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Message de kenzo45 posté le 03-09-2005 à 18:50:50 (S | E | F | I)

Faites correspondre les liens de parenté définis ci-dessous (1 à 8), avec le terme exact correspondant (A à H):
1/ Your son's daughter.
2/ The mother of your husband/wife.
3/ A child of your parent's brother (or sister).
4/ A parent's grandparent.
5/ A male child of your brother.
6/ Your mother's or your father's sister.
7/ Your grandparent's brother.
8/ Your brother's wife.

A/ Nephew
B/ Great-grandparent
C/ Granddaughter
D/ Mother-in-law
E/ Sister-in-law
F/ Great uncle
G/ Aunt
H/ Cousin
Good Luck!

Réponse: 'Family'... de traviskidd, postée le 03-09-2005 à 21:15:07 (S | E)
For "husband/wife" you can say "spouse".
For "brother/sister" you can say "sibling".

Réponse: 'Family'... de grabuge, postée le 03-09-2005 à 23:13:40 (S | E)
Hello Kenzo

Je vais essayer de rendre les fils aux pères et les belles-mères aux épouses...

1/ Your son's daughter. Granddaughter
2/ The mother of your husband/wife. Mother-in-law
3/ A child of your parent's brother (or sister).Cousin
4/ A parent's grandparent.Great-grandparent
5/ A male child of your brother. Nephew
6/ Your mother's or your father's sister. Aunt
7/ Your grandparent's brother. Great uncle
8/ Your brother's wife. Sister-in-law

Merci Kenzo

Edité par grabuge le 04-09-2005 15:16

Réponse: 'Family'... de post-scriptum, postée le 04-09-2005 à 13:08:47 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1/ Your son's daughter : A/ Nephew C/ Granddaughter
2/ The mother of your husband/wife : D/ Mother-in-law
3/ A child of your parent's brother (or sister) : H/ Cousin
4/ A parent's grandparent : B/ Great-grandparent
5/ A male child of your brother A/ Nephew
6/ Your mother's or your father's sister : G/ Aunt
7/ Your grandparent's brother : F/ Great uncle
8/ Your brother's wife : E/ Sister-in-law

Thanks a lot. See you.

Edité par post-scriptum le 04-09-2005 16:56
merci Kenzo

Réponse: 'Family'... de joy813, postée le 04-09-2005 à 13:24:05 (S | E)

1/ Your son's daughter is your granddaughter
2/ The mother of your husband/wife is your mother-in-law
3/ A child of your parent's brother (or sister) is your cousin
4/ A parent's grandparent is a great-grandparent
5/ A male child of your brotheris your nephew
6/ Your mother's or your father's sister is your aunt
7/ Your grandparent's brother is your great uncle.
8/ Your brother's wife is your sister-in law


Réponse: 'Family'... de cat3, postée le 04-09-2005 à 14:59:21 (S | E)
Bonjour Kenzo

-Your son's daughter:Nephew
-The mother of your husband/wife:Mother -in-law
-A child of your parent's brother (or sister):cousin
-A parent's grandparent:great-grandparent
-A male child of your brother:nephew
-Your mother's or your father's sister:aunt
-Your grandparent's brother:great uncle
-Your brother's wife:sister-in-law


Edité par cat3 le 04-09-2005 14:59

Réponse: 'Family'... de kathleen, postée le 04-09-2005 à 23:44:54 (S | E)
Hello Kenzo!

1/ Your son's daughter. C/ Granddaughter
2/ The mother of your husband/wife. D/ Mother-in-law
3/ A child of your parent's brother (or sister). H/ Cousin
4/ A parent's grandparent. B/ Great-grandparent
5/ A male child of your brother. A/ Nephew
6/ Your mother's or your father's sister. G/ Aunt
7/ Your grandparent's brother. F/ Great uncle
8/ Your brother's wife. E/ Sister-in-law.


Réponse: 'Family'... de oldman, postée le 05-09-2005 à 11:50:26 (S | E)
Hello Kenzo,

1/ My son's daughter is my granddaughter.
2/ The mother of my husband/wife is my mother-in-law.
3/ A child of my parent's brother (or sister) is my cousin.
4/ A parent's grandparent is a great-grandparent.
5/ A male child of my brother is my nephew.
6/ My mother's or my father's sister is my aunt.
7/ My grandparent's brother is my great uncle.
8/ My brother's wife is my sister in law.

Best wishes.

Réponse: 'Family'... de isa71, postée le 05-09-2005 à 22:22:38 (S | E)

1/ Your son's daughter.C/ Granddaughter
2/ The mother of your husband/wife.D/ Mother-in-law
3/ A child of your parent's brother (or sister).H/ Cousin
4/ A parent's grandparent.B/ Great-grandparent
5/ A male child of your brother.A/ Nephew
6/ Your mother's or your father's sister.G/ Aunt
7/ Your grandparent's brother.F/ Great uncle
8/ Your brother's wife.E/ Sister-in-law


Réponse: 'Family'... de magmatic_rock, postée le 16-09-2005 à 12:10:18 (S | E)

1 --> A
2 --> D
3 --> H
4 --> B
5 --> C
6 --> G
7 --> F
8 --> E

Oula même en français c'est pas facile

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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