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'too,too much,too many'?
Message de kenzo45 posté le 29-08-2005 à 19:56:20 (S | E | F | I)

Complète les phrases suivantes avec "too,too much ou too many"

1/I think my teachers are ( ) strict.
2/There are ( ) football matches on television.
3/Peter works ( ):he's going to be sick.
4/We've got ( ) exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is ( ) small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's ( ) sugar in it.
good luck!

Edité par bridg le 29-08-2005 19:58
correction par MP

Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de grabuge, postée le 29-08-2005 à 20:39:34 (S | E)

1/I think my teachers are too strict.
2/There are too many football matches on television.
3/Peter works too much : he's going to be sick.
4/We've got too many exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is too small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's too much sugar in it

Merci Kenzo

Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de marit64, postée le 29-08-2005 à 20:56:28 (S | E)
Hi kenzo!

1/I think my teachers are too strict.
2/There are too many football matches on television.
3/Peter works too much:he's going to be sick.
4/We've got too many exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is too small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's too much sugar in it.

for your exercise!

Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de joy813, postée le 29-08-2005 à 21:04:09 (S | E)

1/I think my teachers are too strict.
2/There are too many football matches on television.
3/Peter works too much :he's going to be sick.
4/We've got too many exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is too small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's too much sugar in it.


Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de isa71, postée le 29-08-2005 à 21:56:19 (S | E)

1/I think my teachers are too strict.
2/There are too many football matches on television.
3/Peter works too much:he's going to be sick.
4/We've got too many exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is too small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's too much sugar in it.


Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de magmatic_rock, postée le 29-08-2005 à 22:12:39 (S | E)
1/I think my teachers are too strict.
2/There are too many football matches on television.
3/Peter works too much:he's going to be sick.
4/We've got too many exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is too small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's too much sugar in it.

Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de kathleen, postée le 29-08-2005 à 23:41:07 (S | E)
Hello Kenzo!

1/I think my teachers are too strict.
2/There are too many football matches on television.
3/Peter works too much:he's going to be sick.
4/We've got too many exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is too small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's too much sugar in it.


Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de to-be-free, postée le 30-08-2005 à 09:06:09 (S | E)
1/I think my teachers are too strict.
2/There are too many football matches on television.
3/Peter works too much:he's going to be sick.
4/We've got too many exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is too small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's too much sugar in it.

Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de cat3, postée le 30-08-2005 à 09:37:02 (S | E)
bonjour Kenzo

2-too many
3-too much
4-too many
6-too much

Merci Kenzo

Edité par cat3 le 30-08-2005 09:37

Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de roi_du_gothique, postée le 30-08-2005 à 13:19:59 (S | E)

1 - I think my teachers are too strict.
2 - There are too many football matches on television.
3 - Peter works too much: he's going to be sick.
4 - We've got too many exercises to do.
5 - Your brother's bike is too small for you.
6 - i don't wan't to eat this piece of cake: there's too much sugar in it.

Thank Kenso45 for your exercise.

Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de lyne, postée le 30-08-2005 à 15:52:08 (S | E)
Bonjour kenzo et merci

1/I think my teachers are (too) strict.
2/There are (too many) football matches on television.
3/Peter works (too much):he's going to be sick.
4/We've got (too many) exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is (too) small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's (too much) sugar in it.
good luck!

Réponse: 'too,too much,too many'? de nouara, postée le 03-09-2005 à 00:38:36 (S | E)
1/I think my teachers are too strict.
2/There are too many football matches on television.
3/Peter works too much: he's going to be sick.
4/We've got too many exercises to do.
5/Your brother's bike is too small for you.
6/I don't want to eat this piece of cake:there's too much sugar in it.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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