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'Do' or 'Make'
Message de grabuge posté le 06-07-2005 à 15:54:42 (S | E | F | I)

Dans les phrases suivantes, mettre le verbe manquant, soit "do", soit "make" au temps qui convient.

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to -- my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I -- it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you -- for living ?
4. I'm going to -- shopping.
5. The children like to -- cake decorations.
6 Can you -- me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I -- my best !
8. You expect me to -- everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I -- three suggestions and left it to him to -- the final decision.
10 It's not nice to --- fun of her.
11. I'm going to -- an appointment to see the doctor.

La correction pour samedi.

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de felin, postée le 06-07-2005 à 16:09:18 (S | E)
Dear Grabuge

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to do my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I made it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you doing for living ?
4. I'm going to do shopping.
5. The children like to make cake decorations.
6 Can you do me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I did my best !
8. You expect me to do everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I made three suggestions and left it to him to make the final decision.
10 It's not nice to make fun of her.
11. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doctor.


J'ai oublie de completer la derniere phrase
Edité par felin le 06-07-2005 17:33

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de joy813, postée le 06-07-2005 à 16:45:45 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to do my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I did it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you doing f or living ?
4. I'm going to do shopping.
5. The children like to make cake decorations.
6 Can you do me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I did my best !
8. You expect me to do everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I made three suggestions and left it to him to make the final decision.
10 It's not nice to make fun of her.
11. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doctor.

, Grabuge

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de samia51, postée le 06-07-2005 à 17:20:41 (S | E)
Bonjour Grabuge

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to DO my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I MADE it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you DOING for living ?
4. I'm going to DO shopping.
5. The children like to MAKE cake decorations.
6 Can you DO me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I DID my best !
8. You expect me to DO everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I MADE three suggestions and left it to him to MAKE the final decision.
10 It's not nice to MAKE fun of her.
11. I'm going to MAKE an appointment to see the doctor.

Edité par samia51 le 06-07-2005 18:33

Edité par samia51 le 06-07-2005 18:35

Edité par samia51 le 06-07-2005 18:36

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de floral5, postée le 06-07-2005 à 17:54:46 (S | E)
Hello !

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to do my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I have made it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you doing for living ?
4. I'm going to make shopping.
5. The children like to make cake decorations.
6 Can you make me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I made my best !
8. You expect me to do everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I made three suggestions and left it to him to make the final decision.
10 It's not nice to do fun of her.
11. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doctor.


Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de alextrem, postée le 06-07-2005 à 22:36:43 (S | E)
1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to DO my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I MADE it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you DOING for living ?
4. I'm going to do shopping.
5. The children like to MAKE cake decorations.
6 Can you DO me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I DID my best !
8. You expect me to DO everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I MADE three suggestions and left it to him to MAKE the final decision.
10 It's not nice to MAKE fun of her.
11. I'm going to MAKE an appointment to see the doctor.

Hum... sans conviction,tout à l'oreille !!!
Merci Grabuge !

Edité par alextrem le 06-07-2005 22:38

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de marit64, postée le 07-07-2005 à 03:48:01 (S | E)
Hi grabuge!

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to do my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I made it myself.
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you doing for living ?
4. I'm going to do shopping.
5. The children like to make cake decorations.
6 Can you do me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I did my best !
8. You expect me to do everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. I've made three suggestions and left it to him to make the final decision.
10 It's not nice to make fun of her.
11. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doctor.

for your exercise!

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de hyppoblue, postée le 07-07-2005 à 09:30:48 (S | E)
Good morning all,

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to -do- my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I -made- it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you -doing- for living ?
4. I'm going to -do- shopping.
5. The children like to -make- cake decorations.
6 Can you -do- me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I -did- my best !
8. You expect me to -do- everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I -made- three suggestions and left it to him to -make- the final decision.
10 It's not nice to -make- fun of her.
11. I'm going to -make- an appointment to see the doctor.


Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de jeanmi, postée le 07-07-2005 à 10:34:57 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge,

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to do my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I madeit myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you doing for living ?
4. I'm going to do shopping.
5. The children like to make cake decorations.
6 Can you do me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I did my best !
8. You expect me to do everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I did three suggestions and left it to him to make the final decision.
10 It's not nice to make fun of her.
11. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doctor.

Grabuge for this exercise and honestly for two or three of them I am not completely sure of my answers...

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de zen34, postée le 07-07-2005 à 10:49:34 (S | E)
Salut Grabuge,

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to do my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I made it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you doing for living ?
4. I'm going to do shopping.
5. The children like to make cake decorations.
6 Can you do me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I did my best !
8. You expect me to do everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I made three suggestions and left it to him to make the final decision.
10 It's not nice to make fun of her.
11. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doctor.

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de aster, postée le 07-07-2005 à 13:21:43 (S | E)
merci d'avance de vos corrections
have a nice day

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to DO my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I MADE it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you DOING for living ?
4. I'm going to DO shopping.
5. The children like to MAKE cake decorations.
6 Can you MAKE me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I DID my best !
8. You expect me to DO everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I DID three suggestions and left it to him to MAKE the final decision.
10 It's not nice to MAKE fun of her.
11. I'm going to MAKE an appointment to see the doctor.

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de magmatic_rock, postée le 07-07-2005 à 13:37:45 (S | E)
Coucou gabruge,

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to do my homework.
2. Do you like my new dress ? I made it myself
3. I'm an accoutant. What are you doing for living ?
4. I'm going to do shopping.
5. The children like to make cake decorations.
6 Can you make me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
7. I didn't win the competition but I did my best !
8. You expect me to do everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I did three suggestions and left it to him to make the final decision.
10 It's not nice to make fun of her.
11. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doctor

Edité par magmatic_rock le 08-07-2005 13:26
en rose sont mes corrections apportées après avoir lu ton lien, merci encore.

Réponse: 'Do' or 'Make' de grabuge, postée le 12-07-2005 à 08:49:00 (S | E)
Hello, voici la correction

1. Oh, I forgot ! I have to do my homework.
- On dit aussi : do our housework - do a job - do an exam - do shopping
2. Do you like my new dress ? I made it myself
- We use make for many creative activities :
- She makes her own clothes - He made a beautiful hat.

3. I'm an accoutant. What are you doing for living ?
4. I'm going to do shopping.
5. The children like to make cake decorations.
6 Can you do me a favour and take the rubbish out ?
- Voici quelques expressions utilisées avec do :
- She does a lot of harm - She always does favour for her collegues
- Do something well/badly - Do our best - Do something right/wrong
Do the minimum/the maximum - Do damage

7. I didn't win the competition but I did my best !
8. You expect me to do everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up
9. 'I made three suggestions and left it to him to make the final decision.
- Make est utilisé pour décrire ce que nous faisons lorsque nous parlons :
- make an offer (I'll pay $500 for your car), an appointment, a promise, a threat, a compromise, a suggestion, a mistake, a decision, a point, a complaint, an excuse

10 It's not nice to make fun of her.
11. I'm going to make an appointment to see the doctor.
On utilise make également :
Make a fuss, a fortune, money, a profit/a loss, a journey, an effort, progress, a mess, a telephone call, a choice

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