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Les quantificateurs
Message de weena posté le 05-04-2005 à 15:08:19 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous!!
Voici un petit exercice très sympathique!!
La consigne est le suivante:
Choisissez la forme qui convient. ( X= ensemble vide)

1- ... artists earn ... money
a) The / a little b) X / little c) All / few

2- I'll give you ... butter in exchange for ... eggs
a) little / any b) the whole / some c) all the / a few

3- Use ... tweezers to remove ... splinter from your foot
a) a / that b) X / the c) a pair of / one

4- ... commitee eventually reached an agreement, ... ... ?
a) The / didn't they b) The whole / didn't it c) A few / didn't they

5- The boat pitched dangerously , but ... crew came to the helm and mastered ...
a) All the / that b) both / it c) three / her

Bon courage!!
Edité par bridg le 05-04-2005 16:35

Réponse: Les quantificateurs de isa71, postée le 07-04-2005 à 22:27:55 (S | E)
1- artists earn little money
2- I'll give you whole butter in exchange for some eggs
3- Use a pair of tweezers to remove one splinter from your foot
4- the whole commitee eventually reached an agreement, didn't it ?
5- The boat pitched dangerously , but ... crew came to the helm and mastered

Réponse: Les quantificateurs de sun74, postée le 07-04-2005 à 22:50:38 (S | E)
Hi Isa ,
1) Artists earn little money
2)I`ll give you all the butter in exchange for a few eggs
3)Use a pair of tweezers to remove one splinter from your foot
4)The commitee eventually reached an agreement , didn`t they?

merci Isa

Réponse: Les quantificateurs de hyppoblue, postée le 08-04-2005 à 09:32:21 (S | E)
1- X artists earn little money.
2- I'll give you some butter in exchange for few eggs.
3- Use a pair of tweezers to remove one splinter from your foot.
4- The whole commitee eventually reached an agreement, didn't it?.
5- The boat pitched dangerously , but all the (or her) crew came to the helm and mastered.

et bonne journée

Réponse: Les quantificateurs de mimi852, postée le 08-04-2005 à 14:14:54 (S | E)

1- artists earn little money
2- I'll give you whole butter in exchange for some eggs
3- Use a pair of tweezers to remove one splinter from your foot
4- the whole commitee eventually reached an agreement, didn't it ?
5- The boat pitched dangerously , but her crew came to the helm and mastered

Réponse: Les quantificateurs de weena, postée le 10-04-2005 à 13:46:12 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous!
voici la corretion.

1- X artists earn little money

2- I'll give you all the butter in exchange for a few eggs

3- Use X tweezers to remove the splinter from your foot.

4- The commitee eventually reached an agreement, didn't they?

5- The boat pitched dangerously , but three crew came to the helm and mastered her.

Réponse: Les quantificateurs de idem, postée le 11-04-2005 à 11:25:46 (S | E)
bonjour Weena

1 Artists earn money.
2 I'll give you some butter in exchange for a few eggs.
3 Use a pair of tweezers to remove one splinter from your foot.
4 the commitee eventually reached an agreement, didn't they?
5 The boat pitched dangerously, but three crew came to the helm and mastered.

see you soon

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