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The weather
Message de lucile83 posté le 09-02-2005 à 15:29:38 (S | E | F | I)

voici une nouvelle petite traduction
See you soon
Lorsque des Britanniques vous disent « How do you do ? » vous êtes censé bien entendu répondre par la même question. Et même lorsqu’on vous demande « How are you ? » on n’attend pas de vous que vous donniez une liste détaillée de tout ce qui ne va pas, depuis vos ennuis de santé jusqu’à vos problèmes familiaux. Dans une conversation, les gens risquent de se sentir mal à l’aise si vous parlez trop de vous. En Grande-Bretagne, c’est une habitude de commencer une conversation par quelques remarques sur le temps : celui qu’il a fait, celui qu’il fait, celui qu’il va faire. Votre popularité comme invité dépendra de votre aptitude à tirer le meilleur parti de ce sujet de conversation très grave.

Réponse: de masselotte, postée le 09-02-2005 à 17:32:45 (S | E)
hello every body thanks lucile83 for your exercice

In which time the Britain told you << How do you do ?>> you were supposed to ask by the same question .And even if we ask to you << how are you ?>> we don't wait to you that you draw up a detailed list of all the things are going badly,since your difficulty of health up to your family problems .In a conversation, the people risk to feel uncomfortable if you talk more of you .Great Britain this is an habit to become a conversation by some remark of the weather : the one it was yesterday , the one is today , the one will be tomorrow .Your popularity as guest depend on your attitude to get the best of the talking point very important .

Réponse: The weather de zen34, postée le 09-02-2005 à 17:59:40 (S | E)
Salut Lucile,

When British say « how do you do? » In return, you are supposed to ask the same question. And even if someone ask to you “how are you?” We are not expecting the list with the details of all things wrong with you; from your health troubles to your family problems. In a conversation, people could fell uncomfortable if you talk too much about yourself. In Great Britain, it is used to begin a conversation with a few remarks about the weather: the weather it did; the one it does and the one it will do. Your popularity will depend to your capacity for making the best use of that very serious topic of conversation.


Réponse: The weather de grabuge, postée le 09-02-2005 à 19:02:59 (S | E)
Hello Lucile, heureuse de retrouver tes traductions.

When the Britains tell you "How do you do ?" You're supposed, of course, to answer by the same way. And even when they ask you "How are you", nobody expect that you give a detailed list of all is bad, from your health troubles to your domestic problems. In a conversation, people may be feel ill at ease if you tell of you so much. In Great Britain, it's a habit to (or it's used to) begin a conversation with a few comments about the weather : the one was, the one is, the one will be (???). Your popularity as a guest will be depend on your behavior to get the best part of this very grave subject.

I'm sorry for my mistakes. I learn here lots of words. Who had invented the dictionary . He was a champion !

Réponse: The weather de tounette, postée le 09-02-2005 à 19:13:22 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile,

When the English tell you " how do you do ?" you are supposed to answer by the same question. And even when they ask you "How are you" they don't expect that you should give a list of the whole things which are going not good, from your troubles of health to your domestic problems.
In a conversation, people risk to feel awkward if you talk over you too much. In England, people are used to beginning a conversation with several comments about the weather : the one it has been like, the one it is like and the weather it will be like (difficile cette phrase :
Your popularity as guest will depend of your ability to make the most of this talking point very acute


Réponse: The weather de gewurz, postée le 09-02-2005 à 19:26:50 (S | E)
When some British tell you "enchanté", of course you are supposed to answer the same question. And even when you're asked "Comment allez-vous ?", you're not expected to draw up a detailed list with what is wrong, from your health problems to your family problems.
In a conversation, people will feel ill at ease if you talk too much about you. In Great-Britain, it's a habit to start a conversation with some remarks about the weather : the one it was, the one which is going to be. Your popularity as a guest will depend on your ability to get the best side of this very serious topic of conversation.

Merci Lucile.

Réponse: The weather de bridg, postée le 09-02-2005 à 21:19:22 (S | E)
Je repositionne la réponse mal positionnée suite à un bug

Message de larenaudiere posté le 2005-02-09 21:10:41 (S | E | F | I)

When some British people tell you "How do you do?" you are of course supposed to answer in the same way. And even when you are asked "how are you?" we are not expected from you that you gave a detailed list of everything what are not going well. In conversational speech,people might feel ill at ease if you talk too much about you. In Btitain they are in the habit of beginning a conversation by some remarks about the weather: what was the weather like,what is the weather like,what will the weather be like. Your popularity as a guest will depend on your aptitude to get the most one can out of this serious subject.
I am very worried about my work.

Réponse: The weather de clarinette, postée le 09-02-2005 à 21:25:59 (S | E)

When Brits ask you "how do you do?" You are supposed to answer with the same question.
And even when you are asked "How are you?" you are not expected to give a summary of what's going wrong, from your health troubles to your family matters.
In a conversation, you might make people feel unconfortable by talking too much about yourself (I should remember that one).
In GB, it is common to begin a conversation with a few remarks about the weather :
What the weather was like, what the weather is now, what the weather will be. Your popularity as a guest will depend on your ability to get the best out of this very crucial subject of conversation.

Je sens que je me suis emmêlée les pédales du moins à la fin.

Edité par clarinette le 09-02-2005 23:26

Edité par clarinette le 10-02-2005 12:30

Réponse: The weather de bridg, postée le 09-02-2005 à 21:59:30 (S | E)
c'est un vrai casse tête chinois , je te hais

When British tell you "How do you do? » you are supposed of course to answer by the same question. And even when someone ask you "How are you? " nobody is expecting that you give a detailed list about what’s wrong for you, since your troubles of health until your family problems. In a conversation, people are likely to feel themselves awkward if you speak too much about you. In Great Britain, it’s used to begin a conversation with some remarks about the weather: the one it was, the one it is, the one it will be. Your popularity as guest will depend on your capacity to benefit the best part of this very serious subject.

Merci quand même

Réponse: The weather de bobbyker, postée le 09-02-2005 à 22:12:09 (S | E)
Hi Lucille!

Of course, when Brits ask you “How do you do?”, you’re supposed to reply by asking the same question. And even when you’re asked “How are you?”, You’re not expected to draw up a detailed list of what’s wrong, from your health problems to your family troubles. During a conversation, people are likely to feel ill at ease if You’re talking too much about You. In Great-Britain, it’s in the habit of starting a conversation with some comments on the weather : what was it like, what is it like and what is it likely to be. Your popularity as a guest will depend on your ability to get the most one can out of a such important topic.

Réponse: The weather de leonne51, postée le 09-02-2005 à 23:21:42 (S | E)

When the British say "How do you do" of course, you are supposed to answer back likewise. And even if they ask you "How are you" they don't expect from you a detail list of something wrong; like health's troubles or your family's problems. In a meeting, people could feel uncomfortable if you talk too much about you. In Great Britain, people are used to start a conversation with some remarks about the weather: How was the weather? how it is? how it will be. As guest, you will become a leader depending your ability to take advantage of this serious subject.

Réponse: de emy64, postée le 10-02-2005 à 08:17:24 (S | E)

When the British tell you 'how do you do?' of course you are supposed to answer with the same question. And even when you are asked "How are you?" you are not supposed to give a detailed list of all what is going wrong with you, from your health problems to your family ones. In a conversation, people may feel uncomfortable if you talk too much about yourself. In Great-Britain, it 's common to start a conversation with a few remarks on the weather : how the weather was, how the weather is , how the weather will be. Your popularity as a guest will depends on your ability to make the best possible use of this quite serious matter.

Coach Lucile !!!

Edité par emy64 le 10-02-2005 11:50
oups...mais c'est évident que c'était une faute d'étourderie coach, je suis une championne pour ça !!!

Réponse: de lucile83, postée le 10-02-2005 à 08:37:55 (S | E)
Masselotte, des fautes, trop de mot à mot
Zen, des fautes aussi
Grabuge, des fautes mais ce n'est pas mal du tout
Tounette, pas mal du tout
Gewurz, pas mal du tout mais pourquoi traduis tu "how do you do" et "how are you", c'est "dans le texte"
Larenaudière,bon travail
Clarinette, bon travail mais si je peux me permettre ne mélange pas les phrases en français et en anglais pour la présentation,cela rend la "correction" difficile, merci;
Bridg, bien ! tu l'auras ce CAPES!
Bobbyker, très bien mais pourquoi inverser "what was it like,what is it like..."?
Leonne, bien!
Emy, très bien sauf "will dependS on your ability.." OOOHHH !!
Je vous laisse "mijoter" encore un peu

Réponse: The weather de clarinette, postée le 10-02-2005 à 11:12:34 (S | E)
Lucile merci pour ta remarque, tu n'as pas tort. Je veux bien accepter tout conseil de méthodologie pour faire l'exercice. Est-ce que vous copiez d'abord le corps de l'exercice, vous allez sur un doc word puis copier/coller pour donner la réponse ? Moi, je tape directement et si je ne fais pas comme cela, je n'ai plus le texte en français. Le problème est que j'ai plusieurs fois tout perdu en laissant la fenêtre ouverte trop longtemps - la fenêtre de la réponse j'entends. A chque surbrillance pour faire des copier coller, le traducteur me bloque pour s'ouvrir et c'est ainsi que j'ai des bugs.

Réponse: The weather de lucile83, postée le 10-02-2005 à 11:32:48 (S | E)
A Clarinette,
je t'indique ma méthode, il en existe peut-être d'autres; je fais un copier-coller de l'exercice à faire sous word, ce qui permet aussi de prendre son temps pour le faire,je fais l'exo en question, et je le poste dans le topic avec un nouveau copier-coller, sans oublier les "bonjour, merci," et les si charmants petits smileys; cela est simple, rapide et évite en effet l'apparition du traducteur .
See you soon

Réponse: de clarinette, postée le 10-02-2005 à 12:30:02 (S | E)

Oui, il faudra peut-être effectivement que je m'y mette. Mais je suis si bavarde!!! j'aime tellement faire vite!!!! je suis si impatiente!!!! Enfin, tout une éducation à refaire!!!!

Réponse: ma proposition de lucile83, postée le 10-02-2005 à 16:25:49 (S | E)
Hello ! voici ma proposition, à vous de contrôler votre travail,

When British people say “ How do you do ? “ you are of course supposed to answer with the same question. Even when asked “ How are you? “ you are not expected to give a detailed list of all that is wrong with you, from physical complaints to family problems. In a conversation people may feel uneasy, if you mention too much about yourself. In Great Britain, it is customary to start a conversation with a few remarks on the weather : what it has been like, is like and is going to be like. Your success as a guest will depend on your ability to make the most of this very serious topic.
Thanks and see you soon

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