le 2004-11-21 12:01:47 (S | E)

    1) I can't find the other tickets
    2)tell the others to come as soon as they can
    3)I'II take two big boxes and you take the others
    4)we need the other knives,these are too long
    5) can J have some others ?


    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de joy813, postée le 2004-11-21 14:03:35 (S | E)
    Je tente ma chance aussi

    1-I can't find the other tickets.
    2-Tell the others to come as soon as they can
    3-I'll take two big boxes and you take the others
    4-We need the other knives.These are too long
    5-. Can I have some others ?

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de salsify, postée le 2004-11-21 14:12:10 (S | E)
    Complétez par other ou others

    1-I can't find

    2-Tell come as soon as they can

    3-I'll take two big boxes and you take the........others.......

    4-We need the..other..........knives.These are too long

    5-. Can I have some.....others......?

    Merci ! Une bonne révision ne fait pas de mal.

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de lyne, postée le 2004-11-21 16:17:21 (S | E)
    1-I can't find the other tickets.
    2-Tell the others to come as soon as they can
    3-I'll take two big boxes and you take the other
    4-We need the other knives.These are too long
    5-. Can I have some others ?

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-21 16:18:26 (S | E)
    corection/ Tout le monde a tout bon


    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de claire1, postée le 2004-11-21 23:03:18 (S | E)

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de sixa, postée le 2004-11-22 08:16:38 (S | E)
    Je me lance dans le second ...

    1-I can't find

    2-Tell come as soon as they can

    3-I'll take two big boxes and you take the...others............

    4-We need the...other.........knives.These are too long

    5-. Can I have some...other........?

    Edité par sixa le 2004-11-22 17:42:32

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-22 09:31:37 (S | E)
    pour sixa: c'est inverse

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de deroleloi, postée le 2004-11-22 09:48:31 (S | E)
    Date : 20/11/04, 22H05- Signaler un problème
    Complétez par other ou others

    1-I can't find

    2-Tell come as soon as they can

    3-I'll take two big boxes and you take the...others..........

    4-We need the...other.........knives.These are too long

    5-. Can I have some..others..?

    Edité par deroleloi le 2004-11-22 10:36:57

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de sixa, postée le 2004-11-22 13:45:16 (S | E)
    Comment ça c' est l' inverse ???
    Y a quelque chose que je ne pige pas (bof ce n' est pas la seule d' ailleurs .....mais cela va venir....)

    Edité par sixa le 2004-11-22 13:46:15

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de zen34, postée le 2004-11-23 14:10:00 (S | E)
    Quelle est la regle pour choisir entre other et others ?

    Merci, zen34.

    Edité par zen34 le 2004-11-23 14:12:56

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-23 17:27:19 (S | E)

    OTHER: Il est adjectif. Il ne prend jamais de S

  • the other boy: l'autre garçon

  • the other boys: les autres garçons

    OTHERS: c'est un pronom, il s'accorde au pluriel

  • where is the other? où est l'autre?

  • where are the others? Où sont les autres?

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de lalonico, postée le 2004-11-23 20:12:03 (S | E)

    the other tickets

    tell the others

    you take the others

    the other knives

    some others

    Is it correct ?

    Réponse: re:other ou others ? de zen34, postée le 2004-11-24 10:12:27 (S | E)
    Merci frederique, je comprends mieux maintenant.



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