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Exercice 83
Message de felin posté le 28-08-2006 à 13:49:42 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Dimanche soir 3/09/06


Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the word given at the brackets

It is no ………………. ( 0 EXAGGERATE) to say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods of................ (1 COMMUNICATE) have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as ................ (2 POLLUTE) are not restricted to this country. The ................ (3 DESTROY) of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the ................ (4 STARVE) which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The ................ (5 EXTINCT) of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the .......... (6 EXHAUST) of oil supplies will shake the ..........(7 FOUND) of the world's economy. The ................ (8 PROTECT) of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic ................ (9 COMPETE) between strong and weak nations leads to the ............... (10 CREATE) of greater inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.

Good lcuk.

Modifié par felin le 28-08-2006 15:34
Modifié par felin le 31-08-2006 11:45
J'ai changé le numéro du titre car je me suis trompée. Excusez moi.

Réponse: Exercice 82 de zodiac97500, postée le 28-08-2006 à 14:41:44 (S | E)
bonjour Felin


It is not (exaggerate) to say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods of( communications) have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as ( pollution) are not restricted to this country. The (destroying ) of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the (starvation) which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The(exctintion ) of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the( exhaustion) of oil supplies will shake the (funds) of the world's economy. The (protection ) of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic (competition) between strong and weak nations leads to the (creation) of greater inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.
have a nice day

Réponse: Exercice 82 de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 15:25:02 (S | E)
Hello Felin!
What a lovely collection of words!

Je viens de les relire à haute voix (j'en ai la encore la bouche pleine de "ssh'n") Thanks!
Modifié par felin le 28-08-2006 15:55

Réponse: Exercice 82 de nanette33, postée le 28-08-2006 à 18:52:06 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

It is no exaggeration to say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods of communication have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as pollution are not restricted to this country. The destruction of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the starvation which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The extinction of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the exhaustion of oil supplies will shake the foundation of the world's economy. The protection of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic competition between strong and weak nations leads to the creation of greater inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.

Réponse: Exercice 82 de bobine, postée le 28-08-2006 à 19:37:04 (S | E)

Hello Miss,


It is no exaggeration to say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods of communication have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as pollution are not restricted to this country. The destruction of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the starvation which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The extinction of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the exhaustion of oil supplies will shake the foundation of the world's economy. The protection of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic competition between strong and weak nations leads to the creation of greater inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.**caractères interdits**xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Modifié par felin le 28-08-2006 19:39 Je serais obligée de prendre une loupe pour voir.

Réponse: Exercice 82 de whynot95, postée le 28-08-2006 à 19:41:47 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin

It is no exaggeration to say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods of communication have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as pollution are not restricted to this country. The destruction of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the starvation which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The extinction of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the exhaustion of oil supplies will shake the foundation of the world's economy. The protection of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic competition between strong and weak nations leads to the creation of greater inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.

I totally agree. Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Exercice 82 de magmatic_rock, postée le 29-08-2006 à 15:49:54 (S | E)
Hello Félin,

It is no EXAGGERATION to say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods of COMMUNICATION have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as POLLUTION are not restricted to this country. The DESTRUCTION of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the STARVATION which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The EXTINCTION of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the EXHAUSTION of oil supplies will shake the FOUNDATION of the world's economy. The PROTECTION of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic COMPETITION between strong and weak nations leads to the CREATION of greater inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.

beaucoup, très intéressant et vrai texte qui plus ait!!!!

Réponse: Exercice 82 de coferam, postée le 30-08-2006 à 13:59:16 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,


It is no Exaggeration ( 0 EXAGERATE) to say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods of Communication (1 COMMUNICATE) have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as Pollution (2 POLLUTE) are not restricted to this country. The Destruction (3 DESTROY) of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the Starvation (4 STARVE) which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The Extinction (5 EXTINCT) of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the Exhaustion (6 EXHAUST) of oil supplies will shake the Foundation (7 FOUND) of the world's economy. The Protection (8 PROTECT) of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic competition (9 COMPETE) between strong and weak nations leads to the Creation (10 CREATE) of greater inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.

Merci Felin de participer à l’entretien de mes neurones.

La réponse 3 (destruction/destroy) me ‘contrarie’ et pourtant je n’ai pas trouvé mieux pour le sens de la phrase…j’en viens à souhaiter qu’elle soit fausse ! Les autres réponses, justes ou fausses, sont (pour moi) dans la logique de l’exercice…je finirai bien par comprendre !
Modifié par felin le 02-09-2006 18:35 Hello,je t'ai envoyé par MP.

Réponse: Exercice 83 de felin, postée le 03-09-2006 à 14:52:01 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction:


It is no exaggeration to say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods of communication have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as pollution are not restricted to this country. The destruction of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the starvation which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The extinction of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the exhaustion of oil supplies will shake the foundations of the world's economy. The protection of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic competition between strong and weak nations leads to the creation of greater inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.

Merci à tous pour votre participation.
See you soon.



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