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Ah! Those dentists!!!
Message de aimen7 posté le 14-07-2005 à 12:47:29 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody,

En forme et motivés pour ce petit thème assez rigolo!!!

Titre: Vouliez-vous me dire quelque chose?

Les dentistes vous posent toujours des questions lorsqu'il est impossible de répondre!
Mon dentiste venait juste d'arracher une de mes dents et me dit de me reposer un instant. J'ai tenté de dire quelque chose mais ma bouche était pleine de coton hydrophile. Il savait que je collectionnais des oeufs d'oiseaux et me demanda si ma collection avançait. Ensuite il me demanda comment se portait mon frère et si mon nouveau travail à Londres me plaisait.
En réponse à ces questions soit je faisais un signe de la tête soit je faisais des bruits étranges.
Pendant ce temps, ma langue s'occupait à chercher le trou où la dent se trouvait. Soudain je devins très inquiet mais je ne pouvais rien dire.
Lorsque enfin le dentiste retira le coton hydrophile de ma bouche, je pouvais lui dire qu'il avait arraché la mauvaise dent.

Travaillez bien, correction mardi.
Edité par bridg le 14-07-2005 12:59

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de jardin62, postée le 14-07-2005 à 13:20:07 (S | E)
Hello aimen!

Did you want to tell me something?
Dentists always ask you questions when you can't possibly answer.
My dentist had just extracted one of my teeth and he told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected bird eggs and asked me how my collection was going. Then he asked me how my brother was and if I enjoyed my new job in London. All I could do to answer these questions was either nod or utter strange noises. In the meantime my tongue was busy looking for the hole where the tooth used to be. All of a sudden I felt very worried but I couldn't say anything. When at last the dentist removed/withdrew/ the cotton wool from my mouth I was able to tell him he had extracted the wrong tooth.
' The sort of hap that makes you think twice before going to the dentist's!' ( <= this one has got all his teeth! ...Could be the dentist himself!)

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de magmatic_rock, postée le 14-07-2005 à 19:06:03 (S | E)
Eh beh si même toi maintenant tu te mets à faire des traductions on va devenir bilingue avant la fin de l'été!
Allez à peine rentré du boulot j'attaque par la traduction! (eh oui même un jour férié j'ai travaillé!)
Title : Did you want to tell me something?

Dentists ask you everytime some questions when it is impossible to answer it!
My dentist has just come to remove one of my teeth and told me having a rest for a while. I tryed to say something but my mouth was full of hydrophil cotton. I knew I've been collecting bird egg and asked me if my collection still increased. Then he asked me how was my brother and if I enjoyed my new job in London . Answering to these (or those? quelle est la différence?) questions, either I did a nod or I did some strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching the hole where the tooth was. Suddenly, I became very uneasy but I couldn't say anything. When at last, the dentist removed the hydrophil cotton of my mouth, I was able to say to him he has removed the wrong tooth! Oh my god the silly dentist!

Yeah I very loved it!


Edité par magmatic_rock le 14-07-2005 19:09

Edité par grabuge le 14-07-2005 19:19

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de grabuge, postée le 14-07-2005 à 19:18:01 (S | E)
Hello Aimen,

Et bien, je ne regrette pas d'avoir mordu mon dentiste...

Did you want to tell me something ?

Dentists always ask you questions when you can answer.
My dentist had just extracted one of my teeth and told me to have a rest for a moment. I tried to say something but my mooth was full of cotton wool. He knew that I collected bird eggs and asked me if my collection was advanced.
Then, he asked me how was my brother and If I enjoyed in my new job in London.
In answer at his questions, either I made a sign with my face so I made a strange noise.
Since this time, my tongue was searching in the hole where my tooth was. Suddenly, I became very worry but I couldn't say something.
When at last, the dentist removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I could tell him he had extracted the wrong tooth.

So, I became mad, put him on the armchair and extracted all his teeth !

Aimen, It was funny

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de post-scriptum, postée le 14-07-2005 à 19:32:42 (S | E)
Bonsoir Aïmen,

Le mien est très bavard, lui aussi... mais il se tait dès que je lui montre les crocs...

Dentists always ask you some questions when it's impossible to answer!
My dentist had just extracted pulled out one of my teeth and told me to have a rest for a while. I tried to say something but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected bird eggs and asked me if my collection was getting on. After he asked me how was my brother and if I liked my job in London. In answer to these questions I made either a nod of my head or some strange noises. In the meantime my tongue was busy looking for the hole where the tooth was. Then I became very worried but I couldn't say anything. When at last the dentist took off removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I could tell him he had pulled out the wrong tooth!


Edité par post-scriptum le 17-07-2005 14:38
voir la correction au bas de ce post

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de bridg, postée le 14-07-2005 à 20:41:09 (S | E)

Dentists are used to asking you questions when you can’t answer.

My dentist had just extracted one of my teeth and he told me to take a little rest. I tried to say something but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I kept bird eggs and asked me how my collection was going. Then he asked me how my brother was and if I enjoyed my new job in London.
My only answer was either by nodding my head or grumbling strange noises. In the meantime my tongue was busy looking for the hole where the tooth used to be. Suddenly I got very worried but I couldn't say anything. When at last the dentist retook the cotton wool from my mouth I was able to tell him he had extracted the wrong tooth.

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de zen34, postée le 15-07-2005 à 11:08:19 (S | E)
Salut Aimen,

Did you want to tell me anything?

Dentists always ask you some questions when it is impossible for you to reply!
My dentist had just finished extracting one of my teeth and told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something but there was a lot of cotton wool inside my mouth. He knew that I collected bird eggs and asked me whether my collection came along. Then he asked me how my brother was and if I enjoyed my new job in London. In reply to his questions either I made a sign with my head or I made some strange noises.
Meanwhile, my tongue was interested in looking for the hole where my tooth was. Suddenly I became very anxious but I couldn’t say anything.
When the dentist at last took away the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him he had extracted the wrong tooth.

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de aimen7, postée le 17-07-2005 à 10:59:56 (S | E)
Good morning everybody,

Wake up, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and dentists are in bed, don't be afraid or on holidays
Ne craignez rien, les dentistes ne travaillent pas le dimanche, moi si, j'ai une correction à vous livrer et je m'avance un peu.

Vous avez tous bien travaillé, pour certains il n'y a rien à redire pour d'autres quelques petites fautes d'inattention sans doute.

Ce petit texte est une narration alors la plupart des verbes sont au prétérit simple parfois progressif. Deux actions cependant sont au past perfect, c'est normal elles se sont produites avant toutes les autres. Donc pas besoin de present perfect(n'est-ce pas magmatic rock), "My dentist HAD JUST PULLED OUT one of my teeth..."

-Des oeufs d'oiseaux, deux formules possibles. D'un commun accord vous avez opté pour le nom composé bird eggs(ici, "bird" joue le rôle d'adjectif, il précise le sens de "eggs", une sorte d'oeufs).
L'autre solution, birds'eggs est un génétif exprimant simplement une appartenance à une catégorie. (c'est la traduction dans le texte original).

-These/those, (pour magma).
this(singulier)---these(pluriel / that(singulier)---those(pluriel).
This et these sont utilisés pour un objet proche dans l'espace ou dans le temps. PROXIMITE:"Look at these pictures", regardez ces photos (que voici).
That et those sont utilisés pour un objet éloigné dans l'espace ou dans le temps.
ELOIGNEMENT: "Look at those planes over there", regardez ces avions las-bàs!
Dans notre texte:"In answers to these questions....", en réponse à ces questions (celles qu'il venait de me poser, proximité dans le temps).

-Toujours, always.
Every time, chaque fois---All the time, tout le temps.

-"...impossible to answer (them), inutile ici.

-"...he told me to have a rest." having

-"try", tried.

-"He then asked me how my brother was...", c'est une phrase

-" I did nods/I did strange noises, I made , et pourquoi pas "I nodded or I made strange noises."

-"inquièt", worried , ill-at-ease. "uneasy" veut dire difficile.

-""he removed the cotton wool from my mouth.

Belle prestation dans l'ensemble, je vous livrerai la version originale du texte cet après-midi.
Have a nice sunday

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de magmatic_rock, postée le 17-07-2005 à 11:35:04 (S | E)
Lol c'est trop fort, vous faites une correction pour tout le monde mais j'ai l'impression que c'était une correction personnelle pour moi car toutes les fautes citées, je les aient faites!
"uneasy" lorsque je double-clic sur le mot, le dictionnaire me dit "inquiet"!


Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de aimen7, postée le 17-07-2005 à 12:33:18 (S | E)
Bonjour magma,
Oui "uneasy" veut bien dire "difficile, inquièt...", mais pour une personne, on dira plutôt: I felt worried/ill-at-ease/anxious.
A situation can be uneasy(inconfortable, gênante). A night can be uneasy(agitée)...

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de post-scriptum, postée le 17-07-2005 à 13:09:00 (S | E)
Bonjour chère Aïmen,

Juste un petit mot pour te remercier de ta superbe correction. Elle est vraiment très instructive, et aide chacun des visiteurs de cette page à mieux comprendre les choix de vocabulaire, les règles de grammaire, etc.
Je suis convaincu que toutes celles et tous ceux qui ont participé à cet exercice y trouveront également leur compte.
Merci encore, et à bientôt.

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de magmatic_rock, postée le 17-07-2005 à 13:30:45 (S | E)
Voilà, comme vous me l'avez demandé par mp je refais mon texte ou du moins j'apporte des corrections!

Dentists always ask you some questions when it is impossible to answer!
My dentist had just come to remove one of my teeth and told me to rest have a rest for a while. I tried to say something but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I've been collecting bird eggs and asked me if my collection still increased. Then he asked me how my brother was and if I enjoyed my new job in London . In answering (verbes intransitif comme me l'a déjà dit jeanmi these questions, either I nodded or I made some strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth was. Suddenly, I became very worried (can I say "concerned"?) but I couldn't say anything. When at last, the dentist removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him he had removed the wrong tooth!

voili voilou j'espère que c'est mieux! J'ai enlevé plein de petites erreurs d'étourderies!

Edité par magmatic_rock le 17-07-2005 14:12 ) C'est quoi la différence entre to say et to tell? Il n'y en a pas!?

Edité par magmatic_rock le 17-07-2005 16:48

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de aimen7, postée le 17-07-2005 à 13:49:48 (S | E)

C'est mieux mais pas encore au point:

-Encore *"everytime", every time en fait, mais est-ce que cela veut dire "toujours"?

-To answer ( it) ???

-Answering to these questions...

-I was able to say tell him...

-Du coton hydrophile en français, et en anglais (open the dictionary)

Je te suggère de corriger ton texte en éditant cette fois.

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de aimen7, postée le 17-07-2005 à 15:51:48 (S | E)
Tu pose magma 2 questions importantes sur lesquelles je n'ai pas insisté:
1- To say et to tell: Tous deux veulent dire "dire", mais:
To say est suivi d'un Complément d'objet direct(to say something),
Ex: He said no.
Ex: To say one's lesson.(réciter sa leçon)
Ex: He said goodbye and left.
Ex: "Why don't you come with us ?", he said.
Parfois on peut ajouter un Complément d'objet indirect(to say something to someone):
Ex: He said thank you to me.(C.O.D + C.O.I).
Ex: They said goodbye to their family and left.

Par contre, to tell ne peut pas être employé sans la personne à qui le sujet s'adresse( c'est-à dire le C.O.Indirect), en fait il est suivi de 2 C.O.I.
Ex: He told him (that) he had pulled out the wrong tooth.
Ex: He told him (that) he could do it.
Ex: He told me a lie./Tell us about your plans./They told me to wait./Tell us where your brother is.

Seuls cas où "tell" est suivi d'un C.O.D:
-To tell a story, to tell the truth, to tell lies.

Au passif, He is said to be a liar(said=réputé).On dit qu'il est menteur. Mais,
-I was told a story.(On m'a raconté une histoire.)
-I was told that you were in England.(On m'a dit que vous étiez à Londres(told=informé)
-I was told to wait(told=asked, ordered). On m'a dit d'attendre.

2- Feel concerned=se sentir concerné par...I felt concerned/worried (by the problem, the situation, ...), je suis inquiète ou préoccupée ou concernée par une certaine situation.
Mais: "Suddenly, I felt very worried (inquiétude soudaine) because I couldn't find the hole where my tooth had been.


-Attention à la fin tu as remis "has" removed...

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de aimen7, postée le 17-07-2005 à 19:24:10 (S | E)
Here is the original text you have translated, my own translation would have been approximately the same as yours.

Did you want to tell me something?

Dentist always ask you questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-wool.
He knew I collected bird's eggs and asked me whether my collection was growing. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. I suddenly felt worried, but could not say anything.
When the dentist at last removed the cotton-wool, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.

-By the way, "In answer to...but not "In answering to...

-...where the tooth had been, notice the past perfect.
In French "se trouvait" (imparfait français which can have in English different translations):
-A simple past: Milton was blind, Milton était aveugle.
-Avec "used to" pour marquer l'opposition avec le présent:...where the tooth used to be.
-After "if" : If we knew where he lives, we would go and see him, si nous savions où il habite, nous irions le voir.
-Action en progrès: When I arrived they were having tea. Quand je suis arrivé il prenaient le thé.
-Action habituelle avec would: We woulg go to the pictures on Saturday evenings, nous allions au cinéma le samedi soir.
-past perfect:He had been working since 5 in the morning, il travaillait depuis 5 heures du matin.

See you for the next short funny story!

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de jgf-hardy, postée le 17-07-2005 à 23:13:46 (S | E)
Dentists always seem to be asking you questions when it is quite impossible for you to answer them.
My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and told me to rest for a moment. I tried to mumble something but my mouth was full of cottonwool wads. He knew I collect bird eggs and asked me how my collecting was going. Then, he wanted to know how my brother was and then if I was enjoying my job in London.
All I could do was answer him with either a nod or strange muffled noises.
All the while, my tongue was busy hunting for the hole left by the tooth. I suddenly felt extremely worried but was still unable to utter a single word. It was only after the dentist had eventually pulled the cottonwool out of my mouth that I could inform him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.

It's not just a funky translation, it's also a little chilling, don't you think? I do hope it's purely fictional and not borne out of experience. (toothless)

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de traviskidd, postée le 18-07-2005 à 06:56:14 (S | E)
Je pense qu'il serait mieux respecter la concordance de temps.

Prétérit: He knew I collected bird eggs.

Irréel: If we knew where he lived....

Mais, en même temps, une chanson que j'aime beaucoup me contredit:

If she knew what she wants, he'd be giving it to her. -The Bangles

Mais on relaxe un peu les règles de grammaire dans une chanson.
Moi je dirais bien "If she knew what she wanted."

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de aimen7, postée le 18-07-2005 à 18:57:13 (S | E)
Merci igd-hardy pour ton excellente traduction. Il n'y a rien à corriger.
Très bon travail, une version très intéressante..

Merci travis pour ta petite recommendation sur la concordance des temps.

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de serena, postée le 19-07-2005 à 16:40:03 (S | E)
Bonjour !

Une remarque ouvre des portes vers d'autres.

Travis, pour la phrase de la chanson, peut-on le dire aussi dans le langage courant pour marquer un aspect du caractère de la femme en question ?

If she knew what she wants, he'd be giving it to her.

Le "wants" ici montre peut-être qu'elle ne sait jamais ce qu'elle veut en général. Non ?

J'avoue que cette exception à la règle des concordances des temps me tracasse souvent. Une confirmation me serait très utile.

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de aimen7, postée le 20-07-2005 à 22:48:17 (S | E)

"If we knew where he lives, we would go and see him, si nous savions où il habite, nous irions le voir." est une phrase que j'ai découvert dans mon livre de grammaire de S.Berland-Delépine.

Dans la chanson des Bangles", il y a une autre phrase défiant le grammaticalement correct :"She don't want to sort it out."

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de zinedine, postée le 23-07-2005 à 13:40:04 (S | E)

Did you want to tell me something?
Dentists always ask questions when it is possible to answer!
My dentist had just extracted one of my teeth and tells me to rest one moment. I tried to say something but my mouth was full of absorbent cotton. He knew that I collected bird eggs and asked me if my collection advanced. Then he asked me how my brother was and if I enjoyed my new job.
To answer these questions either I made a sign of the head or I made strange noises.
During this time, my tongue was occupied to seek the hole where the tooth was. Suddenly I became very anxious but I could tell nothing.
When finally the dentist withdrew the absorbent cotton from my tooth, I could tell him that he had extracted the wrong tooth.

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de aimen7, postée le 23-07-2005 à 14:48:38 (S | E)
Un retardataire!!! Mais il n'est jamais trop tard pour bien faire.
1)You mean:...impossible to answer!
2)....and tells me to rest..., pourquoi le present?
3)"advanced": To advance money to someone(to lend money, prêter de l'argent). Ici on avait: Go well, increase, be in progress, grow...
4) new job in London.
5)"occupied": le dictionnaire du sitedonne tous les sens de ce verbe, mais le sens qui est recherché est plutôt celui de "busy(adj) + verbe + ing.
6)Il faut revoir plus haut(tell/say).
7)Seek to do (chercher à faire)
Seek for (rechercher), look for ou search out (chercher) are better.

Voilà, c'est pas trop mal quand même.

Réponse: Ah! Those dentists!!! de traviskidd, postée le 31-07-2005 à 17:52:35 (S | E)
A person can feel "uneasy" as well.

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