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Phrasal verbs with"go".
Message de larenaudiere posté le 11-01-2005 à 05:22:40 (S | E | F | I)

Let's carry on with these extremely useful phrasal verbs.
Example:he has gone away with my keys.

1-Yuck,this milk stinks!I think It's gone__.
2-Do you think this bag goes__my jacket?.
3-Sorry,I'm late,the film went__longer than I thought.
4-The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they went__his bag,but they found nothing.
5-When couples have a baby they often have to go__a holiday for a year or two.
6-Carol was so angry,she went__without saying a word.I haven't seen her since.

Modifié par larenaudiere le 11-01-2005 05:24

Modifié par larenaudiere le 11-01-2005 05:26

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs with"go". de gewurz, postée le 11-01-2005 à 09:06:00 (S | E)
1-Yuck,this milk stinks!I think It's gone OFF.
2-Do you think this bag goes WITH my jacket?.
3-Sorry,I'm late,the film went ON longer than I thought.
4-The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they went THROUGH his bag,but they found nothing.
5-When couples have a baby they often have to go WITHOUT a holiday for a year or two.
6-Carol was so angry,she went OUT without saying a word. I haven't seen her since.

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs with"go". de joy813, postée le 11-01-2005 à 10:06:25 (S | E)
I've always had problems with phrasal verbs

1-Yuck,this milk stinks!I think It's gone off
2-Do you think this bag goes with my jacket?.
3-Sorry,I'm late,the film went on longer than I thought.
4-The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they went through his bag,but they found nothing.
5-When couples have a baby they often have to go without a holiday for a year or two.
6-Carol was so angry,she went away without saying a word.I haven't seen her since.

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs with de clarinette, postée le 11-01-2005 à 10:32:16 (S | E)

1-Yuck,this milk stinks!I think It's gone OFF.
2-Do you think this bag goes WITH my jacket?.
3-Sorry, I'm late, the film went ON longer than I thought.
4-The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they went THROUGH his bag, but they found nothing.
5-When couples have a baby they often have to go WITHOUT a holiday for a year or two.
6-Carol was so angry, she went OUT without saying a word. I haven't seen her since.

P.S. : puis-je en profiter pour faire la pub de mon
Oxford dictionary Phrasal verbs. excellent !

Edité par clarinette le 2005-01-11 10:33:47

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs with"go". de zen34, postée le 11-01-2005 à 11:04:44 (S | E)
Salut larenaudiere,

ça vaut bien 3 etoiles car sans le dico ce serait pas evident pour moi...

1-Yuck,this milk stinks!I think It's gone off.
2-Do you think this bag goes with my jacket?.
3-Sorry,I'm late,the film went on longer than I thought.
4-The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they went through his bag,but they found nothing.
5-When couples have a baby they often have to go without a holiday for a year or two.
6-Carol was so angry,she went out without saying a word.I haven't seen her since.

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs with"go". de larenaudiere, postée le 12-01-2005 à 09:27:02 (S | E)
Clarinette,you can advertise Oxford dictionary phrasal verbs.

Here is the correction with a few explanations.
It's good for me because I write in English,I do my best but you should correct my mistakes.
1-If good has gone off,you can't eat it.
2-If one thing looks good with another,It goes with it.
3-The film went on (continued) longer than I thought.
4-If you search something,you go through it.
5-If you go without something,you have to stop having something which you usually have.
6-She went off (left) without saying a word.
for your taking part in.

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs with"go". de clarinette, postée le 12-01-2005 à 09:37:05 (S | E)
Went OUT / when OFF
Oui, mais bien sur . Pourquoi pas. Le dictionnaire peut tout de même pas se mettre à réfléchir à ma place. Il n'a, de plus, pas mon imagination. Moi je voyais Carol sortir car j'ai tendance à claquer la porte et à partir à chaque fois que je suis contrariée.

J'attends la suite des exercices. larenaudiere

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs with"go". de gewurz, postée le 12-01-2005 à 10:19:03 (S | E)
Carol est peut-être sortie bouder dans une autre pièce/sa chambre et elle y restée depuis à écouter de la musique...

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