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Vocabulary quiz-'A words' 2
Message de marit64 posté le 30-04-2005 à 22:02:44 (S | E | F | I)


Here is another exercise for you but if you think it's too difficult, let me know please.
Find the words beginning with the letter 'A'.

1- What 'A word' means you make free or release from a promise, duty or blame? ............
2- This word is used to soak up or to take up the whole attention of a person. .............
3- If you don't want to do or to take something, you ............
4- This noun refers to something which exists as an idea and which is not physically real. .............
5- What 'A word' means unreasonable or ridiculous? .............
6- This 'A word' is used when you have a large amount. ..............
7- When you use wrongly, usually with harmful results, you ............
8- How do you call the way or right of approach or entry or the way or right to meet someone or use something? ..............
9- What 'A word' means to applaud or welcome enthusiastically or to declare ruler, winner by enthusiastic approval. ...............
10- If you go with someone or play a musical instrument to go along with a singer you ...............

Good luck and have fun! Correction on Tuesday or Thursday.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz-'A words' 2 de post-scriptum, postée le 30-04-2005 à 23:37:34 (S | E)
Hello everybody, my suggestions are:

1. absolution, to absolve
2. absorption, to absorb
3. to avoid
4. abstract
5. absurd
6. appreciable
7. awry
8. access
9. acclamation, acclaim
10. accompany, accompanied

Have a good night...
Thank you, marit.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz-'A words' 2 de felin, postée le 01-05-2005 à 22:23:34 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit

1. absolve
3. avoid
5. absurd
6. appreciable
9. acclaim
10. accompany


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz-'A words' 2 de hyppoblue, postée le 02-05-2005 à 18:48:17 (S | E)
1 to absolve
2 ahoy
3 to avoid
4 abstraction the abstract
5 absurd
6 apreciable, ample, amply
7 to go awry
8 to access
9 to acclaim
10 to accompany

Merci Marit et bonsoir

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz-'A words' 2 de good_doggy, postée le 04-05-2005 à 01:00:29 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 to absolve.
2 absorbed.
3 to abstain.
4 abstract.
5 absurd.
6 abundance.
7 to abuse.
8 accessibility.
9 to acclaim.
10 to accompany.

Merci beaucoup Marit.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz-'A words' 2 de marit64, postée le 07-05-2005 à 00:55:36 (S | E)
I'm sorry because I couldn't give you the answers before today. My computer broke and I had to bring it to the ' hospital computer' to get it fix.
Now here are the answers.

1- absolve 2- absorb 3- abstain 4- abstract 5- absurd
6- abundance 7- abuse 8- access 9- acclaim 10- accompany

Thanks a lot for your participation.

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