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Past continuous and past simple
Message de felin posté le 05-01-2006 à 23:07:33 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Vendredi soir 13/01/06

Allez je vous donne encore un peu de boulot car bientot je serai absente pendant un mois . Ne vous inquietez pas des mon retour de vacances je continuerai si vous voulez.

Petite revision.
Complete the sentences using these pairs of verbs. Use the past simple in one space and the past continuous in the other.
Come- show/ get- go/ hope- give/ live-spend/ look-see/ play-break/start-check in.

1 Just as I…………….into the bath all the lights …………off.
2 I go away this weekend, but my boss …… some work that I have to finish by Monday.
3 When I ……….. in Paris, I ………….three hours a day travelling to and from work.
4 A friendly American couple... cutting to him as he ………….. the hotel
5 I bumped into Mary last week. She …………... a lot better than when I last.............. her.
6 My boss ……….. into the office just as I ………….everyone my holiday photos.
7 ……….. badminton four times a week before I ........ my ankle.

This time, use the same tense in both spaces.

add – taste/ go off – light / not listen – explain/ push-run/ not watch- dream

8 The smoke alarm ............when he.............. a cigarette underneath it.
9 I can't remember how to answer this question. I must confess that …………while the teacher ………… it to us.
10 She ......... more salt to the soup, and then it ...... much better.
11 Although the television was on, I …………. Instead I …………about my holidays.
12 She ………. open the door and.............. into the room.

Good luck.

Edité par felin le 06-01-2006 11:43

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de marit64, postée le 06-01-2006 à 01:23:46 (S | E)
Hi felin!

1 Just as I was getting into the bath all the lights went out.
2 I was hoping to go away this weekend, but my boss gave me me some work that I have to finish by Monday.
3 When I was living in Paris, I spent three hours a day travelling to/ and from work.
4 A friendly American couple started cutting to him as he was checking in the hotel
5 I bumped into Mary last week. She was looking a lot better than when I last saw her.
6 My boss came into the office just as I was showing everyone my holiday photos.
7 I was playing badminton four times a week before I broke my ankle.

8 The smoke alarm went off when he lighted a cigarette underneath it.
9 I can't remember how to answer this question. I must confess that I wasn't listening while the teacher was explaining it to us.
10 She added more salt to the soup, and then it tasted much better.
11 Although the television was on, I didn't watch. Instead I dreamt about my holidays.
12 She pushed open the door and ran into the room.

felin and have a great time.

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de nanette33, postée le 06-01-2006 à 11:15:51 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

Complete the sentences using these pairs of verbs. Use the past simple in one space and the past continuous in the other.
Come- show/ get- go/ hope- give/ live-spend/ look-see/ play-break/start-check in.

1 Just as I was getting into the bath all the lights went off.
2 I was hoping to go away this weekend, but my boss gave me some work that I have to finish by Monday.
3 When I was living in Paris, I spent three hours a day travelling to/ and from work.
4 A friendly American couple started cutting to him as he was checking in the hotel reception.
5 I bumped into Mary last week. She was looking a lot better than when I last saw her.
6 My boss came into the office just as I was showing everyone my holiday photos.
7 I was playing badminton four times a week before I broke my ankle.

This time, use the same tense in both spaces.

add – taste/ go off – light / not listen – explain/ push-run/ not watch- dream

8 The smoke alarm went off when he lighted a cigarette underneath it.
9 I can't remember how to answer this question. I must confess that I wasn't listening while the teacher was explaining it to us.
10 She added more salt to the soup, and then it tasted much better.
11 Although the television was on, I wasn't watching. Instead I was dreaming about my holidays.
12 She pushed open the door and ran into the room.

pour tous ces exercices !

Modifié par nanette33 le 06-01-2006 11:16

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de whynot95, postée le 06-01-2006 à 12:08:59 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

Complete the sentences using these pairs of verbs. Use the past simple in one space and the past continuous in the other.
Come- show/ get- go/ hope- give/ live-spend/ look-see/ play-break/start-check in.

1 Just as I was getting into the bath all the lights went off.
2 I was hoping to go away this weekend, but my boss gave me some work that I have to finish by Monday.
3 When I lived in Paris, I was spending three hours a day travelling to and from work.
4 A friendly American couple started cutting to him as he was checking in the hotel reception.
5 I bumped into Mary last week. She was looking a lot better than when I last saw her.
6 My boss came into the office just as I was showing everyone my holiday photos.
7 I was playing badminton four times a week before I broke my ankle.

This time, use the same tense in both spaces.

add – taste/ go off – light / not listen – explain/ push-run/ not watch- dream

8 The smoke alarm went off when he lighted a cigarette underneath it.
9 I can't remember how to answer this question. I must confess that I wasn't listening while the teacher was explaining it to us.
10 She added more salt to the soup, and then it tasted much better.
11 Although the television was on, I wasn't watching it. Instead I was dreaming about my holidays.
12 She pushed open the door and ran into the room.

for all these exercises!

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de cat3, postée le 07-01-2006 à 09:57:56 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin

bien sûr,que nous voulons vous retrouver après vos vacances

-1 was getting -went off
-2 I was hoping -gave
-3 I was living -spent
-4 started - checking in
-5 was looking - saw
-6 came -I was showing
-7 I was playing - broke

-8 went off -lighted
-9 I wasn't listening was explaining
-10 added -tasted
-11 wasn't watching-I was dreaming
-12 pushed-ran

Merci Felin

merci Magma!

Modifié par cat3 le 07-01-2006 15:26

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de magmatic_rock, postée le 07-01-2006 à 13:35:03 (S | E)
Hello Félin

1 Just as I was getting into the bath all the lights went off.
2 I was hoping to go away this weekend, but my boss gave me some work that I have to finish by Monday.
3 When I was living in Paris, I spent three hours a day travelling to/ and from work.
4 A friendly American couple started cutting to him as he checked-in the hotel
5 I bumped into Mary last week. She was looking a lot better than when I last saw her.
6 My boss came into the office just as I was showing everyone my holiday photos.
7 I was playing badminton four times a week before I broke my ankle.

8 The smoke alarm went off when he lighted a cigarette underneath it.
9 I can't remember how to answer this question. I must confess that I wasn't listening while the teacher was explaining it to us.
10 She added more salt to the soup, and then it tasted much better.
11 Although the television was on, I wasn't watching it Instead I was dreaming about my holidays.
12 She pushed open the door and ran into the room.

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de felin, postée le 13-01-2006 à 17:39:12 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction.

1 Just as I was getting into the bath all the lights went off.
2 I was hoping to go away this weekend, but my boss gave me some work that I have to finish by Monday.
3 When I lived or was living in Paris, I was spending or spentthree hours a day travelling to and from work.
4 A friendly American couple started cutting to him as he was checking the hotel
5 I bumped into Mary last week. She was looking a lot better than when I last saw her.
6 My boss came into the office just as I was checking everyone my holiday photos.
7 I was playing badminton four times a week before I broke my ankle.

8 The smoke alarm when he went off a cigarette underneath it.
9 I can't remember how to answer this question. I must confess that I didn’t listen (or wasn't listening is possible)while the teacher was explaining (or explained is possible)it to us.
10 She added more salt to the soup, and then it tasted much better.
11 Although the television was on, I wasn't watching (didn't watch is alos possible)Instead I was dreaming (dreamt is also possible) about my holidays.
12 She pushed open the door and ran into the room.

pour votre participation.

Modifié par felin le 13-01-2006 20:30

Modifié par felin le 13-01-2006 20:40

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de whynot95, postée le 13-01-2006 à 20:13:25 (S | E)
Hello Felin and

Comme j'étais le seul à avoir donné cette réponse pour la 3ème phrase, je pensais avoir fait une erreur d'interprétation. Ouf! Dur pour les autres!!!

Pour la 9ème phrase les temps sont différents. Pouvez-vous préciser lequel doit être utlisé? Merci d'avance.

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de magmatic_rock, postée le 13-01-2006 à 20:17:30 (S | E)
Whynot pour la 3/
Mais je ne comprends pas du tout le pourquoi du comment
Encore Félin

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de whynot95, postée le 13-01-2006 à 20:30:34 (S | E)

J'ai tout simplement pensé que la personne voulait mettre l'accent sur la durée de son trajet et non pas sur le fait qu'elle avait vécu à Paris.
Ce n'est peut-être pas la bonne explication J'ai peut-être tout simplement eu de la chance. C'est vrai que nous sommes le 13!!
Zut, je n'ai pas joué au loto!!

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de felin, postée le 13-01-2006 à 20:33:39 (S | E)
Bonsoir Whynot

Oui vous avez raison j'ai oublie de mettre meme pour le numero 3 et 11.

Modifié par felin le 13-01-2006 20:36

Réponse: Past continuous and past simple de magmatic_rock, postée le 13-01-2006 à 20:53:31 (S | E)

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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