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Comment traduire 'ON' ?
Message de steeve34 posté le 13-05-2006 à 20:05:09 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous.

Le "ON" français n'existe pas en anglais. Pour le traduire on utilise selon les circonstances IT,WE,YOU,THEY,ONE, PEOPLE,SOMEONE,SOMEBODY.
D'autre part la voix passive anglaise correspond très souvent à l'emploi du "ON" français.

1-"ON" exprime une généralité.
traduction: ONE (langue recherchée) ou YOU.
On ne sait jamais----> One never knows ou you never know.

2-"ON" ne fait référence à aucune personne précise.
traduction:SOMEONE, SOMEBODY ou le PASSIF.
On m'a volé mon portable.
Someone has stolen my mobile phone.
My mobile phone has been stolen.(pas de complément d'agent).
Les tournures impersonnelles du type: on dit que, on rapporte que, on croit que, on estime que......
peuvent se mettre au passif de deux façons.
a)- IT + verbe au passif + proposition relative introduite par THAT
b)-Sujet personnel + verbe au passif + proposition infinitive avec TO.
EX: On dit qu'il possède une maison magnifique.
a)- It is said that he owns a splendid house.
b)- He is said to own a splendid house.

3-"ON" désigne un groupe auquel l'énonciateur n'appartient pas.
traduction: THEY ou PEOPLE.
On mange beaucoup de pain en France.(celui qui prononce cette phrase n'est pas
français ou ne vit pas en France)
They / people eat a lot of bread in France.
En général on traduit "ON" par "PEOPLE" lorsque dans la phrase française on peut remplacer "ON" par "LES GENS" sans modifier le sens de la phrase.
People a un sens collectif ou pluriel.
EX: Quand on est en vacances, on n'écrit pas beaucoup.
que l'on peut transcrire en français:
Quand les gens sont en vacances ils n'écrivent pas beaucoup.
When people are on holiday, they don't write many letters.

En Australie, on conduit à gauche.
se traduit:
WE drive on the left in Australia, et dans ce cas c'est un australien qui parle.

Noter les expressions:
English spoken----->on parle anglais.
Help wanted-------> on embauche.
No pets allowed-----> Interdit aux animaux.

Correction: mercredi 24 mai 2006.

Traduire les phrases suivantes.

1-On m'a montré les principaux monuments de la ville.
2-On ne sait jamais ce qui peut arriver.
3-On ne peut pas lui faire confiance.
4-Quand nous dira-t-on la vérité ?
5-On leur a conseillé d'arriver à l'heure.
6-On ne peut pas penser à tout.
7-On ne devrait pas mettre la charrue avant les boeufs.
8-Une pancarte sur la porte d'un restaurant:"On demande des plongeurs".
9-Ils sont descendus dans un très bel hôtel. Ils disent qu'on voit la mer de leur chambre.
10-Pour ouvrir, on appuie sur le bouton et c'est tout.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-05-2006 07:32

Réponse: Comment traduire 'ON' ? de husserl, postée le 13-05-2006 à 21:58:08 (S | E)
Hey Steeve !

1-I've been shown the main buildings of the city.
2-You (one) never know(s) what may happen.
3-He can't be trusted.
4-When shall we be told the truth ?
5-They were advised to arrive on time.
6-We can't think about everything !
7-The cart shouldn't be put before the horse.
8-A notice on a restaurant door : "Dishwashers needed".
9-The're are staying at a very nice hotel. They say that they can see the sea from their bedrom.
10-To open, just press on the button and it's all.


Réponse: Comment traduire 'ON' ? de magmatic_rock, postée le 14-05-2006 à 09:14:40 (S | E)
I was shown the main monuments of the city
You never know what can happen/One never knows what can happen
He cannot be trust in
When will we be told the truth?
They were advised to arrive on time
You/One cannot think of everything
A notice on the restaurant door: dishwashers wanted
They went down to a very nice hotel. They say the sea can be seen from their room.
To open, just push the button.

Réponse: Comment traduire 'ON' ? de nanette33, postée le 14-05-2006 à 11:14:14 (S | E)

1-The main monuments of the city has been shown to me.
2-One never knows what can happen.
3-We cannot trust him.
4-When us will the truth be told?
5-They has been advised to come on time.
6-One cannot think of everything.
7-One shouldn't put the cart before the horse.
8-A notice on the restaurant's door : "Dishwashers wanted".
9-They are staying at a very beautiful hotel. They say that the sea is seen from their room.
10-To open, we press the button ; that's all.

Réponse: Comment traduire 'ON' ? de coco02, postée le 15-05-2006 à 13:38:53 (S | E)
hello Steeve,

1-I was shown the main monuments of the city.
2-No one knows what could happen.
3-Nobody can trust him.
4-when will we be told the truth ?
5-they were advised to arrive on time.
6-you can’t think about all.
7-the cart shouln’t be put before the horse .
8-A notice on the restaurant ‘s door : “ dishwashers wanted”
9-They stay in a very beautiful hotel. They say that you can see the sea from their room.
10-to open press the button and that’s all.

Réponse: Comment traduire 'ON' ? de lakata, postée le 15-05-2006 à 14:22:46 (S | E)

Hello steeve,

1- I was shown the main monuments of the city

2- One never knows what could happen
Nobody ever knows, etc.

3- He isn't reliable
He isn't to be relied upon
He isn't to be trusted

4- When will we be told the truth ?

5- They were advised to be on time

6- We can't think of everything !

7- The cart shouldn't be put before the horse ( Thanks a lot, Messrs Robert and Collins...)

8- A notice on a restaurant door saying : " Dishwashers needed".

9- They have put up at a very nice hotel. They say the sea can be seen from their room.

10- To open, you have just to press the button.

steeve pour ce fort utile exercice.

Réponse: Comment traduire 'ON' ? de maya13, postée le 15-05-2006 à 14:56:34 (S | E)
hello steeve and thank you for this useful revision,

1 - I was showed the main monuments of the City
2 - One never knows what can happen
3 - He can't be trusted
4 - When will they tell us the truth ?
5 - They were advised to be on time
6 - One can't think of everything
7 - One should not put the cart before the horse
8 - A sign on a restaurant door :"Dishwashers wanted"
9 - They stayed in a very nice hotel. They say they can see the sea from their
10 - To open just push the knob

Réponse: Comment traduire 'ON' ? de annie, postée le 16-05-2006 à 11:34:33 (S | E)
Hello Steeve
1)Somebody showed me the city's main monuments.
2)One nether knows what can happen.
3)We can't trust him.
4)When will someone tell us the truth ?
5)We have advised them to arrive on time.
6)One can't think about everything.
7)You shouldn't put the cart before the horse.
8)A sign on the door of a restaurant : dishwashers wanted.
9)They have gone down in a very handsome hotel, they say the sea is seen from their room.
10)To open, press the button and that's all.

Réponse: Comment traduire 'ON' ? de steeve34, postée le 24-05-2006 à 18:42:26 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous.

Voici ma proposition.

1- I was shown the main monuments of the town.
2- You never know what can happen/ One never knows what can happen.
3- He can't be trusted / He is not to be trusted.
4- When will we be told the truth ?
5- They were advised to arrive on time.
6- One can't think of everything.
7- One should not put the cart before the horse.
8- A notice (sign) on the door of a restaurant: "Dishwashers wanted".
9- They are staying at a very good hotel, they say they can see the sea from their room.
10- To open, you press the button and that's all.

Je vous remercie tous de votre participation.
Je répondrai à toute question relative à ce sujet.
Je me permets de signaler que:
"to trust in" means to believe in someone or something. We trust in God.
L'adjectif "trusted" signifie: en qui on a toute confiance/ à qui on peut se fier.



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