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Phrasal Verbs 11
Message de felin posté le 05-10-2006 à 22:16:42 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

I'm back from my trip. I'm awfully glad to see you.

Correction mercredi 11/10/2006

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following phrasal verbs:
break up, cheer up, up to, do up, blow up, catch up, bring up.

1.It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is ............ you.
2.The balloon will burst if you .......... it ............ too much.
3.It’s always hard when a marriage ......... , especially if there are children.
4.She would prefer not to .......... her children .......... in a big city.
5.You go ahead. I’ll ............ you .......... in a few minutes.
6.He spent ages trying to .............. the kids ................
7.She’s eaten so much that she can’t .......... her trousers .............!

Good luck.

Modifié par felin le 05-10-2006 23:57

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de nick27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 22:20:42 (S | E)
Hello Felin !!

1. It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is up to you.
2. The balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
3. It’s always hard when a marriage breaks up, especially if there are children.
4. She would prefer not to bring her children up in a big city.
5. You go ahead. I’ll catch you up in a few minutes.
6. He spent ages trying to cheer the kids up.
7. She’s eaten so much that she can’t do her trousers up !

Thanks !
See you

Modifié par felin le 05-10-2006 22:24 Hello.Woaw I can't believe it! You have been very quick !....
Modifié par nick27 le 06-10-2006 09:45
Hey! I love phrasal verbs so much that I couldn't wait any longer to do this exercise
Modifié par felin le 09-10-2006 14:48

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 23:27:00 (S | E)
Hello felin ,
Nice to see you back!

1. It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is up to you.
2. The balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
3. It’s always hard when a marriage breaks up, especially if there are children.
4. She would prefer not to bring her children up in a big city.
5. You go ahead. I’ll catch you up in a few minutes.
6. He spent ages trying to cheer the kids up.
7. She’s eaten so much that she can’t do her trousers up !

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de whynot95, postée le 06-10-2006 à 00:52:44 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin.

I'm so glad to see you again.

1. It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is up to you.
2. The balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
3. It’s always hard when a marriage breaks up, especially if there are children.
4. She would prefer not to bring her children up in a big city.
5. You go ahead. I’ll catch you up in a few minutes.
6. He spent ages trying to cheer the kids up.
7. She’s eaten so much that she can’t do her trousers up!

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de nanette33, postée le 06-10-2006 à 10:55:13 (S | E)
Hello dear Felin!

I'm very happy to read you again!

1.It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is up to you.
2.The balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
3.It’s always hard when a marriage breaks up, especially if there are children.
4.She would prefer not to bring her children up in a big city.
5.You go ahead. I’ll catch you up in a few minutes.
6.He spent ages trying to cheer the kids up
7.She’s eaten so much that she can’t do her trousers up!

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de bobine, postée le 06-10-2006 à 16:37:36 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1.It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is up to you.
2.The balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
3.It’s always hard when a marriage breaks up , especially if there are children.
4.She would prefer not to bring her children up in a big city.
5.You go ahead. I’ll catch you up in a few minutes.
6.He spent ages trying to cheer the kids up.
7.She’s eaten so much that she can’t do her trousers up !

Here's my try, I'll be back soon

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de annie, postée le 06-10-2006 à 18:41:31 (S | E)

Hello Felin,

1.It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is .up to........... you.
2.The balloon will burst if you ..blow........ it ...up......... too much.
3.It’s always hard when a marriage .breaks up.. , especially if there are children.
4.She would prefer not to .bring... her children ....up...... in a big city.
5.You go ahead. I’ll ..catch... you ....up...... in a few minutes.
6.He spent ages trying to ..cheer. the kids ...up...
7.She’s eaten so much that she can’t her trousers ..up....!

See you soon

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de coferam, postée le 07-10-2006 à 15:07:04 (S | E)

Bonjour Felin,

1.It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is up to you.
2.The balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
3.It’s always hard when a marriage breaks up , especially if there are children.
4.She would prefer not to bring her children up in a big city.
5.You go ahead. I’ll catch you up in a few minutes.
6.He spent ages trying to cheer the kids up
7.She’s eaten so much that she can’t do her trousers up !

et Merci.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de adamolma4, postée le 07-10-2006 à 17:07:16 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1)- It's your birthday, so what we do tonight, is up to you.
2)- The balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
3)- It's always hard when a marriage breaks up, especially if there are children.
4)- She would prefer not to bring her children up in a big city.
5)- You go ahead. I'll catch you up in a few minutes.
6)- He spents ages trying to cheer the kids up.
7)- She's eaten so much that she can't do her trousers up.

Thank you and have a good weekend.

Modifié par felin le 08-10-2006 01:13 Thank you and you too.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de sandrineg, postée le 07-10-2006 à 18:11:45 (S | E)

1.It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is up to you.
2.The balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
3.It’s always hard when a marriage breaks up, especially if there are children.
4.She would prefer not to bring her children up in a big city.
5.You go ahead. I’ll catch you up in a few minutes.
6.He spent ages trying to cheer the kids up.
7.She’s eaten so much that she can’t do her trousers up !


Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 11 de felin, postée le 11-10-2006 à 13:47:57 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1. It’s your birthday, so what we do tonight, is up to you.
2. The balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
3. It’s always hard when a marriage breaks up, especially if there are children.
4. She would prefer not to bring her children up in a big city.
5. You go ahead. I’ll catch you up in a few minutes.
6. He spent ages trying to cheer the kids up.
7. She’s eaten so much that she can’t do her trousers up!

Merci à tous pour votre participation.



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