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Message de marit64 posté le 2004-12-11 01:56:27 (S | E | F | I)
Hi! everyone, are you ready for another exercise?

Find the word beginning with the letter "S"

1- This goes on before your shoe....................................................
2- Musicians check this before a concert..........................................
3- One of the four directions on the compass....................................
4- Basil, oregano. thyme are all examples..........................................
5- There are millions of these in the sky...........................................
6- A red light means.....................................................................
7- Quebec (Canada) produces a lot of maple......................................
8- This is a very popular activity in the summer..................................
9- It's free and makes people happy.................................................
10-If you eat this, you could get stronger..........................................

Good luck

Modifié par marit64 le 26-01-2005 22:46

Réponse: re:The letter "S" part 4 de dandoun, postée le 2004-12-11 04:00:27 (S | E)
1-This goes on before your shoe => Sock
2- Musicians check this before a concert =>Sound
3- One of the four directions on the compass => South
4- Basil, oregano, thyme are all examples =>Seasoning
5- there are millions of these in the sky => Stars
6- A red light means => Stop
7- Quebec (Canada) produces a lot of maple => Syrup
8- This is a very popular activity in the summer =>Scout (camp)???
9- It's free and makes people happy => Smiles
10-If you eat this, you could get stronger =>

Réponse: re:The letter "S" part 4 de vmg, postée le 2004-12-11 07:40:21 (S | E)
Hello !

1- This goes on before your shoe. Sock
2- Musicians check this before a concert.Sound
3- One of the four directions on the compass.South
4- Basil, oregano. thyme are all examples. spices
5- There are millions of these in the sky.Stars
6- A red light means.Stop
7- Quebec (Canada) produces a lot of maple.Syrup
8- This is a very popular activity in the summer.Swimming
9- It's free and makes people happy.Smile
10-If you eat this, you could get stronger. Spinach Soup !

Have a nice day Vmg

Réponse: re:The letter de gewurz, postée le 2004-12-11 09:53:44 (S | E)
1- sock
2- their seat ?
3- south
4- spice/seasoning
5- star
6- stop
7- syrup
8- sunbathing
9- sun
10-spinach... but it doesn't work
(ach qui se prononce idz c'est très fort...)

Edité par gewurz le 2004-12-11 13:21:47

Réponse: re:The letter "S" part 4 de salsify, postée le 2004-12-11 11:53:43 (S | E)
Find the word beginning by the letter "S"

1- This goes on before your shoe.........SOCK....................
2- Musicians check this before a concert......SOUND................
3- One of the four directions on the compass..........SOUTH.............
4- Basil, oregano. thyme are all examples..........SPICE.....
5- There are millions of these in the sky...........STARS.........
6- A red light means...........STOP........
7- Quebec (Canada) produces a lot of maple......SYRUP...............
8- This is a very popular activity in the summer SWIMMING or SUNBATH
9- It's free and makes people happy..........SMILE.....................
10-If you eat this, you could get stronger.......SPINACH (it's not true)..

Merci encore pour ce petit jeu et aide-mémoire.

Réponse: re:The letter "S" part 4 de claire1, postée le 2004-12-11 12:37:47 (S | E)
marit64 1)

1)this goes on before your shoes...sock
2) musicians check it before a concert...sound
3)one of the four directions on the compass...south
4)basil ,oregano,thyme are all examples...spices
5) they are million of these in the sky...stars
6) a red light means...stop
7) Quebec (Canada) produces a lot of maple....syrup (very delicious)
8) this a very popular activity in the summer...swimming
9)it's free and make people happy...smiles
10)it you eat this you could get stronger...spinach ! ( I like a lot)

thanks for this fun exercise

Réponse: re:The letter "S" part 4 de letsyrc, postée le 2004-12-11 13:04:56 (S | E)
Find the word beginning by the letter "S"

1- This goes on before your shoe.....SOCK...............................................
2- Musicians check this before a concert...SOUND.......................................
3- One of the four directions on the compass....SOUTH................................
4- Basil, oregano. thyme are all examples...........SPICE...............................
5- There are millions of these in the sky.......STARS....................................
6- A red light means.........STOP............................................................
7- Quebec (Canada) produces a lot of maple.............SYRUP.........................
8- This is a very popular activity in the summer......SWIMMING............................
9- It's free and makes people happy...........SMILE......................................
10-If you eat this, you could get stronger..........SPINACH................................

thank you!

Réponse: re:The letter "S" part 4 de speedjo905, postée le 2004-12-11 17:37:39 (S | E)
1- This goes on before your shoe ------------------ sock
2- Musicians check this before a concert----------- sheet or sound
3- One of the four directions on the compass------- south
4- Basil, oregano. thyme are all examples ---------- seasoning
5- There are millions of these in the sky ----------- stars
6- A red light means ------------------------------ stop
7- Quebec (Canada) produces a lot of maple-------- syrup
8- This is a very popular activity in the summer----- swimming - soccer
9- It's free and makes people happy---------------- smile
10-If you eat this, you could get stronger--------- spinach (like popeye)

Réponse: re:The letter "S" part 4 de marit64, postée le 2004-12-14 22:33:21 (S | E)
Hi! everyone,
sorry, but I couldn't give you the answers before today.

Here are the answers.

1- socks
2- sound
3- south
4- spices
5- stars
6- stop
7- syrup
8- swimming
9- smile

Congratulations for your good work.

Different words can be good too.

So long

Réponse: re:The letter "S" part 4 de speedjo905, postée le 2004-12-15 01:28:00 (S | E)
very good marit64

thank you so much

you are an

please S part 5 soon as possible !!!!!!!!!

Réponse: re:The letter "S" part 4 de marit64, postée le 2004-12-15 03:26:00 (S | E)

Thanks speedjo for your nice words, but I thought that you would like to work on another letter. Than, I prepared an exercise with the letter "A".
I hope you enjoy it too.

I'm not an " "

I like doing English exercises. It's a great passion for me.

So long,



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