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Verb+world and adjective+world etc.
Message de felin posté le 18-07-2005 à 17:33:33 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous.

Correction Vendredi ou Samedi soir

. 1 Verb + world
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, destroy, take over, see

1. As a young man I wanted to ........... the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to ...........the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of........... the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have ............the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

2. Adjective + world
Complete these sentences with the above adjectives:
a changing, an ideal, the outside, a safer, the whole.

1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the ........... world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a ........... world.
3. We live in a rapidly ........... world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ........... world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the ........... world.

3. World + noun
Complete these sentences with the above nouns: affairs, peace, authority,record.
1. Dr Voits, a world ........... on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world ........... when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world .......... you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world ...........

Please j'aimerai savoir si vous aimez ce genre des exercices car je voudrais savoir merci et n'hesitez pas.

Edité par felin le 18-07-2005 19:28

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de joy813, postée le 18-07-2005 à 18:13:59 (S | E)
Hello Felin

1. As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of destroy the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have take over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the whole world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a safer world.
3. We live in a rapidly changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the outside world.

1. Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world peace

yes Felin, I like it, but it's a bit too long

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de post-scriptum, postée le 18-07-2005 à 18:16:59 (S | E)
Bonsoir Felin,

1. As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of destroying the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have taken over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the whole world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a safer world.
3. We live in a rapidly changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the outside world.

1. Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world peace.

En vérité, ma chère Felin, j'aime tous tes exercices.
Merci, et à bientôt.

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de jane, postée le 18-07-2005 à 21:31:39 (S | E)
Bonsoir Felin

Aller, une petite révision avant mon départ.....

1 Verb + world

1. As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of destroy the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have take over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

2. Adjective + world

1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the whole world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a safer world.
3. We live in a rapidly changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the outside world.

3. World + noun

1. Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world peace

Felin! J'ai trouvé ces exercices plutôt faciles et donc très adaptés la période estivale!
A bientôt!

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de magmatic_rock, postée le 18-07-2005 à 21:56:20 (S | E)
Coucou Félin,

. 1 Verb + world
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, destroy, take over, see

1. As a young man I wanted to change the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to see the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of destroy the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have took over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

2. Adjective + world
Complete these sentences with the above adjectives:
a changing, an ideal, the outside, a safer, the whole.
1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the whole world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a safer world.
3. We live in a rapidly changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the outside world.

3. World + noun
Complete these sentences with the above nouns: affairs, peace, authority,record.
1. Dr Voits, a world autority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world peace.

Personnellement oui j'ai bien aimé ton exercice.

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de jardin62, postée le 18-07-2005 à 22:05:42 (S | E)
Hello felin!

1- As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down.
2- Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3- Man is the only creature capable of destroying the world.
4- Fast food outlets seem to have taken over the world...

1- As the only survivor of the crash, I felt the luckiest man in the whole world.
2- We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a safer world.
3- We live in a rapidly changing world...
4- In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.
5- ...They are completely cut off from the outside world.

1- Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2- Maurice Green broke his own world record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3- If you want to broaden your knowledge of world affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4- The recent increase in terrorism is a rel threat to world peace.


Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de grabuge, postée le 18-07-2005 à 22:13:33 (S | E)
Hello felin

1. As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of. destroying the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have taken over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the whole world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a a safer world.
3. We live in a rapidly changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the outside world.

3. World + noun
Complete these sentences with the above nouns: affairs, peace, authority,record.
1. Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world peace

Tes exercices m'intéressent toujours, celui-ci comme les autres.

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de fik, postée le 19-07-2005 à 11:41:38 (S | E)
Verb + world
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, destroy, take over, see

1. As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of..destroy the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have ......... take over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

2. Adjective + world
Complete these sentences with the above adjectives:
a changing, an ideal, the outside, a safer, the whole.
1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the ....whole world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a ...........safer world.
3. We live in a rapidly ...........changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ..ideal. world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the ..outside. world.

3. World + noun
Complete these sentences with the above nouns: affairs, peace, authority,record.
1. Dr Voits, a world ..........authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world ...record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world .......... affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world peace

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de fik, postée le 19-07-2005 à 11:59:27 (S | E)
Re je corrige une partie, j'ai voulu le faire sur ma première réponse mais impossible de le faire. De plus je voulais mettre en exergue mes réponses, mais à priori c'est raté. Je manque encore d'expérience.

1. As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of..destroying the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have taking over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

Merci pour ces exo. J'essairais d'être plus performante next time

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de zen34, postée le 19-07-2005 à 14:17:57 (S | E)

. 1 Verb + world
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, destroy, take over, see

1. As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of destroying the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have taken over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

2. Adjective + world
Complete these sentences with the above adjectives:
a changing, an ideal, the outside, a safer, the whole.
1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the whole world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a safer world.
3. We live in a rapidly changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the outside world.

3. World + noun
Complete these sentences with the above nouns: affairs, peace, authority,record.
1. Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world peace

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de kathleen, postée le 19-07-2005 à 19:58:34 (S | E)
Bonsoir Felin!

1 Verb + world

1. As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of destroying the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have taken over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

2. Adjective + world

1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the whole world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a safer world.
3. We live in a rapidly changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the outside world.

3. World + noun

1. Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world peace .

Felin. C'est très interéssant comme exercice.
J'ai adoré ça.

Réponse: Verb+world and adjective+world etc. de felin, postée le 23-07-2005 à 00:05:48 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction.

1. As a young man I wanted to see the world before I settled down. That's why I went off to Australia and New Zealand.
2. Like many young people, my son is very idealistic and he wants to change the world and make it a better place.
3. Man is the only creature capable of destroying the world.
4. Fast food outlets seem to have taken over the world. You'll find burgers and fries in almost every corner of the planet.

1. As the only survivor of the crash, I felt I was the luckiest man in the whole world.
2. We must get rid of nuclear weapons to guarantee our children a safer world.
3. We live in a rapidly changing world and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed.
4. In an ideal world, no one would go hungry.
5. The people on this small island have no telephones or radios - they are completely cut off from the outside world.


1. Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.
2. Maurice Green broke his own world record when he won the 100 metres at the Olympics.
3. If you want to broaden your knowledge of world affairs you should read a newspaper every day.
4. The recent increase in terrorism is a real threat to world peace.

pour votre participation.

Je vous remercie beaucoup de m'avoir repondu.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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