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We are to spend our holidays in Scotland.
Message de steeve34 posté le 28-06-2006 à 18:52:30 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous.

Voici un nouveau thème grammatical.

BE + infinitif complet.

Cette construction est très importante et peut s'employer pour:

1-Signifier un ordre.
He is to stay here until we return.
Il doit rester ici jusqu'à notre retour.
On pourrait écrire avec le même sens:
He must stay here until we return.

2-Annoncer un projet.
She is to be married next month.
Elle doit se marier le mois prochain.
Cette construction est fréquente dans la presse.
The Prime Minister is to make a statement tomorrow.
Le premier ministre doit faire une déclaration demain.

On emploie aussi cette construction au prétérite dans deux situations distinctes.

a- L'action était prévue mais on ne sait pas si le projet s'est réalisé.
Quand j'ai quitté mon frère, il devait prendre l'avion.
When I left my brother he was to take the plane.

b- L'action était prévue mais on sait que le projet ne s'est pas realisé.
Ils devaient atterrir à minuit, mais le vol a été retardé.
They were to have landed at midnight, but the flight has been delayed.
La Reine aurait dû se rendre aux Etats-Unis en septembre.
The Queen was to have visited the USA in September.
(L'événement qui était prévu ne s'est pas realisé.)

Noter les expressions suivantes:

What am I to do ?-----> Que faut-il que je fasse ?
What is to be done ?-----> Que faut-il faire ?

Autres tournures à connaître.

Be due to
Be scheduled to

Ces deux expressions sont des américanismes qui expriment aussi des actions projetées qui doivent se réaliser.
The train is due to arrive at 9.
Le train est attendu à 9 heures.
The President is scheduled to make a speech next month.
Le président doit faire un discours le mois prochain.

Correction: mardi 4 juillet 2006

Traduire les phrases suivantes en utilisant la construction BE + INFINITIF

1-Nos amis doivent aller à Boston bientôt.
2-Il était convenu que nous emmenions Sophie au théatre.
3-Dois-je te prendre au sérieux ?
4-Il devait entrer dans une école d'ingénieurs*, mais il a échoué à son examen.
*engineering school.
5-Les Martin devaient faire installer un double vitrage* le mois dernier.
6-Bob Kennedy devait devenir président quand il a été assassiné.
7-La derniére fois que je l'ai vue, elle devait hériter d'une fortune.
8-Prendre ce médicament tous les jours.(forme passive).
9-Il doit être promu colonel l'année prochaine.
10-Mary devait épouser un millionnaire, mais elle a changé d'avis.

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland. de bobine, postée le 29-06-2006 à 08:09:45 (S | E)

1-Our friends are to go to Boston soon.
2-We were to take Sophie to the theatre.
3-Am I to take you seriously ?
4-He was to have got into an engineering school, but he has failed in his exam.
5-The Martin were to have their double-glazing installed last month.
6-Bob Kennedy was to have become president when he has been killed.
7-The last time I saw her, she was to inherit a fortune.
8-This medicine is to be taken every day.
9-He is to be promoted colonel next year.
10-Mary was to have married a millionaire, but she has changed her mind.

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland. de nanette33, postée le 29-06-2006 à 09:04:15 (S | E)
Hello Steeve,

1-Our friends are to go to Boston soon.
2-It was agreed that we were to take Sophie to the theatre.
3-Am I to take you seriously?
4-He was to have gone to an engineering school, but he failed his examination.
5-The Martin were to set up a double-gazing last month.
6-Bob Kennedy was to have become President when he has been murdered.
7-The last time I saw her, she was to inherit a fortune.
8-This medicine is to be taken every day.
9-He is to be promoted colonel next year.
10-Mary was to have married a millionaire, but she has changed her mind.

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland de mp27, postée le 29-06-2006 à 12:25:00 (S | E)

Very much behind, but I'll try to read some of the past exercises I missed.

1 - Our friends are soon to go to Boston.
2 - We were to take Sophie to the theatre.
3 - Am I supposed to take you seriously?
4 - He was to have started at an engineering school, but he failed the entrance exam.
5 - The Martins were supposed to have had their double-glazing fitted last month...
6 - Bob Kennedy was (was about) to become president at the time he got assassinated.
7 - Last time I saw her, she was to inherit a fortune.
8 - This medicine is to be taken everyday.
9 - He is to be promoted to colonel (to the rank of colonel) next year.
10 - Mary was to have married a millionaire, but she changed her mind.


Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland de lakata, postée le 30-06-2006 à 17:45:43 (S | E)

Hello steeve !

1- Our friends are to go soon to Boston.
2- We were to have taken Sophie to the theater (but she caught a gastric flu...)
We were scheduled to take Sophie to the theater.(Do you still agree with this plan ?)
3- Am I to take you seriously ?
4- He was to have got into an engineering school but he hasn't passed his exam
5- The Martin were to have a double-glazing put in last month.
6- Bob Kennedy was to become president when he was assassinated.
7- When I last saw her, she was to inherit a fortune.
8- This medecine is to be taken every day.
9- He is to be upgraded to the rank of colonel next year
10- Mary was to have married a millionaire but she has changed her mind

Merci steeve pour cet intéressant exercice. Ces notions sont en effet tout à fait nouvelles pour moi et mes hésitations concernant plus particulièrement la question 2 en témoignent. Merci de bien vouloir m'indiquer si mes deux propositions sont ou non valides .

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland. de steeve34, postée le 01-07-2006 à 15:19:42 (S | E)
Hello lakata,

Que vos craintes se dissipent. J'ai conçu cet exercice comme un jeu.
Je vous ai proposé un " mode d'emploi" d'une tournure particulière, et je vous ai demandé de l'utiliser dans certaines phrases.

Les expressions "be due to" et "be scheduled to" sont simplement signalées et ne doivent pas être employées dans cet exercice.

Je profite de l'occasion qui m'est donnée pour faire une autre remarque.

Dans la phrase N° 2 " Il était convenu que nous emmenions Sophie au théatre",
"il était convenu que" peut être traduit par:"it was agreed that". Mais ce n'est pas le but recherché. Il faut utiliser la tournure proposée.

Il faut traduire "Il était convenu que"....par "nous devions" emmener Sophie au théatre.

On ne sait pas si l'événement a eu lieu.

La bonne réponse est:
"We were to take Sophie to the theatre."

Si vous voulez utiliser "It was agreed" vous devez écrire:
It was agreed that we took Sophie to the theatre.

Il est plus simple de dire:
We were to take Sophie to the theatre. Non ?

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland. de nanette33, postée le 01-07-2006 à 17:12:43 (S | E)

Hello Steve,

C'est en effet beaucoup plus simple. Je comprends mieux maintenant.

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland de babeth54, postée le 01-07-2006 à 23:11:15 (S | E)
1-Nos amis doivent aller à Boston bientôt.
Our friends are to go to Boston soon.

2-Il était convenu que nous emmenions Sophie au théatre.
We were to take Sophie to the theater.

3-Dois-je te prendre au sérieux ?
Am I to take you serious.

4-Il devait entrer dans une école d'ingénieurs*, mais il a échoué à son examen.
He was to have entered in a engineering school, but he failed his exam.

5-Les Martin devaient faire installer un double vitrage* le mois dernier.
The Martin were to set up the double- glazing last month.

6-Bob Kennedy devait devenir président quand il a été assassiné.
Bob Kennedy was to be became President when he was assassinated.

7-La derniére fois que je l'ai vue, elle devait hériter d'une fortune.
The last time i saw her, she was to inherit a fortune.

8-Prendre ce médicament tous les jours.(forme passive).
This medecine is to be taken every day.

9-Il doit être promu colonel l'année prochaine.
He is to be a colonel next year.

10-Mary devait épouser un millionnaire, mais elle a changé d'avis.
Mary was to be married to a millionaire but she has changed her mind.

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland de lakata, postée le 03-07-2006 à 09:18:38 (S | E)

Je viens de prendre connaissance de votre "copieuse" réponse . Merci infiniment !

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland de annie, postée le 03-07-2006 à 13:02:20 (S | E)
Hello Steeve,

1) Our friends are soon to go to Boston
2) We were to take Sophie to the theatre.
3) Am I to take you seriously ?
4) He was to have come in an engineering school but he has failed his exam.
5) The Martin were to install a double gazing last month.
6) Bob Kennedy was to have become President when he has been assassined.
7) The last time I saw her, she was to inherit a fortune.
8) This drug is to be taken every day.
9) He is to be promoted colonel next year.
10) Mary was to have married a millionaire but she has changed her mind.


Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland. de coferam, postée le 03-07-2006 à 15:47:25 (S | E)
Bonjour Steeve34,

1 / Our friends are to go to Boston soon.
2 / It was agreed that we take Sophie to the théatre.
3/ Am I to take seriously ?
4 / He was to have entered in a engineering school, but he failed in his exam.
5 / The Martins were to make install a double-glazing last month.
6 / Bob Kennedy was to have become President when he was murdered.
7 / The last time I saw her, she was to inherit from a fortune.
8 / This medicine is to be taken every day.
9 / He is to be promoted colonel next year.
10 / Mary was to marry a millionaire, but she changed opinion.

Merci pour le texte et tes explications…

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland. de steeve34, postée le 04-07-2006 à 09:51:56 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,

Quelques commentaires préliminaires.

1- Les compléments ainsi que les adverbes en fin de phrase suivent l' ordre suivant:

Manière; Lieu; Moment;
Comment ? Où ? Quand ?

EX: Elle a très bien chanté hier soir au club.
She sang very well at the club last night.

Je vais à Bristol demain.
I am going to Bristol tomorrow.

Soon peut aussi être traduit par vite (quickly).

We soon realised/realized why he hadn't come.
Nous avons vite compris pourquoi il n' était pas venu.

2- Les noms propres prennent la marque du pluriel comme les noms communs.

Les Johnson-----> The Johnsons
Les Kennedy-----> The Kennedys

3- Double-glazing est un nom indénombrable. Il n'est donc pas précédé de l'article indéfini.
Dans un dictionnaire anglais les noms sont suivis de [U] ou [C]

4- La dernière fois que je l'ai vu/vue......
On peut traduire cette expression de façons différentes:
I last saw him/her...
I saw him/her last.....
The last time I saw him/her.

5- Pour traduire des actions ou des états du passé on emploie le prétérit.

6- Make sb captain/leader .... To give someone a new job or position in a group,
organisation ....

Voici ma proposition.

1- Our friends are to go to Boston soon.
2- We were to take Sophie to the theatre.
3- Am I to take you seriously ?
4- He was to have entered an enginering school, but he failed his exam.
5- The Martins were to have double-glazing put in last month.
6- Bob Kennedy was to have become president when he was murdered.
7- When I last saw her, she was to inherit a fortune.
8- This medicine is to be taken every day.
9- He is to be made colonel next year.
10- Mary was to have married a millionaire, but she changed her mind.

Une pointe d'humour avant de terminer.

"I certainly hope it doesn't rain today" one mother kangaroo remarked to another.
"I hate it when the children have to play inside !!"

Et une autre: A malin, malin et demi.

Smart: "Look, here's a lion's track".
Smarter:" Good !! You go and see where it went, and I go and see where it came from !!"

Je vous remercie de votre participation.
Je répondrai à toute question relative à ce sujet.

Je vous souhaite de bonnes vacances.

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland. de nanette33, postée le 04-07-2006 à 10:33:39 (S | E)
Merci Steeve pour toutes ces précisions et cet humour "so british".

Bonnes vacances ! Nous nous préparons pour la rentrée

Réponse: We are to spend our holidays in Scotland. de robinou, postée le 09-07-2006 à 12:37:59 (S | E)
Bonjour Steeve 34.

1-Nos amis doivent aller à Boston bientôt.
Soon,our friends are to go to Boston.

2-Il était convenu que nous emmenions Sophie au théatre.
We were to take Sophie to the theatre.

3-Dois-je te prendre au sérieux ?
Am I to take you sérious.

4-Il devait entrer dans une école d'ingénieurs*, mais il a échoué à son examen.
*engineering school.
He was to get into in a engineering school but he has failed at his exam.

5-Les Martin devaient faire installer un double vitrage* le mois dernier.
The Martins were to make installed a double - glazing last month.
The Martins were to have made installed last month.

6-Bob Kennedy devait devenir président quand il a été assassiné.
Bob Kennedy was to have become président when he has been killed.

7-La derniére fois que je l'ai vue, elle devait hériter d'une fortune.
The last time I saw her,she was to come into a fortune.

8-Prendre ce médicament tous les jours.(forme passive).
This medecine is to be taken all days.

9-Il doit être promu colonel l'année prochaine.
He is to be promoted next year.

10-Mary devait épouser un millionnaire, mais elle a changé d'avis.
Mary were to marry a millionaire but she has changed advice.


Modifié par robinou le 09-07-2006 12:39



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