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preposistion:hear of,hear from etc..
Message de felin posté le 16-05-2005 à 14:12:16 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous

Correction Vendredi soir

Complete the sentences using hear or heard + the correct preposition (about/of/from).

1 I’ve never heard.....................Tom Madely. Who is he?
2 ‘Did you hear.............the accident last night? 'Yes, Vicky told me.'
3 Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven’t heard......her for ages now.
4 A: Have you heard...............a writer called William Hudson?
B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?
5 Thank you for your letter. It was good to again.
6 ‘Do you want to hear...........our holiday?' Not now. Tell me lately.'
7 I live in a very small town in the north of England. You've probably never

Good luck.

Edité par felin le 16-05-2005 15:55

Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de robinou, postée le 16-05-2005 à 15:28:44 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin

1 I’ve never heard of Tom Madely. Who is he?
2 ‘Did you hear aboutou of the accident last night? 'Yes, Vicky told me.'
3 Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven’t heard from her for ages now.
4 A: Have you heard of a writer called William Hudson?
B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?
5 Thank you for your letter. It was good to hear from you again.
6 ‘Do you want to hear about our holiday?' Not now. Tell me lately.'
7 I live in a very small town in the north of England. You've probably never heard of it.


Edité par robinou le 16-05-2005 15:31

Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de samia51, postée le 16-05-2005 à 19:51:33 (S | E)
Bonjour Félin
Merci pour cet exercice

Complete the sentences using hear or heard + the correct preposition (about/of/from).

1 I’ve never heard..OF.Tom Madely. Who is he?
2 ‘Did you hear..ABOUT .the accident last night? 'Yes, Vicky told me.'
3 Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven’t heard.FROM her for ages now.
4 A: Have you heard..OF..a writer called William Hudson?
B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?
5 Thank you for your letter. It was good to again.
6 ‘Do you want to hear.ABOUT.our holiday?' Not now. Tell me lately.'
7 I live in a very small town in the north of England. You've probably never heard..OF .it.


Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de post-scriptum, postée le 16-05-2005 à 20:43:12 (S | E)
Bonsoir felin

1 I’ve never heard of Tom Madely. Who is he?
2 ‘Did you hear about the accident last night? 'Yes, Vicky told me.'
3 Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven’t heard from her for ages now.
4 A: Have you heard of a writer called William Hudson?
B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?
5 Thank you for your letter. It was good to hear from you again.
6 ‘Do you want to hear about our holiday?' Not now. Tell me lately.'
7 I live in a very small town in the north of England. You've probably never heard of it.

A bientôt felin

Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de hyppoblue, postée le 17-05-2005 à 07:50:02 (S | E)
1 I’ve never heard of Tom Madely. Who is he?
2 ‘Did you hear about the accident last night? 'Yes, Vicky told me.'
3 Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven’t heard from her for ages now.
4 A: Have you heard of a writer called William Hudson?
B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?
5 Thank you for your letter. It was good to hear from you again.
6 ‘Do you want to hear about our holiday?' Not now. Tell me lately.'
7 I live in a very small town in the north of England. You've probably never heard of it.
Merci Felin have a good day.

Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de marie37400, postée le 18-05-2005 à 15:06:01 (S | E)
Hello Felin
Bon, il me semble que cela se un peu moins !
1 I’ve never heard of Tom Madely. Who is he?
2 ‘Did you hear about the accident last night? 'Yes, Vicky told me.'
3 Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven’t heard from her for ages now.
4 A: Have you heard of a writer called William Hudson?
B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?
5 Thank you for your letter. It was good to hear from you again.
6 ‘Do you want to hear about our holiday?' Not now. Tell me lately.'
7 I live in a very small town in the north of England. You've probably never heard of it.

Un grand à toi !

Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de isa71, postée le 18-05-2005 à 21:34:16 (S | E)

Complete the sentences using hear or heard + the correct preposition (about/of/from).

1 I’ve never heard of Tom Madely. Who is he?
2 ‘Did you hear about the accident last night? 'Yes, Vicky told me.'
3 Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven’t heard from her for ages now.
4 A: Have you heard of a writer called William Hudson?
B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?
5 Thank you for your letter. It was good to hear from you again.
6 ‘Do you want to hear about our holiday?' Not now. Tell me lately.'
7 I live in a very small town in the north of England. You've probably never heard of it.


Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de cat3, postée le 19-05-2005 à 11:11:02 (S | E)
%,bonjour Felin
1 of
2 about
3 from
4 a)of
5 of
6 about
7 of

Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de cat3, postée le 19-05-2005 à 11:13:55 (S | E)
Encore moi,Lucile
5 from

Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de cat3, postée le 19-05-2005 à 13:51:39 (S | E)
Excuse-moi,Felin,je me suis trompée de noms!!

Réponse: preposistion:hear of,hear from etc.. de felin, postée le 20-05-2005 à 19:37:42 (S | E)
Bonsoir a tous

Voici la correction

1 I’ve never heard of Tom Madely. Who is he?
2 ‘Did you hear about the accident last night?' 'Yes, Vicky told me.'
3 Jill used to write to me quite often but I haven’t heard from her for ages now.
4 A: Have you heard of a writer called William Hudson?
B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?
5 Thank you for your letter. It was good to hear from you again.
6 ‘Do you want to hear about our holiday?' Not now. Tell me lately.'
7 I live in a very small town in the north of England. You've probably never heard of it.

et pour votre participation

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