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Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 6
Message de marit64 posté le 17-05-2005 à 22:21:22 (S | E | F | I)

everybody! Are you ready for another exercise?
Find the words beginning with the letter 'A'.

1- What 'A word' means something ready to be used?
2- An 'A word' used for a deer's horn.
3- This word means you make larger, especially by adding details to or to make the sound from a radio, record-player louder.
4- How do you call a substance which makes things stick?
5- This is a word used for a very great pain of body or mind.
6- With this word you give suggestions to a person about what he should do.
7- An 'A word' meaning pleasant and good-looking.
8- If you value someone or something highly, you .............
9- It's a sexual intercourse between a husband and a woman who is not his wife or between a wife and a man who is not her husband.
10- What 'A word' means something eaten or drunk before or at the beginning of a meal in order to increase the appetite?

Good luck and have fun! Correction on Friday.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 6 de jardin62, postée le 17-05-2005 à 23:06:17 (S | E)
bonsoir marit!

1- available
2- antlers
3- aloud
4- adhesive
5- ache
6- advice
7- agreeable
8- appraise
9- affair
10- aperitif
* marit: j'aime bien ce genre de travail, c'est comme les définitions des mots croisés: j'ai dû fouiller pour 'deer's horn'!...mais j'ai des doutes pour le N°3 quand même...

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 6 de felin, postée le 18-05-2005 à 00:28:22 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit

1- What 'A word' means something ready to be used? Available
2- An 'A word' used for a deer's horn.
3- This word means you make larger, especially by adding details to or to make the sound from a radio, record-player louder.
4- How do you call a substance which makes things stick? Adhesive
5- This is a word used for a very great pain of body or mind.Ache
6- With this word you give suggestions to a person about what he should do. Advice
7- An 'A word' meaning pleasant and good-looking. amiable, attractive
8- If you value someone or something highly, you Appraise
9- It's a sexual intercourse between a husband and a woman who is not his wife or between a wife and a man who is not her husband.
10- What 'A word' means something eaten or drunk before or at the beginning of a meal in order to increase the appetite? Aperitif


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 6 de hyppoblue, postée le 18-05-2005 à 11:33:10 (S | E)
Good morning all,
1 available
2 antlers
3 I don't know
4 adhesive
5 agony (acute pain)
6 advice
7 agreeable aesthetic
8 appreciate
9 affair/adultery
10 aperitif

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 6 de post-scriptum, postée le 18-05-2005 à 13:15:56 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1. available
2. antlers
3. amplifier
4. adhesive
5. ache
6. advice
7. attractive
8. (to) admire
9. adultery
10. aperitif

Thank you, Marit. See you.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 6 de good_doggy, postée le 20-05-2005 à 01:55:39 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 available
2 antlers
3 advance
4 adhesive
5 ache
6 advice
7 attractive
8 appreciate
9 adultery
10 aperitif

Merci Marit

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'A words' 6 de marit64, postée le 21-05-2005 à 03:09:18 (S | E)
everyone for your good work!

Here are the answers:

1- available 2- antler 3- amplify 4- adhesive 5- anguish
6- advice 7- attractive 8- appreciate or admire 9- adultery
10- appetizer or appetiser or aperitif

Thanks a lot for your participation!

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