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Auxiliary verbs 2
Message de joy813 posté le 01-02-2005 à 09:53:47 (S | E | F | I)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, be, or have.

Ex: When were you born ?

1/ Where -----------she living at the moment ?
2/ ---------you ever been skiing ?
3/ What -------------you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I ----------------been waiting long".
5/ ---------he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she ---------had a bad day.
7/ This car -------manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children ----------enjoy it much.
9/ I -------------getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they ------------having an argument.

Enjoy it

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de grabuge, postée le 01-02-2005 à 10:12:02 (S | E)
Bonjour Joy

1/ Where is she living at the moment ?
2/ Have you ever been skiing ?
3/ What did you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I haven't been waiting long".
5/ Does he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she has had a bad day.
7/ This car was manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children don't enjoy it much.
9/ I am getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.


Edité par grabuge le 2005-02-01 10:26:36

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de larenaudiere, postée le 01-02-2005 à 10:14:08 (S | E)
1/ Where is she living at the moment ?
2/ Have you ever been skiing ?
3/ What did you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I haven't been waiting long".
5/ Does he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she has had a bad day.
7/ This car was manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children don't enjoy it much.
9/ I am getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de jo74, postée le 01-02-2005 à 11:58:51 (S | E)
1/ Where is she living at the moment ?
2/ Have you ever been skiing ?
3/ What did you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I haven't been waiting long".
5/ Does he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she has had a bad day.
7/ This car has manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children don't enjoy it much.
9/ I am getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.

joy ça fait bien réviser

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de pascaline, postée le 01-02-2005 à 12:37:40 (S | E)
/ Where is she living at the moment ?
2/ Have you ever been skiing ?
3/ What dd you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I haven't been waiting long".
5/ Does he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she had had a bad day.
7/ This car was manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children don't enjoy it much.
9/ I am getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.


Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de kamay, postée le 01-02-2005 à 13:17:02 (S | E)
1-Where is she living at the moment?

2-Have you ever been skiing?

3-What did you do last week?

4"I'm sorry I'm late. Don't worry. I haven't been waiting long."

5 Does he work in the same company as you?

6-She wasn't very happy because she has had a bad day.

7This car has manufactured in 1995.

8- We love going to the theatre but our children don't enjoy it.

9-Iam getting married in a few weeks.

10- When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.

Good exercice.

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de joy813, postée le 01-02-2005 à 14:29:02 (S | E)
vous êtes en grande forme aujourd'hui

Vous avez pratiquement tous mis un present perfect pour le n°6 ==> une autre possibilité existe (si cela vous rassure, j'avais choisi la même option que vous en faisant l'exercice)

Pascaline : 1 faute de frappe au n°3
Jo: n°7 ==> non
Kamay: n°7 ==> non et 1 faute de frappe au n° 9

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de felin, postée le 01-02-2005 à 14:54:07 (S | E)
Bonjour Joy

1/ Where is she living at the moment ?
2/ Have you ever been skiing ?
3/ What did you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I haven't been waiting long".
5/ Does he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she has had a bad day.
7/ This car was manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children don't enjoy it much.
9/ I am getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.


Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de floral5, postée le 01-02-2005 à 16:34:41 (S | E)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, be, or have.

Ex: When were you born ?

1/ Where -----does------she living at the moment ?
2/ ---Have------you ever been skiing ?
3/ What -did- you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I -haven't-been waiting long".
5/ -Does- he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she -has- had a bad day.
7/ This car ---was- manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children -don't- enjoy it much.
9/ I ----have---getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they ---had--having an argument.

Edité par joy813 le 02-02-2005 10:55
Floral, attention au present continuous ! (1 - 9 - 10 ) ==> be + verbe en ing

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de lyne, postée le 01-02-2005 à 18:04:46 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci,

1/ Where is she living at the moment ?
2/ Have you ever been skiing ?
3/ What did you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I haven’t been waiting long".
5/ Does he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she had had a bad day.
7/ This car was manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children don’t enjoy it much.
9/ I am getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de gewurz, postée le 01-02-2005 à 22:38:20 (S | E)
1/ Where is she living at the moment ?
2/ have you ever been skiing ?
3/ What did you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I haven't been waiting long".
5/ Did/does/will he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she had had a bad day.
7/ This car was manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children don't enjoy it much.
9/ I am getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.

Merci Joy.

Edité par gewurz le 2005-02-01 22:39:31

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de joy813, postée le 02-02-2005 à 11:02:46 (S | E)
You've done a good job

Here is the correction :

1/ Where is she living at the moment ?
2/ Have you ever been skiing ?
3/ What did you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I haven't been waiting long".
5/ Does/Did he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she had/has had a bad day.
7/ This car was manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children don't enjoy it much.
9/ I am getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.

Thanks for your participation

Réponse: re:Auxiliary verbs 2 de floral5, postée le 02-02-2005 à 11:44:13 (S | E)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, be, or have.

Ex: When were you born ?

1/ Where is she living at the moment ?
2/ Have you ever been skiing ?
3/ What did you do last weekend ?
4/ "I'm sorry I'm late". "Don't worry. I haven't been waiting long".
5/ Does he work in the same company as you ?
6/ She wasn't very happy because she has had a bad day.
7/ This car was manufactured in 1995.
8/We love going to the theatre but our children don't enjoy it much.
9/ I am getting married in a few weeks.
10/ When I arrived at my neighbour's house, they were having an argument.

to joy813

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