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Water Safe
Message de werriy58 posté le 18-05-2005 à 14:33:41 (S | E | F | I)

Hi everybody,
Is it true that water safe would become difficult in the next decades.
If true, why? And what caution or disposal for mankind to take for his survival? Good luck. See you soon. Werriy58

Réponse: Water Safe de aimen7, postée le 18-05-2005 à 19:44:02 (S | E)
hello werryi,
I think you mean "safe water " or "potable water". For a water to be safe depends on the area. Fortunately the water we drink is regularly tested. I mean the bacteriological and chemical content of the water is analysed.
If it continues for the next decades, to be tested and said to be suitable for drinking we are safe.

Réponse: Water Safe de werriy58, postée le 18-05-2005 à 21:32:42 (S | E)
Hello aimen7,
Thank you aimen7. Allow me to clarify. I wonna say rather than, the domestic water that we can drink, use for our bath, wash house, wash clothes, wash the dishes etc. Because this water is difference to sea water. You know one day I was watching the French TV 5 which was giving explanation about this subjet that in the next decades, we would have the serious problem in our planet with the domestic water; because rains would be decrease and others factors could disrupt ecologic system of the earth; so that domestic water would become very difficult. TV 5 gave explanation about the water drink, bath and use for wash by one person a day in Europa, Asia, Australia, Africa and America.
Thus aimen7 water we drink is regularly tested. You mean the bacteriological and chemical content of the water is analysed. If it continues for the next decades to be tested and said to be suitable for drinking we are safe. Yes aimen7 but if unfortunately this water to be tested decreases what would happen for the mankind? That is the question please. Thank you to be interest to the topic and asked me to clarify aimen7. See you soon. Werriy.

Réponse: Water Safe de aussie, postée le 19-05-2005 à 08:11:14 (S | E)
hello every body,
our friend " werriy58 " has highlighted burning topic of present erra.
As per statistics:-
-fresh water has decreased by 70% .
-water covers almost three quarter of the earth's surface, but only
a fraction of it is fresh water supply.
-Of more than 6 billion people on earth today, about 1.2 billion lack
access to potable or fresh water.
Earth day was celebrated on 22nd April, 2005. Global warning and
fresh water supply were the main issue. But it has been observed that
there was more stress on Fresh water on that day.
Many societies have been formed around the word to preserve the plants, animals and other natural communities that represent the
diversity of life on earth by protecting the land and water they need to survive.
Every one is aware of our negligence for wasting this precious and mendatory gift of god. But still we never care. And leave the tap open
while brushing our teeth. This is the act which wastes maximum quantity
of water evert day.
There are many ways to save this declining source. This is another
topic for information and discussion.

Réponse: Water Safe de werriy58, postée le 19-05-2005 à 14:03:03 (S | E)
Hello Aussie,
Yes indeed you have understand very well this topic of present erea and you have more information about the topic. Thanks a lot. We are waiting for the information and discussion of our friendship. See you soon. Werriy58.

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