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Superlative and Comparative
Message de felin posté le 25-04-2005 à 13:47:15 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous

Correction Jeudi soir

A- Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (-est or most...) or a comparative (-er or more...).

1 We stayed at....................hotel in the town, (cheap)
2 Our hotel was..........than all the others in the town, (cheap)
3 The United States is very large but Canada is..............(large)
4 What's..........................river in the world? (long)
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks...... today, (happy)
6 It was an awful day. It of my life, (bad)
7 What in your country? (popular)
8 Everest is..............mountain in the world. It is...........any other mountain, (high)
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the........... holidays we've ever
had. (enjoyable)
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s.................(comfortable)
11 What's................way of getting from here to the station? (quick)
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. ......... is 14 years old.

B-What do you say in these situations? Use a superlative + ...ever.... Use the words given in brackets (in the correct form).

Example: You've just been to the cinema. The film was extremely boring. You tell your friend: (boring/film/see)
That's the most boring film I’ve ever seen.

1 Your friend has just told you a joke, which you think is very funny. You say(funny/joke/hear)
2 You’re drinking coffee with a friend. It's really good coffee. You say:
3 You are talking to a friend about Mary. Mary is very patient. You tell your friend about her: (patient/person/meet) She..............................................
4You have just run ten kilometers. You've never run further than this. You say to your friend: (far/run)
5 You decided to give up your job. Now you think this was a bad mistake. You say to your friend: (bad/mistake/make) It..........................................

Good luck.

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de joy813, postée le 25-04-2005 à 14:10:26 (S | E)
Good afternoon Felin

1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town.
2 Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town.
3 The United States is very large but Canada is the largest.
4 What's the longest river in the world?
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happier today.
6 It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life.
7 What is the most popular sport in your country?
8 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain.
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever had.
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable.
11 What's the quickest way of getting from here to the station?
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. Th e oldestis 14 years old.


1 That's the funniest joke I've never heard
2 This is the best coffee I've never tasted.
3 She 's the most patient person I've never met.
4 That's the further I've never run.
5 It's the worst mistake I've never made.

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de post-scriptum, postée le 25-04-2005 à 14:44:40 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1. We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town.
2. Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town.
3. The United States is very large but Canada is larger.
4. What's the longest river in the world?
5. He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happier today.
6. It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life.
7. What is the most popular sport in your country?
8. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain.
9. We had a great holiday. It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever
10. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable.
11. What's quicker way of getting from here to the station? (quick)
12. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The elder (older) one is 14 years old.

1. That's the funniest joke I've ever heard.
2. This is the best coffee I've ever tasted.
3. She's the most patient person I've ever met.
4. That the furthest (farthest) I've ever run.
5. It's the worst mistake I've ever made.

Since I come on this Website, I always find the best exercices. Thanking you.

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de grabuge, postée le 25-04-2005 à 15:30:47 (S | E)
Bonjour felin,
Le printemps est-il arrivé à Londres ? Ici, c'est l'été, youpi !

1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town, (cheap)
2 Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town, (cheap)
3 The United States is very large but Canada is.larger (large)
4 What's the longest river in the world? (long)
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happier today, (happy)
6 It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life, (bad)
7 What is the most popular sport in your country? (popular)
8 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain, (high)
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever
had. (enjoyable)
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable(comfortable)
11 What's. the quickest way of getting from here to the station? (quick)
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The oldest is 14 years old.

1 That's. the funniest joke I've never heard
2 This is the best coffee I've never tasted
3 She is the most patient person I've never met
4 the fasther run I've never done
5 It was the worst mistake I've never mad

pour cette révision. felin

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de edith49, postée le 25-04-2005 à 19:05:30 (S | E)
Bonjour félin, alors printemps ou été
1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town,
2 Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town,
3 The United States is very large but Canada is the largest
4 What's the longest river in the world?
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happier today,
6 It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life,
7 What is..the most popular sport in your country?
8 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain,
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever had.
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable
11 What's the quickest way of getting from here to the station?
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The oldest is 14 years old.

That's the funniest joke I've ever heard
This is the best coffee I've ever tasted
She's the most patient person I've ever met
That's the furtest I've ever ran
It's the worst mistake I've ever made

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de felin, postée le 25-04-2005 à 19:16:36 (S | E)

Il ne fait pas beau donc on est encore en hiver .
En ce moment le temps est capricieux.

Bonne soiree a tous.

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de samia51, postée le 25-04-2005 à 20:28:53 (S | E)
Bonjour Félin
pour cet exercice

A- Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (-est or most...) or a comparative (-er or more...).

1 We stayed at THE CHEAPEST hotel in the town, (cheap)
2 Our hotel was CHEAPER than all the others in the town, (cheap)
3 The United States is very large but Canada is.THE LARGEST (large)
4 What's.THE LONGEST river in the world? (long)
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks HAPPIER today, (happy)
6 It was an awful day. It was.THE WORST day of my life, (bad)
7 What is.THE MOST POPULAR sport in your country? (popular)
8 Everest is THE HIGHEST .mountain in the world. It is.HIGHER THAN any other mountain, (high)
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the.MOST ENJOYABLE holidays we've ever had. (enjoyable)
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s.MORE (comfortable)
11 What's THE QUICKEST way of getting from here to the station? (quick)
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. THE OLDEST is 14 years old.

B-What do you say in these situations? Use a superlative + ...ever.... Use the words given in brackets (in the correct form).

Example: You've just been to the cinema. The film was extremely boring. You tell your friend: (boring/film/see)
That's the most boring film I’ve ever seen.

1 Your friend has just told you a joke, which you think is very funny. You say(funny/joke/hear)
2 You’re drinking coffee with a friend. It's really good coffee. You say:
3 You are talking to a friend about Mary. Mary is very patient. You tell your friend about her: (patient/person/meet)
4You have just run ten kilometers. You've never run further than this. You say to your friend: (far/run)
5 You decided to give up your job. Now you think this was a bad mistake. You say to your friend: (bad/mistake/make)

pour cette révision

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de marit64, postée le 25-04-2005 à 23:12:52 (S | E)
Hi! felin,

1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town.
2 Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town.
3 The United States is very large but Canada is larger.
4 What's the longest river in the world?
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happier today.
6 It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life.
7 What is the most popular sport in your country?
8 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain.
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever had.
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable.
11 What's the quickest way of getting from here to the station?
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The oldest is 14 years old.

1-That's the funniest joke I've ever heard.
2-This is the best coffee I've ever tasted.
3-Mary is the most patient person I've ever met.
4-That's the furthest I've ever run.
5-It's the worst mistake I've ever made.

felin, it's a very good exercise.

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de rosario, postée le 26-04-2005 à 00:19:05 (S | E)
hello can you help me:

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de traviskidd, postée le 26-04-2005 à 02:28:05 (S | E)
How could you possibly know that a joke is the funniest joke you've never heard, if you've never heard it?

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de good_doggy, postée le 27-04-2005 à 05:41:34 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

A- Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (-est or most...) or a comparative (-er or more...).

1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town.
2 Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town.
3 The United States is very large but Canada is larger.
4 What's the longest river in the world?
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happier today.
6 It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life.
7 What is the most popular sport in your country?
8 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain.
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever had.
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable
11 What's the quickest way of getting from here to the station?
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The eldest is 14 years old.

1-That's the funniest joke I've ever heard.
2-This is the best coffee I've ever tasted.
3-She’s the most patient person I've ever met.
4-That's the furthest I've ever run.
5-It's the worst mistake I've ever made.

Merci beaucoup Felin .

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de hyppoblue, postée le 27-04-2005 à 17:26:42 (S | E)
1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town,
2 Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town,
3 The United States is very large but Canada is larger.
4 What's the longest river in the world?
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happier today,
6 It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life,
7 What is the most popular sport in your country?
8 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain,
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable
11 What's the quickest way of getting from here to the station?
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The eldest is 14 years old.

1 That's the funniest joke I've ever heard.
2 This is the best coffee I've ever tasted.
3 She the most patient person I've ever met.
4 That is the furthest I''ve ever run.
5 It was the worst mistake I've ever made.
Felin and Good evenning.

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de capie, postée le 27-04-2005 à 21:06:40 (S | E)
Bonsoir, j'espère que je ferai mieux cette fois-ci!!

1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town
2 Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town
3 The United States is very large but Canada is larger
4 What's the longest river in the world?
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happier today
6 It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life,
7 What is the most popular sport in your country?
8 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever had.
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable
11 What's the quickest way of getting from here to the station?
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The eldest is 14 years old.

1 That's the funniest joke I've ever heard
2 This is the best coffee I've ever tasted
3 She is the most patient person I've ever met
4 That's the furthest way I've ever run
5 It's the worst mistake I've ever made

Une fois de plus un grand pour ton aide felin

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de idem, postée le 28-04-2005 à 19:07:23 (S | E)
bonsoir Felin et tout le monde
J'espère ne pas être en retard pour rendre ma copie :

1 We stayed at.the cheapest.hotel in the town, (cheap)
2 Our hotel was.cheaper.than all the others in the town, (cheap)
3 The United States is very large but Canada is.larger.(large)
4 What's.the longest.river in the world? (long)
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happiertoday, (happy)
6 It was an awful day. It was.the of my life, (bad)
7 What is.the most popularsport in your country? (popular)
8 Everest is..the highest.mountain in the world. It is.higher than.any other mountain, (high)
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the.most enjoyable holidays we've ever
had. (enjoyable)
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s.the most comfortable.(comfortable)
11 What's.the quickestway of getting from here to the station? (quick)
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. the oldest is 14 years old.

B-What do you say in these situations? Use a superlative + ...ever.... Use the words given in brackets (in the correct form).

Example: You've just been to the cinema. The film was extremely boring. You tell your friend: (boring/film/see)
That's the most boring film I’ve ever seen.

1 Your friend has just told you a joke, which you think is very funny. You say(funny/joke/hear)
That's.the funniest joke I've ever seen............................
2 You’re drinking coffee with a friend. It's really good coffee. You say:
(good/coffee/taste) the best coffee I've ever tasted....................
3 You are talking to a friend about Mary. Mary is very patient. You tell your friend about her: (patient/person/meet) the most patient person I've ever met..............................................
4You have just run ten kilometers. You've never run further than this. You say to your friend: (far/run) the farthest I've ever run.......................
5 You decided to give up your job. Now you think this was a bad mistake. You say to your friend: (bad/mistake/make) It.'s the worst mistake I've ever made........

Merci pour la petite révision
Bonsoir Felin

Réponse: Superlative and Comparative de felin, postée le 28-04-2005 à 19:30:39 (S | E)
Bonsoir a tous

Voici la correction

1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town.
2 Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town.
3 The United States is very large but Canada is larger.
4 What's the longest river in the world?
5 He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks happier today.
6 It was an awful day. It was the worst day of my life.
7 What is the most popular sport in your country?
8 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is higher than any other mountain.
9 We had a great holiday. It was one of the most enjoyable holidays we've ever had.
10 I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s more comfortable.
11 What's the quickest way of getting from here to the station?
12 Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The oldest/the eldest is 14 years old.

B That's the funniest joke I've ever heard.
This the best coffee I've ever tasted.
She is the most patient person I've ever met.
That's the furthest or farthest I've ever run.
It is/was the worst mistake I've ever made.

et pour votre participation.

Idem: non ce n'est pas trop tard.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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