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Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 4
Message de marit64 posté le 11-05-2005 à 01:51:44 (S | E | F | I)


Find the words beginning with the letter "A".

1- What 'A word' means a feeling of dislike? ...............
2- An 'A word' meaning to put in some sort of order or to plan or make decisions about future events. ..............
3- It's a medicine which is used to kill the bacteria that cause disease. ...............
4- What 'A word' means something that gives warning of danger, attracts attention? ...............
5- This word is used for a person who designs buildings. ...............
6- It's used to hold a boat in one position. ...............
7- This 'A word' means a list of things to be done, especially at a meeting. .............
8- An 'A word' for a room at the top of a house under the roof. ............
9- This is a word for a loss of memory. ...............
10- How do you call the commander of a navy? ................

Good luck and have fun!
Correction on Friday

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 4 de ruofei, postée le 11-05-2005 à 02:56:19 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit!
1- Abhor
2- Arrange
3- Aspirin
4- Alert
5- Architect
6- Anchor
7- Agenda
8- Attic
9 - Amnesia
10- capitain hAddock

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 4 de hyppoblue, postée le 11-05-2005 à 11:30:15 (S | E)
1 abhorrence
2 to arrange
3 antibiotic
4 alert
5 architect
6 anchor
7 agenda
6 attic
7 amnesia
8 admiral

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 4 de post-scriptum, postée le 12-05-2005 à 19:12:22 (S | E)
Good evening Marit,

1. aversion, antipathy
2. to anticipate, anticipation, to arrange, arrengement
3. antibiotic, antiseptic
4. alert
5. architect
6. anchor
7. agendum
8. attic
9. amnesia
10. admiral

Thank you Marit. See you soon.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 4 de regine_lyon, postée le 12-05-2005 à 20:53:40 (S | E)
1- What 'A word' means a feeling of dislike? aversion
2- An 'A word' meaning to put in some sort of order or to plan or make decisions about future events. to arrange
3- It's a medicine which is used to kill the bacteria that cause disease. antibiotic
4- What 'A word' means something that gives warning of danger, attracts attention? alarm
5- This word is used for a person who designs buildings. architect
6- It's used to hold a boat in one position. anchor
7- This 'A word' means a list of things to be done, especially at a meeting. agenda
8- An 'A word' for a room at the top of a house under the roof. attic
9- This is a word for a loss of memory. amnesia
10- How do you call the commander of a navy? admiral

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 4 de good_doggy, postée le 13-05-2005 à 11:59:32 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 aversion
2 anticipate
3 antiseptic
4 alert, alarm
5 architect
6 anchor
7 agenda
8 attic
9 amnesia
10 admiral

Merci Marit

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 4 de felin, postée le 14-05-2005 à 01:19:58 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit

1- Aversion
2- Arrange
3- Antibiotic
4- Alert/alarm
5- Architect
6- Anchor
7- Agenda
8- Attic
9 - Amnesia
10- Admiral


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 4 de marit64, postée le 14-05-2005 à 02:37:24 (S | E)
You're very very good at this kind of exercise!
Here are the answers:

1- aversion 2- arrange 3- antibiotic, antiseptic 4- alarm, alert
5- architect 6- anchor 7- agenda 8- attic 9- amnesia 10- admiral

ruofei: your "captain hAddock" made me laugh.

Thanks a lot for your participation.

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