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which transport do you prefer ?
Message de lethidee posté le 09-09-2005 à 22:54:13 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody

People have many possibilities to move if they must go to any place in the world for work or simply to travel. Could you tell us which is your favourite way of locomotion ?
Mine, if it could be possible and if I would have enough time to live on my way, should be walking or cycling. What about yours ?

See you

Edité par serena le 10-09-2005 04:34

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de reneelucie, postée le 10-09-2005 à 22:01:55 (S | E)
I am french and I live near Marseille with my husband and my children.
I am 52 like you.
I am learning English and I beg your pardon if I make mistakes.
I prefer travelling by car with a backpacking tent in the trunk.
I like to stop to visit when I want of (it to).
The last August I went to London and the weather was fine. The city was very pleasant.

see you
Edité par serena le 11-09-2005 05:03
No need apologizing this way! You even didn't make any big mistake. Thanks for your participation.
Edité par traviskidd le 21-12-2005 18:01
it to

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de serena, postée le 11-09-2005 à 05:39:04 (S | E)
Hi Lethidee!

I find it somehow hard to answer this question. Simply because I fear any kind of means of transport. Hard to make a choice then. But as I'm to do, I'd choose the plane.
It's faster, more relaxing, no traffic-jam anywhere to waste your time, and also we're given food and drink.

But I prefer travelling by car. Just to admire landscapes passing through while I'm listening to some nice songs. For that, someone else must be driving, cause I can easily start dreaming, and this can be dangerous.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 11-09-2005 à 11:55:07 (S | E)

You're right serena when you say that you can hear music and songs when you travel by car but dreaming is not dangerous when you're driving, but the risk may be sleeping.
So, when you walk or travel by cycling you have the chance to go across fields or enter into forests and take the time to hear the birds or look at the flowers and appreciate the scents of the area where you are.
See you

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de grabuge, postée le 11-09-2005 à 13:15:14 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee,

Oh, answering is very difficult because I like traveling by cycle, by plane, by boat, by car... and I like walking.
When I'm in the mountain or in a forest, I like walking or cycling. When I travel, I like taking a boat or a bus (because in a bus, we can meet lot of people and speaking with).

I live in a big town and I'd really like taking my bicycle or my rollers to go at to work but it's not possible because there aren't cycle tracks and it's dangerous because of traffic. There are some towns now which have cycle tracks and I hope my city will have one as soon as possible.

Have a good day

Edité par bridg le 22-09-2005 16:19

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de bullseye, postée le 11-09-2005 à 17:01:06 (S | E)
Car , bike

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de mista320, postée le 11-09-2005 à 17:55:42 (S | E)
Hello lethidee, this question is very intéligent intelligent, and the answer will not be easy because every one have has his propre own idea, about me I préfer prefer (like) all moyen means of transport, as far as in every transport you can find some advantages, for exemple if you want to be free( visit forest, beach and other similar things...) you must use your own car, the plan is for speed and relaxing, cycle and foot if you want to visit moutain.....

for this question and you are

Edité par serena le 12-09-2005 18:26

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de fra46, postée le 11-09-2005 à 18:33:14 (S | E)
My pleasure is to take ma my bike to go working. I live in the center of a great town. I have to protect me myself with my cask cycle helmet that I put on my head . Good day.

Edité par serena le 12-09-2005 18:31
cask = tonneau.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 11-09-2005 à 20:56:35 (S | E)
Hello everybody

You're right to be careful fra when you move on your great town with your cycle. I think also that actually in the great towns the problem is the pollution created by the traffic and it's more and more dangerous for the pedestrians and the cyclers to move in town.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de gdd69, postée le 11-09-2005 à 22:04:43 (S | E)
Hello my name is laurent. I'm living live in lyon (France).
My favourite mean of transportation is the airplane. It is quite normal.... I am an airline transport pilot. I have been flying for more than six thousand hours and no problem at all. It is safe and fun.

Don't hesitate, travelling by plane is the best way of transportation.

See you soon

Edité par serena le 12-09-2005 18:36

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de to-be-free, postée le 12-09-2005 à 03:13:39 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee,
My favourite way of travelling is my computer mouse. It is the fastest means of transport. I can go away over all worlds only in few minutes, to speak to all people wherever they are living, to seek for useful information within record time. I do not need to walk towards the others: The whole of the world comes to me by means of my computer mouse.
Excuse me. I have a go to appreciate coconut under caribbean palm-tree. Bye see you soon

Edité par serena le 12-09-2005 18:39
Edité par to-be-free le 12-09-2005 19:10 Yes, whole is an attribute adjective "épithète", I should put it directly next world without any preposition. Thanks and kind regards for you serena.
Edité par serena le 12-09-2005 19:37
Don't mention it! Thanks to you.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de serena, postée le 12-09-2005 à 03:13:50 (S | E)
Lethidee, the way you describe a ride by bike gonna make me have one soon !
Seems so relaxing, and it is actually. I've never been into any forest (the ones we have here are quite dangerous), but nature predominates anywhere you could go, so this is why I love walking too. Just for the reasons you gave above. But I walk to do sport and not to go on a journey.

About dreaming while driving, it can really decrease our instinctive reactions. As most of the time, one doesn't fear the way he drives himself, but the other drivers'.
It would be great if I could have a private jet.

Nice topic lethidee (as usual)!

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de kit523loddy, postée le 12-09-2005 à 10:26:58 (S | E)
Hi Madam,

I am glad with your question, but for me I like so much travelling by plane, but as I am poor I prefer to take a car for my trips,
because a travel by plane is quickest than by car, and so I like to travel by planes than the other ways,
thank you .
see you.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 12-09-2005 à 19:19:22 (S | E)
Hello kit

You're right when you say that travelling by plane is quickest but for me it's the only one advantage of this kind of transport : the speed.
It's true also that this kind of travelling isn't so cheap. It depends of the destination but for the small budgets there is nothing better that walking or cycling.
I had the chance to visit a few areas in Africa and I know the difficulties for people there to have a car or a cycle but I saw how a lot of people repaired the vehicles and how they recovered some metal materials to transform them and repair others.
They were very ingenious.
See you

Réponse: what about the global warming?? de yoann_26, postée le 12-09-2005 à 20:44:09 (S | E)
I don't understand... Why has anyone spoken about pollution... The whole answers are speaking about cars... Try to cycle, it's very very funny, more than driving your polluting cars doing some deaths in the street... And in the world! I'm of course thinking about Katrina, because natural catastrophes will be more and more present in the news you'll ear in your car's radio.
Sorry for my pessimistic opinion but I'd like to change people mind about cars and other polluting mean of transport!

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de guerric, postée le 12-09-2005 à 21:55:27 (S | E)
Hello everybody!!
I have just started to learn English.
To me the best way to travel is to use the bicycle.
Since For two months i have gone (have been going) to my job on bicycle and it's cool! I don't need to spend money with "gazoil?" = fuel oil and it's good in order to save our beautiful planet!

Bye guerric
See you soon

Edité par serena le 13-09-2005 03:32

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de yoann_26, postée le 12-09-2005 à 22:38:01 (S | E)
I agree with you guerric! I'd just say "to TRY to save our planet, which is not as beautiful as it was in the past"

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 12-09-2005 à 23:10:27 (S | E)
Hello yoann

I agree with you and I understand your anger concerning the pollution of the air, of the lakes and rivers, and the soil of our planet. I'm angery also but if we can do everyone, every day one thing to save our environment, we have to do it.
One people, one thing, every day to save our planet.
See you

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de serena, postée le 13-09-2005 à 03:46:43 (S | E)
Hi there!

Very moving all what's been said above about pollution. Also not so wrong.
But please Yoann, just tell me how I'd manage to carry with me children and luggage on a bike (or even 10 bikes).

Pollution is a very wide subject to talk about in this topic. Maybe one day we'll go back to horses and camels like in the past. But I'll still prefer planes and cars.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de Yoann_26, postée le 13-09-2005 à 19:41:14 (S | E)
Why not 10 bikes? The price will be recouped a bit fast I think... Luckily you don't have to do your trips between Ivory Cost and France or England in bike! But tell me about your mean of transport to go to buy the bread for example, and how do your children go to school?
I've forgotten one thing : an other actual problem of children (and adults) of the world is the obesity; riding on bicycle, you do sport, a lot of sport, and it's a good thing for your body, for your head too.
Then, when your children will drive a car, they would be less dangerous, because they'd know the road's danger as cyclists.
And of course, it's less polluting than driving.
I hope you'll agree with me!

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 13-09-2005 à 20:03:27 (S | E)
Hello yoann

Once more I agree with you when you say the advantage of walking or cycling for the health but you know also that when you walk in great towns, the pollution is there and the traffic is very dangerous for the pedestrians.
It's better to live in the countryside and walk or move with cycle because the roads are less busy and the air more healthy.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de serena, postée le 13-09-2005 à 21:00:41 (S | E)

Alright! 10 bikes. When we're 5 in the family, who's gonna use the other 5 ones?
Know what? I'll never let my children use their bicycles to go to school. We don't have a special area for cyclists here, and drivers can be crazy sometimes. Mostly taxi drivers.
Also, my children are thin, no problem about that then.

Nice answer Yoann. Now that I see better what you meant to say, of course I agree with you.

PS: By the way, two of them go by walking as their school isn't so far from home, and the other one by car. She's in a higher class, and a bit farther.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de doodoo, postée le 13-09-2005 à 21:01:11 (S | E)
Hi! My is Fabrice, and I'm living in a little town beside Lyon and Valence, and for me the best mean for transport is the most ecological one. I've to do about twenty kms to go to work every day so, when the weather is fine, I ride my bike, but it's not possible every day and year long so I've to take my car, when It's possible I rather take a bus, train or plane, because, I like to read a good book when I'm traveling so it's not very easy to do when you drive.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de Yoann_26, postée le 13-09-2005 à 21:24:35 (S | E)
Thank you Lethidee for supporting me! That's true that the pollution is not very good for health, and when I'm on my bike, I directly breathe the exhaust fumes but in a dream world, people wouldn't use their car in towns ... But it's only in my dreams... I think there are solutions! Put a mask perhaps... Or I don't know... I don't feel the pollution when I breathe...
Serena your answer is very nice too! In my city we haven't a lot of area for cyclists, and the journey between my home and my high school is only for cars... Would you be scared for your children if they take their bike? Do you prefer them to have children who will see the end of the world? They can ride on the pavement for the beginning you know! Just for information, I'm very more dangerous than all the cars in my city!!!
Fabrice I leave near you, in Montelimar do you know this city? You're the good compromise between a car's driver and a cyclist, I think! Congratulations!!!!

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de choune1, postée le 13-09-2005 à 22:00:57 (S | E)

hi everybody,

I think the best means of transport is the roller because you have sensation on it. The other ones (means of transport) are superficial, they are faster but without charmed.

Edité par serena le 15-09-2005 17:37

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de sandrineg, postée le 14-09-2005 à 12:51:58 (S | E)
The best transport for me is the sailingboat but we can't take it to go anywhere. It's a shame ! Of course, a sailing boat whitout engine, only with sails !

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de papichou, postée le 14-09-2005 à 13:31:10 (S | E)
I would like to add something about this topic.
As for me, I like ruling by driving a car, it is more convenient.

Edité par serena le 15-09-2005 17:42

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de chich, postée le 15-09-2005 à 20:15:09 (S | E)
My preferred favourite means of transportation is the airplane because in one within a day from Morocco I'm in Colorado and in on the other day from Colorado I was can be in las Vegas.
See you

Edité par serena le 17-09-2005 16:40

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de bossy, postée le 15-09-2005 à 21:59:08 (S | E)
I prefer the bus but it's always in late, or and I like cars too.

Edité par serena le 17-09-2005 16:46
To be late (without "in")

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lewis, postée le 16-09-2005 à 10:12:42 (S | E)
That's not easy to make a choice, but I should say I like the plane very much because when I fly, the world seems very different, we can see the planet from another point of view. but of course I usually drive a car to go where I want, I use it each time I haven't to cross a sea or go to another continent.

Edité par serena le 17-09-2005 16:34
Writing in capital letters means shouting. I've changed this.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de gewurz, postée le 16-09-2005 à 13:53:33 (S | E)
nobody talks about "loving transportation" ? (transport amoureux), also a pleasant one !

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 16-09-2005 à 17:52:04 (S | E)
Hello gewurz

How are you? I like your remark about "love transportation". I woulk like to know more about your reflection.
How do you feel when you're in this state. Are you a dreamer or a creator ?
See you

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de rachidnorsk, postée le 20-09-2005 à 01:59:07 (S | E)
my car

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de carol, postée le 22-09-2005 à 02:53:48 (S | E)
I prefer riding a horse it's much more fun : you can listen to music (don't forget your Walkman) transport a tent and stop wherever you want !!!

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 25-09-2005 à 09:07:08 (S | E)

It's funny but I notice that nobody told about the experience of travelling by train.
Personally, when I went to Paris I used to go there with TGV, it's so fast because I live in the south of France and the trip by train takes only about 4 hours. It's the advantage of the speed.
See you

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 04-10-2005 à 21:11:07 (S | E)

I can't imagine me myself riding a horse and in at the same time listening to music; but I admire you Carol to be able to do this exploit .
What do you think about some rare people who have the very good opportunity to travel very far in the space ?
If you were very rich, would you be ready to leave our planet in a spaceship ?
See you

Edité par serena le 07-10-2005 05:03

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de serena, postée le 07-10-2005 à 05:02:58 (S | E)

Going for a ride on another planet means wearing special clothes, being prepared for a long time, forgetting our delicious food on earth to just eat frozen foods. What about my huge cup of chocolate I have every morning? Also, what will we see there ? Stars, rocks, sand and meteorites ? I'll also become dizzy all the time!

No Lethidee, thank you. This is too heavy and depressing for me, even if I were the richest woman of the world!

Just tell me please, where do you find such ideas? You're really amazing !

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de sigournay, postée le 07-10-2005 à 07:45:38 (S | E)

Oh! i'm ill I've felt ill when I travel by car since 1998
I have to drink some medicaments medecines to take a car.
I prefer just subway!
I live in Paris where there is a lot of people, though I don't like it, I take the subway to move in Paris!

Edité par serena le 07-10-2005 17:18

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lollita, postée le 08-10-2005 à 14:19:09 (S | E)
hi everybody .first I'm glad to enjoint join your .I dont speak English fluently ,so I beg your pardon if I make many faults mistakes .I like your question very much .I'm an arab person that's why I love the camel , the best way of transport in the sahara .and in the city I love the bus,as I can meet lot of persons and talk with them ,and I love to drive also the car of my father .thank you for sharing this moment

Edité par lucile83 le 08-10-2005 17:39
Capital letters please

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de Joseph, postée le 08-10-2005 à 21:51:11 (S | E)
My transport his bus.WEN IGO TO MY VILLAGE ;I WEN BY BUS.When I go to my village, I went by bus. yestesday my children travelled by bus .I like the bus before because it's very comfortable

Edité par grabuge le 08-10-2005 22:09

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de grabuge, postée le 08-10-2005 à 22:18:38 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee

Some rare people being able to travel in the space have a great chance. If I were rich, I would be very happy to go to the moon because I'm fond of lunar landscapes and I would like to see our Earth.

That is a dream because If I were rich I would find very indecent to pay so much money just for a travel when people die of starvation in our world but that is another problem of course.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lamyaez, postée le 09-10-2005 à 03:43:28 (S | E)
hi, everybody
at the first I'm so happy to take you part of in this topic,as for me,the kind of means of transportations it's is not quite important,I choose the means of transportation mostly comfortable in my situation,and it depends on where I am.So if I want to go to the school near to my house ,I don't have to choose of course car,because of the pollution at the first,and more expensive than walking or taking the bike .
but if I want to travel,bike is not practical of course,so I choose the mostly economic and comfortable mean like train.
so personally means of transportation depends to on the distance,for example if I want to move at in the same town I prefer walking or taking a bike,but if I want to travel to another city I take a train,and if I want to travel to another country I choose plane.
sorry for the mistakes,I'm trying to learn English.
see you soon

Edité par lucile83 le 09-10-2005 07:56

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 10-10-2005 à 18:39:42 (S | E)
Hello lita

I don't know the arabic desert and I would like to try to travel sat on the back of a camel. I'm lucky because I'm not sick on a boat neither on the top of a mountain but it should be enough restless

I'm not enough courageous Grabuge to leave our planet even I were a very rich person but you're right to want to realise your dream and be able to see the blue planet in the space. How wonderful scene in perspective !

For my own, I got a train ticket for Paris and I'll take TGV next month to visit my sister.

See you

Réponse: I prefer car or cycle de khoury, postée le 11-10-2005 à 12:08:24 (S | E)
I prefer car and cycle because if I move with them, I can see the nature and have some fresh air. and then Also they cost less than the other means of locomotion.

Edité par serena le 12-10-2005 05:03

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de imanemn, postée le 11-10-2005 à 19:42:03 (S | E)
There are a lot of means of transport. But every body prefers one of them.
For me, the train is the best because it's not very crowded and I can sit near the window to see sceneries and fotograph photograph (take photos of) nature .
And it's not noisy . It's very comfortable and ship cheap.

Edité par serena le 12-10-2005 05:05
- Ship = bateau
- Cheap = bon marché, moins cher.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de kitou, postée le 11-10-2005 à 23:08:31 (S | E)
I can't say that I like travelling by cycle or by car... because every way means of transport presents many dangers but I think that the best way of travelling is the most fastest and the most pleasant one.

Edité par serena le 12-10-2005 05:14

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de coeurdor18, postée le 11-10-2005 à 23:25:32 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

I'm new and I am learning the English. I'm a beginner.
I prefer the tube and the tram.

Edité par serena le 12-10-2005 05:33

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 14-10-2005 à 17:57:06 (S | E)
Hello everybody

I remember that when I was 16 years old I took trolley and tram at Saint-Etienne to go to my college.
It was like a sort a game, not only a simple short trip across the town.
It was different about travelling in a bus and the sounds very different too.
See you

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 19-10-2005 à 19:01:09 (S | E)

Is there anybody who had the chance to travel on the top of an elephant ? If I'll travel to India next year as expected, I would like to get this new experience.
Thanks to tell me more or your thoughts about this way of travelling.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de yoyo49, postée le 19-10-2005 à 20:09:26 (S | E)
I live in a french town, for me, the best transport it's the cycle in town, it's better for the polution, but you smell the ones of the other cars. For the long way and if this is possible, i take the train, because it's speeder than car and it's less expensive than car whith the price of pétrol.
Sorry for the mistakes, but i start in the forum.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de jubilee, postée le 19-10-2005 à 23:25:07 (S | E)
I prefer Eurostar to go to London :p

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de oulmidi, postée le 19-10-2005 à 23:34:15 (S | E)
Hello I am Moroccan, I live in Marrakesh and I'm 16 years old !
My favorite transport is car because in Marrakesh, the traffic is very easy, and also the bike for the same reason.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de monibel4, postée le 20-10-2005 à 00:51:42 (S | E)
About the transport to travel.I went in Asia (Thailland)and i travel on the top an elephant,it was fantastic.I'd like very much.It's safety because it's very slow and you can take the time to admire the nature around you.Any pollution .It was a very nice experience.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de tiana-nova, postée le 20-10-2005 à 13:31:09 (S | E)
Hi, everybody! If I were rich I should travelling often and by all kinds of locomotion: by car, by train, by plane, by boat, even by submarine like the famous captain Nemo, why not by a mongolfier (it might be fun and amazing)!.. But I should hesitate to take a camel - it seems difficult to go down of it... To take a space trip was never my desire, though I loved to travel in space with the Ray Bredberry's personnages in my childhood. In reality, space travelling is too dangerous for risk your own life because of few seconds(or hours) of pleasure. I mean the phenomena of new "space tourists", with a fat and full purse and thirst of fame. About the pollution: if I were rich I'd bought an electric car - the speed is here and the nature has no fear! And I'd got a stable: there is nothing better to escape this trouble world, than a good horse riding! Regards, and sorry for my mistakes!

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de liora, postée le 20-10-2005 à 15:05:12 (S | E)
hello , I'm liora and I'm French and I prefer like transport the car because it's more comfortable !

Edité par lucile83 le 22-10-2005 15:20

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de victory75, postée le 20-10-2005 à 17:33:56 (S | E)
In my opinion,plane is more comfortable and more secure.I prefer plane.
Edité par lucile83 le 22-10-2005 15:22

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 22-10-2005 à 09:15:06 (S | E)
Hello everybody

Thanks you, Monibel, to tell your experience about your travel on the top of an Asian elephant.
I would try it too, it seems a great experience and I already imagine the scene but I don't know how will be my emotions will be. Wait and see !
Edité par lucile83 le 22-10-2005 15:23

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de meluzine, postée le 30-10-2005 à 03:35:52 (S | E)
I prefer taking my bicycle for to go to school. That's more speeder than bus, and my parents can't to escort me, that's so normal, also... I can't drive, because I don't have my permit driving license..

Edité par serena le 04-11-2005 04:13

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de domy62, postée le 31-10-2005 à 10:34:13 (S | E)

It's my first message on this forum ... and my first message in English.

When I was a small little girl, I saw said to my great father (grandfather) : "I know car, bus, plane, boat, but I have never taken a train" Immediatly my great father (grandfather) took tickets and went with me from Souvigny to Moulins (12 km) and return. It's a strong recollection to him.

But today if it would be were possible, I dream (I would like) to go on horse ... An unrealizable dream !

Edité par serena le 04-11-2005 04:17

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 02-11-2005 à 12:36:22 (S | E)
Hello domy

Your grandfather was a very kind man and certainly loved you very much. He gave you a great memory with offering this travelling by train with him and you never forget this moment in your life.

In my area, there is a train called "Train des Pignes" which transport people in the mountain situated near Nice. I very often think to get the opportunity to travel by this train to visit the scenes of this region ; I have to do that, maybe, next year.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 02-11-2005 à 19:15:21 (S | E)
Hello dragonworld

Welcome but which transport do you prefer ? It's the question of this topic ? Maybe with a witch's broom

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de domy62, postée le 06-11-2005 à 21:52:25 (S | E)
Hello lethidee,

You live in a very nice place

We have an old railway too by us next to our home. It's a single line. And a few trains run in summer. Once, for the 100th birthday of this railway, a steam engine had run ... It was great for our sons ... the rail haul was unforgettable for them.

Otherwise, I have forgotten who said that the trip begins when we are walking.

Good evening


Edité par domy62 le 06-11-2005 21:57
Thank you for your help in my last message serena

Edité par serena le 09-11-2005 01:50
Don't mention it.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de flyingtom, postée le 08-11-2005 à 09:31:12 (S | E)
To my mind, the best transport is the plane.

How can I explain my feelings when I am flying just over the cloud-layer ?

The words seem not to be stronger enough to explain that...

I know I am a lucky man... As a flight instructor, I spend a lot of time in an aircraft. Every flight is different from each other. Even in a light aircraft, we are able to go far. I live near the Germany border , in France. In two hours , you would be over the French Riviera.

Sometimes, when the weather is rainy, cold and gloomy, as soon as you climb over the clouds, you are in the brightest sky ever seen. It looks like the sun is shining only for you

After the take-off, you leave your troubles behind you. And that's amazing...

Could we post some pictures on the forum ? Just to show how it's look like

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 08-11-2005 à 18:36:35 (S | E)
Hello flyingtom

I had the chance to get plane for different travels and I remember how great is my emotion when I came back to Nice. It's a fantastic view over the sea and the plane, during a few minutes, seems to be a huge bird gliding over the Mediterraneen see and the mountains in the same time. It's very beautiful !
You are a lucky man but with an important responsability : the life of your passengers and yours too !

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de flyingtom, postée le 08-11-2005 à 19:49:41 (S | E)
I am remembering an approach at Ajaccio Airport at dusk... It was in September, at the end of a shiny day there... As the sun came down over the horizon... the see was like a see of gold !

I am always feel a bit sad when I leave an aircraft.... definitly , it's the best transport... but I am not objective

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de sihamangel, postée le 08-11-2005 à 21:49:04 (S | E)
I am Siham from Morocco, first of all I want you to know that I am learning English so forgive me if there are mistakes
concernig this question of transport,I would like to say that there is are different ways to travel but what I prefer is the train if it is an inland travel ;if the travel is outside the country I prefer the plane ( by this way we gain time)
thank you
Edité par emy64 le 08-11-2005 22:02
there is + sing
there are + pluriel
and you don't have to mention you are learning English, we all are here, so please do not worry about making mistakes, we are here to help each others !

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de laydown009, postée le 08-11-2005 à 22:49:46 (S | E)
Hi, for the transport I would like to take the plane if it's possible as it 's the fastest and the most convenient too , I think we could have it someday in the future,according to human being 's developping nowadays . bye !

Edité par lucile83 le 09-11-2005 08:09

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 21-11-2005 à 19:13:52 (S | E)
Hello everybody

Is there anybody who had have been has already had the chance to run with electric car?
What do you think about this way of locomotion ?
When could we have the opportunity to use a car which would be propulsed only by water ?
It would be a revolution but who knows ?
See you

Edité par serena le 22-11-2005 23:29

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de iufm73, postée le 22-11-2005 à 18:49:56 (S | E)
I prefer travelling with a by car but I have broken my car (mine) during the holidays. So I have to use the commun public transports : train, bus and also my legs!!! It is good because I can make do sport with more facility.

Edité par serena le 22-11-2005 23:32

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 27-11-2005 à 19:09:17 (S | E)
Hello everybody
Is there anybody who tried to be transported in a rickshaw ? I am preparing my trip to India for next January and I think that at Delhi I will take this way of locomotion.
see you

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de famille, postée le 16-12-2005 à 15:45:00 (S | E)

I have been to India last year and I was transported by rickshaw. This transport is ideal for the tourists. But this type of locomation in the european countries is not possible because of the climate. People there is also using the auto-rickshaw which is more speeder than rickshaw. It costs lower than the taxis.

Personnally, I would like the walking or jogging in the calm areas. The car for my work and the plane to go abroad. We should use all types of transports so that the pollution would be less.

Regards and sorry for the mistakes if any.

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de lethidee, postée le 16-12-2005 à 17:48:05 (S | E)
hello famille

Welcome to this site and thanks for sharing your experience about rickshaw.
Did you travel also by train during your journey in India because I'm planning this kind of locomotion from Bombay to Chennai ?
It's my first travel in this huge and marvellous country and I'm very excited about it ?
See you

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de vtr1000, postée le 17-12-2005 à 15:09:53 (S | E)
Hello, everybody
I'm a woman, I'm 48 years old, and I ride a bike. I live near a big town, AVIGNON, not as big as MARSEILLE, but, every morning, when you go working, if you drive a car, you need to wake up earlier than when you ride a bike. And I hate waking up early....
Seriously, I love riding a bike. It's impossible to wear pretty clothes, only black trousers, boots and leather jacket. When the wind is blowing hard (fast strongly, I'm cold. I must always must have a look at the drivers car cars 'drivers, especially in the morning (a lot of them are stillsleeping yet), but I love riding a bike. When I'm riding, I feel free. When I pass another biker, I make a sign to him, and he makes a sign to me too, and, I can't explain this, I feel happy. I talk to my bike (don't worry, I'm not crazy, I talk to my dog too), when I speak about it, I say "she" is, and for me, it's not a mistake...
I went to the Isle of Man five years ago, for the TT races, and it was fabulous. Isle of Man is like a "bikers paradise", even if the weather is not as fine as in France. But I think that if you are not a biker, Isle of Man is fantastic too ...
Edité par lucile83 le 17-12-2005 15:38

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de noussa18, postée le 18-12-2005 à 21:38:58 (S | E)
hello I'm twenty years old, i like English that's why I hope that you will help me to improve my vocabulary by correcting my mistakes and I will help you to if you want to ask about chemistery because I'am studying chemistery at university to being a chemistry engineer ; about the question I will say that I prefer the cars because I think that it is the most comfortable means of transport.

Edité par lucile83 le 19-12-2005 07:45

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de SevenS, postée le 19-12-2005 à 15:34:47 (S | E)
Hello everybody!
I'm Samir, I'm fifteen years old.
I live in Sevran near of Paris.
My prefer favourite means of transport is train because it's better than car.
I explain to you.
When you have to go at to work and you take your car, you spend your times on the road above all A1.You're spend all your times just to cover fifty kilometers and it's not finished because there is the boulevard whereas in train there isn't any traffic jam.It's right, there is a lot of walkout but it's more agreeable than car.
And less expensive than car.

Edité par lucile83 le 19-12-2005 15:51

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de shakira, postée le 20-12-2005 à 12:02:51 (S | E)

Hi everybody!!!!
I'm 18 and when I must go to school or everywhere, I take my bike because I can't bear buses .
It's a little difficult but in fine weather it's really pleasant. Even the car drivers are very stupid and dangerous. I never take plane but I think that it would be fun!!!!

I'm looking for anyone who lives in America, England or Canada to speak with me about everything.

Edité par lucile83 le 20-12-2005 15:34

Réponse: which transport do you prefer ? de le_chacal, postée le 23-12-2005 à 21:18:53 (S | E)
hello everyone in the forum.

it's a very interesting idea of discussion.
personally, I prefer to walk walking. But it's not possible when I must go to university,
I will buy a moped. It's economic and not polluant polluting. it That's all.
i see you in the last time later.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-12-2005 07:33

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