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'transparent' not so transparen
Message de jardin62 posté le 03-03-2005 à 10:02:19 (S | E | F | I)

Let's talk about the trap every listener would like to avoid !
"Transparent" words can be more difficult to understand than one might think!
ex: The spoken word chocolate klt bears very little resemblance to the French chocolat
... Difficult for learners to recognize and interpret very well known words when spoken!

*Three reasons for that :
1-missing syllables ( chocolate, interesting...)
2- unexpected vowels ( , / psychiatrist, knife, the /p/ disappears
-ed in "refused to ( the middle /d/ disappears), etc.
3- The so-called "transparent words" are no easier, even harder to identify aurally than words that have nothing in common with the learners' own language.

- Don't worry at first about what you don't hear. Concentrate on what you hear, i.e, the consonants and the stressed vowels.
Play with the syllables that stand out: if you distinctly recognize DIG, make a list of words it might belong to - the verb DIG itself, but also DIGnify, DIGnity, inDIGnant...

Try with JUST...JUST could be JUST, or part of JUSTify, JUSTice, adJUSTment.

Have a go with COM! ...........
COMma, COMbat, COMment, COMpact, acCOMmodate, inCOMpetent...

- Practise saying lists of words with the same ending and therefore the same stress pattern in order to engrave the rhythm in your mind:
DIGnity, EQuity, SANity, soLIDity, raPIDity, inTEGrity; DIGnify, JUSTify, PACify, soLIDify, perSONify, exEMPlify.

In these two series, the stress patterns are identical, so the most salient (=> projected) syllable is the same in related words. However, the difference is clearly heard in the final vowel, i/ in ity / ai/ in ify.

Moreover, in context, the -ity words will fill a noun slot and the -ify words a verb slot.

**I will let you 'swallow' this... and give you 2 other practical suggestions later on.
to those who have given time to this summary of an article from Ruth Huart I've found in a magazine. (Ruth Huart is University professor/ She writes extensively on the links between phonetics and grammar)

Réponse: 'transparent' not so transparen de serena, postée le 04-03-2005 à 04:16:13 (S | E)
to you Jardin, for letting us share all this with you.

Réponse: \'transparent\' not so transpar de jardin62, postée le 04-03-2005 à 05:29:53 (S | E)
And many to you for reading all that! ( a bit boring sometimes , but to me so important as a help.)

Réponse: \'transparent\' not so transpar de jardin62, postée le 05-03-2005 à 15:42:58 (S | E)
In the post, I was mentionning lists to build with words having the same ending and therefore the same stress patterns in order to get used to the rhythm. Think of saying these as if they were nursery rhymes. The stressed pattern is always the same in that list of 14 words.

:etoile:DIGnity- EQuity- SANity- PARity- ODDity- POLity- QUANTity- QUALity- RARity- CHARity- TENSity- GRAVity- PURity- CAVity-

*Make sure while saying them aloud to insist on the Ist vowel: the final
-ity being 'weak'.
** To be remembered: The / 'ITY WORDS / (in context) will fill a NOUN slot. That's interesting to know in order to understand a spoken message better.

See you later!

Réponse: \'transparent\' not so transpar de constance, postée le 06-03-2005 à 15:50:07 (S | E)
Hey Jardin,

Love your tips! Really great suggestion to work on pronunciation and stress in particular, which really doesn't come easy for a Franch native speaker.

Réponse: \'transparent\' not so transpar de constance, postée le 06-03-2005 à 15:50:13 (S | E)
Hey Jardin,

Love your tips! Really great suggestion to work on pronunciation and stress in particular, which really doesn't come easy for a Franch native speaker.

Réponse: \'transparent\' not so transpar de constance, postée le 06-03-2005 à 15:50:20 (S | E)
Hey Jardin,

Love your tips! Really great suggestion to work on pronunciation and stress in particular, which really doesn't come easy for a Franch native speaker.

Réponse: \'transparent\' not so transpar de constance, postée le 06-03-2005 à 15:51:47 (S | E)
Hey Jardin,

Love your tips! Really great suggestion to work on pronunciation and stress in particular, which really doesn't come easy for a French native speaker.

Réponse: \'transparent\' not so transpar de constance, postée le 06-03-2005 à 15:52:07 (S | E)
Hey Jardin,

Love your tips! Really great suggestion to work on pronunciation and stress in particular, which really doesn't come easy for a French native speaker.

Réponse: \'transparent\' not so transpar de jardin62, postée le 11-03-2005 à 11:01:41 (S | E)
(' Never surrender, girl! my father used to tell me - It's out of the question, dad', I used to reply).

- List of -ITY words (stress on the second syllable/ Pronunciation = )

*soLIDity- raPIDity- inTEGRity- aRIDity- feROCity- fiDELity- aBILity- feLICity- obSCURity- faTALity- huMILity- obsCENity- caPACity- uTILity- moDERNity- simPLICity- priORity- reALity- limPIDity- vaLIDity- naSALity- joVIALity- moRALity- morTALity- leGALity- adVERSity- viTALity- neuTRALity- iMMUNity- obsCURity- viVACity- chroNICity- ...


- List of -IFY words( Pronunciation= ):
* SIMplify- JUSTify- PACify- MUMMify- SATisfy- VIVify- LIQUify- AERify- PERSONify- SOLIDify- MORTify- eXEMPLify-
- List of -IZE words: (Pronunciation
* SYNCHRONize- JOURNALize- AGONize- JEOPARDize- IMMUNize- VISUALize- MORALize- LEGALize- NEUTRALize- VITALize- NASALize- PENALize from PENALty)- JUDAize- FATALize- UTILize- MODERNize- REALize- but myTHOLOGize-

- 1 list of -ITY words => pattern: DIGnity
+ pronunciation =>
-1 list of -ITY words =>pattern : soLIDity
+ pronunciation =>
-----> -ITY words = NOUNS
- 1 list of -IFY words
=> pronunciation
-1 list of -IZE words => pronunciation
----- > -IFY & -IZE words = VERBS
Je m'en sors! et à ceux qui m'accompagneront! ( Euh... quelle mouche m'a piquée? = je ne sais pas le dire en anglais: => What was the matter with me? et non 'Sky? which fly was it that I was stung by?'
let's hope my 'JONES' (an old campaigner!) is still up to date.
'With all my fiDELity as well as my huMILity - jardin-

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