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Exercices 47
Message de felin posté le 28-10-2005 à 16:52:19 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Jeudi soir 3/11/05

For Questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O).


My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been unsuccessful (SUCCESSFUL) (0) so far and I am wondering whether I am simply.............(56 ABLE) to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not................(57 PATIENCE) and neither am I.............(58 INTELLIGENCE), so why have I found it almost.........(59 POSSIBLE) to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is.............(60 ADEQUATE) beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is..............(61 SATISFY) to say the least, It is not only that my Spanish is.............(62 CORRECT) but I suspect I sound very............(63 POLITE), too. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and.............(64 FORTUNE), I must have said something..........(65 APPROPRIATE) because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.

Good luck.

Edité par felin le 28-10-2005 17:04

Réponse: Exercices 47 de carol, postée le 28-10-2005 à 18:10:39 (S | E)
Good evening
I'm not sure I have understood the aim of this exercise, but here are my suggestions

My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been unsuccessful (SUCCESSFUL) (0) so far and I am wondering whether I am simply unable to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not impatient and neither am I stupid so why have I found it almost impossible to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is inadequate beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is unsatisfactory to say the least, It is not only that my Spanish is incorrect but I suspect I sound very impolite too. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and unfortunately I must have said something inappropriate because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.

/unintelligent/, instead of / stupid/???

Edité par carol le 28-10-2005 18:11

Réponse: Exercices 47 de felin, postée le 28-10-2005 à 18:39:53 (S | E)
Good evening Carol

Yes, you have understood so it's fine.
Unintelligent means stupid you are right but you've made a mistake in my exercise (number: 58 INTELLIGENT).

Réponse: Exercices 47 de marit64, postée le 28-10-2005 à 22:42:21 (S | E)
Hi felin!

My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been unsuccessful so far and I am wondering whether I am simply unable to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not impatient and neither am I unintelligent, so why have I found it almost impossible to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is inadequate beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is unsatisfactory to say the least, It is not only that my Spanish is incorrect but I suspect I sound very impolite, too. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and unfortunately, I must have said something inappropriate because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.

felin for your exercise.

Réponse: Exercices 47 de to-be-free, postée le 28-10-2005 à 23:49:01 (S | E)
hello felin
My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been unsuccessful (SUCCESSFUL) (0) so far and I am wondering whether I am simply unable (56 ABLE) to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not impatient (57 PATIENCE) and neither am I unintelligent (58 INTELLIGENCE), so why have I found it almost impossible (59 POSSIBLE) to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is inadequate (60 ADEQUATE) beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is unsatisfactory (61 SATISFY) to say the least, It is not only that my Spanish is incorrect (62 CORRECT) but I suspect I sound very impolite (63 POLITE), too. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and unfortunately (64 FORTUNE), I must have said something inappropriate (65 APPROPRIATE) because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.

Réponse: Exercices 47 de nouara, postée le 29-10-2005 à 01:05:23 (S | E)

My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been unsuccessful (SUCCESSFUL) (0) so far and I am wondering whether I am simply unable (56 ABLE) to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not impatient (57 PATIENCE) and neither am I unintelligent (58 INTELLIGENCE), so why have I found it almost impossible (59 POSSIBLE) to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is inadequate (60 ADEQUATE) beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is unsatisfy (61 SATISFY) to say the least, It is not only that my Spanish is uncorrect (62 CORRECT) but I suspect I sound very impolite (63 POLITE), too. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and unfortunately (64 FORTUNE), I must have said something inappropriate (65 APPROPRIATE) because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.

Réponse: Exercices 47 de isa71, postée le 31-10-2005 à 22:21:52 (S | E)

My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been unsuccessful so far and I am wondering whether I am simply unable to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not impatient and neither am I unintelligent, so why have I found it almost impossible to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is inadequate beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is unsatisfactory to say the least, It is not only that my Spanish is incorrect but I suspect I sound very impolite, too. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and unfortunately, I must have said something inaproppriate because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.


Réponse: Exercices 47 de felin, postée le 04-11-2005 à 13:36:04 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction

My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been unsuccessful (0) so far and I am wondering whether I am simply unable (56 ABLE) to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not impatient (57 PATIENCE) and neither am I unintelligent (58 INTELLIGENCE), so why have I found it almost impossible (59 POSSIBLE) to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is inadequate (60 ADEQUATE) beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is unsatisfactory (61 SATISFY) to say the least, It is not only that my Spanish is incorrect (62 CORRECT) but I suspect I sound very impolite (63 POLITE), too. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and unfortunately (64 FORTUNE), I must have said something inappropriate (65 APPROPRIATE) because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.

pour bvotre participation.

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