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Exercice 62 'Articles'
Message de felin posté le 24-01-2006 à 14:03:38 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Samedi soir ou Dimanche matin. 28,29/01/06

A day in the life of an ordinary man.

Complete the paragraph below with a, an, the or no article.

This morning, I woke up around ten, I made ……………. (1) cup of coffee, took it into …………….. (2) bedroom and put it on …………….(3) table next to …....... (4) bed, on ……………. (5) side my wife sleeps on. I go through this ritual twice ……………. (6) week- I do it on ………… (7) Saturday and …………………. (8) Sunday mornings. On ………….(9) other days of …………………… (10) week, we go to …........ (11) work at different times and I always get up first to get ………………. (12) kids ready for …………….. (13) school. I drop them off outside ………… (14) school which is an old Victorian building on the corner of ………. (15) Hill Road, and then go straight to ……….. (16) work.
I work in …………………… (17) office in …………………. (18) city centre and I always have ………. (19) problem finding ……..... (20) parking space. My wife says I’m always complaining about …….(21) traffic and the pollution, which is true- you see, I grew up in ……….. (22) country, close to …………. (23) nature and I have never got used to living in ………..(24) city. I think the only thing I would miss about living in…….. (25) big city like this is going to …………… (26) concerts of all kinds. I love rock and classical music, too, and especially going to ……........ (27) cinema, which I am particularly keen on. I also like …............ (28) good food and occasionally we go out and have ……………. (29) dinner in a nice restaurant, but most of the time we eat at ………….. (30) home, where the food is delicious- except when I make it !

Good luck.
Voila c'est le dernier exercice car je pars en vacances dans 6 jours.

Réponse: Exercice 62 'Articles' de bobine, postée le 24-01-2006 à 18:00:20 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

This morning, I woke up around ten, I made a (1) cup of coffee, took it into the (2) bedroom and put it on the (3) table next to the (4) bed, on the (5) side my wife sleeps on. I go through this ritual twice a (6) week- I do it on (7) Saturday and (8) Sunday mornings. On the(9) other days of the (10) week, we go to (11) work at different times and I always get up first to get the (12) kids ready for (13) school. I drop them off outside the (14) school which is an old Victorian building on the corner of (15) Hill Road, and then go straight to (16) work.
I work in an (17) office in the (18) city centre and I always have (19) problem finding a (20) parking space. My wife says I’m always complaining about the (21) traffic and the pollution, which is true- you see, I grew up in the (22) country, close to (23) nature and I have never got used to living in (24) city. I think the only thing I would miss about living in a (25) big city like this is going to (26) concerts of all kinds. I love rock and classical music, too, and especially going to the (27) cinema, which I am particularly keen on. I also like (28) good food and occasionally we go out and have (29) dinner in a nice restaurant, but most of the time we eat at (30) home, where the food is delicious- except when I make it !

Réponse: Exercice 62 'Articles' de crayon, postée le 24-01-2006 à 18:01:02 (S | E)
7-no article
8-no article
11-no article
13-no article
19-no article
26-no article
28-no article
29-no article
30-no article

Réponse: Exercice 62 'Articles' de nanette33, postée le 24-01-2006 à 18:06:39 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

This morning, I woke up around ten, I made a cup of coffee, took it into the bedroom and put it on the table next to the bed, on the side my wife sleeps on. I go through this ritual twice a week- I do it on X Saturday and X Sunday mornings. On X other days of the week, we go to X work at different times and I always get up first to get the kids ready for X school. I drop them off outside the school which is an old Victorian building on the corner of X Hill Road, and then go straight to X work.
I work in an office in the city centre and I always have a problem finding a parking space. My wife says I’m always complaining about the traffic and the pollution, which is true- you see, I grew up in the country, close to the nature and I have never got used to living in the city. I think the only thing I would miss about living in a big city like this is going to X concerts of all kinds. I love rock and classical music, too, and especially going to the cinema, which I am particularly keen on. I also like the good food and occasionally we go out and have a dinner in a nice restaurant, but most of the time we eat at X home, where the food is delicious- except when I make it !

The last, but a good exercise !

Réponse: Exercice 62 'Articles' de isa71, postée le 24-01-2006 à 23:36:33 (S | E)
Hello Mimi

Tu vas me manquer!!profites bien

This morning, I woke up around ten, I made a cup of coffee, took it into the bedroom and put it on the table next to the bed, on the side my wife sleeps on. I go through this ritual twice the week- I do it on Saturday and Sunday mornings. On other days of the week, we go to work at different times and I always get up first to get the kids ready for the school. I drop them off outside school which is an old Victorian building on the corner of Hill Road, and then go straight to work.
I work in an office in the city centre and I always have a problem finding parking space. My wife says I’m always complaining about the traffic and the pollution, which is true- you see, I grew up in country, close to the nature and I have never got used to living in a city. I think the only thing I would miss about living in a big city like this is going to concerts of all kinds. I love rock and classical music, too, and especially going to the cinema, which I am particularly keen on. I also like a good food and occasionally we go out and have a dinner in a nice restaurant, but most of the time we eat at home, where the food is delicious- except when I make it!


Réponse: Exercice 62 'Articles' de coucou80, postée le 26-01-2006 à 12:27:08 (S | E)

This morning, I woke up around ten, I made …a…………. (1) cup of coffee, took it into ………the…….. (2) bedroom and put it on …………the….(3) table next to …the....... (4) bed, on the……………. (5) side my wife sleeps on. I go through this ritual twice …………the…. (6) week- I do it on ………0… (7) Saturday and ………………0…. (8) Sunday mornings. On ……the…….(9) other days of ……………the……… (10) week, we go to … (11) work at different times and I always get up first to get ……………the…. (12) kids ready for …………….0. (13) school. I drop them off outside ………the… (14) school which is an old Victorian building on the corner of ………the. (15) Hill Road, and then go straight to ………the.. (16) work.
I work in ……………an……… (17) office in ………the…………. (18) city centre and I always have ……no…. (19) problem finding the……..... (20) parking space. My wife says I’m always complaining about the…….(21) traffic and the pollution, which is true- you see, I grew up in ……….the. (22) country, close to the…………. (23) nature and I have never got used to living in the………..(24) city. I think the only thing I would miss about living inthe…….. (25) big city like this is going to …no………… (26) concerts of all kinds. I love rock and classical music, too, and especially going to the……........ (27) cinema, which I am particularly keen on. I also like …no............ (28) good food and occasionally we go out and have
no……………. (29) dinner in a nice restaurant, but most of the time we eat at …
no……….. (30) home, where the food is delicious- except when I make it !

Réponse: Exercice 62 'Articles' de port58, postée le 27-01-2006 à 08:48:41 (S | E)

C'est pour où les vacances si ce n'est pas trop indiscret ?
alors :

This morning, I woke up around ten, I made a (1) cup of coffee, took it into the (2) bedroom and put it on the (3) table next to the (4) bed, on the (5) side my wife sleeps on. I go through this ritual twice a (6) week- I do it on (7) Saturday and (8) Sunday mornings. On (9) other days of the (10) week, we go to (11) work at different times and I always get up first to get (12) kids ready for (13) school. I drop them off outside (14) school which is an old Victorian building on the corner of (15) Hill Road, and then go straight to (16) work.
I work in an (17) office in the (18) city centre and I always have (19) problem finding a (20) parking space. My wife says I’m always complaining about the(21) traffic and the pollution, which is true- you see, I grew up in a (22) country, close to (23) nature and I have never got used to living in a (24) city. I think the only thing I would miss about living in a (25) big city like this is going to (26) concerts of all kinds. I love rock and classical music, too, and especially going to the (27) cinema, which I am particularly keen on. I also like (28) good food and occasionally we go out and have a (29) dinner in a nice restaurant, but most of the time we eat at (30) home, where the food is delicious- except when I make it !

Réponse: Exercice 62 'Articles' de cat3, postée le 27-01-2006 à 10:01:36 (S | E)
Merci Felin,et bonnes vacances
On sera contents de vous revoir dans un mois

28-29-30 / 0

Réponse: Exercice 62 'Articles' de felin, postée le 28-01-2006 à 18:31:17 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction

This morning, I woke up around ten, I made a (1) cup of coffee, took it into the (2) bedroom and put it on the (3) table next to the (4) bed, on the (5) side my wife sleeps on. I go through this ritual twice a (6) week- I do it on no article (7) Saturday and no article (8) Sunday mornings. On the (9) other days of the (10) week, we go to no article (11) work at different times and I always get up first to get the (12) kids ready for no article (13) school. I drop them off outside the (14) school which is an old Victorian building on the corner of no article (15) Hill Road, and then go straight to no article (16) work.
I work in an (17) office in the (18) city centre and I always have a (19) problem finding a (20) parking space. My wife says I’m always complaining about the (21) traffic and the pollution, which is true- you see, I grew up in the (22) country, close to no article (23) nature and I have never got used to living in the (24) city. I think the only thing I would miss about living in a (25) big city like this is going to no article (26) concerts of all kinds. I love rock and classical music, too, and especially going to the (27) cinema, which I am particularly keen on. I also like no article (28) good food and occasionally we go out and have no article (29) dinner in a nice restaurant, but most of the time we eat at no article (30)home, where the food is delicious- except when I make it !

pour votre participation. crayon et port58
Merci a vous tous et see you next month.

Modifié par felin le 28-01-2006 20:00

Réponse: Exercice 62 'Articles' de port58, postée le 29-01-2006 à 08:50:39 (S | E)
Merci felin

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