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Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons, traductions...
Tout ce qui n'a pas un rapport direct avec les difficultés liées à la langue anglaise: par exemple, les thèmes généraux sur l'apprentissage de la langue, les jeux, les demandes de traductions de chansons etc.

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Play and Learn -Game 2-
Message de mp27 posté le 02-10-2006 à 03:51:11 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous!

Ce jeu est la reprise de “Play and Learn” lancé par sami105 avec le mot WEATHER

But du jeu:
Former des mots en anglais à partir des lettres d'un mot proposé.

1- On peut répéter les lettres.
2- On peut changer leur place.
3- Il est interdit d'ajouter une lettre qui n'existe pas dans le mot proposé.
4- Les mots que nous n'acceptons pas: mots vulgaires, acronymes, formules de chimie, prénoms,
noms propres ayant trait à la géographie, répétition d'un mot au pluriel...
5- On donne 2 mots à la fois.
6- Ne pas répéter un mot déjà formé.

Marche à suivre:
--Commencer par le total précédent.
--Ajouter vos 2 mots, avec traduction en français. Une définition en anglais est acceptée dans le cas de mots rares.
--Noter le nouveau total
--Tous les nouveaux mots seront retransmis sur chaque post au début du jeu, mais quand la liste s'allongera, on ne pourra pas re-transmettre TOUTE la liste à chaque fois. Je mettrai des points de repère au fur et à mesure.

Dans le jeu précédent, nous avons trouvé un total de 144 mots!

Play and Learn -Game 2- commence avec le mot THUNDERSTORM
Pour montrer le système aux nouveaux, je vais commencer avec 2 mots. Je vais jouer 3 fois de suite (une exception!)
Tenir compte des points suivants:
1-- Pas de verbes à particules (pour des raisons pratiques). Par ex, on n'acceptera pas le verbe “trot out”, -- même chose pour: trot along, trot over, trot round, trot off etc . Il faudra un autre jeu pour les verbes à particules! (ou d'autres exercices!)
Par contre, on acceptera isolément “trot” (le trot) et on acceptera le mot “out” (dehors)

2-- Les mots avec un trait d'union sont acceptés.

3--Si le même mot est en même temps un nom et un verbe (ex, work) on ne le prendra qu'une seule fois. Vous pouvez noter les 2 traductions en français, mais le mot “work” ne comptera que pour un seul mot dans notre jeu.
Modifié par mp27 le 02-10-2006 11:23
J'ai ajouté---> "Tenir compte des points suivants": 1 - 2 - 3

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-10-2006 15:05Nous sommes désolés, mais nous avons fermé ce sujet conformément aux conditions d'utilisations du site: Lien Internet

et aux conseils d'utilisations du forum: Lien Internet

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 03:54:14 (S | E)
-- Je propose: note=> note et here=> ici
-- Total: 2 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 03:57:44 (S | E)
-- Mots précédents (2): note, here
-- Je propose: north=> nord et then=> puis, alors
-- Nouveau total: 4 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 04:01:44 (S | E)
-- Mots précédents (4): note, here, north, then
-- Je propose: ode => ode et hen=> poule
-- Nouveau total: 6 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 02-10-2006 à 04:29:52 (S | E)
Mots précédents (6): note, here, north, then
-- Je propose:or=>ou et nor=>ni
-- Nouveau total: 8 mots
Thank you mp27

Modifié par dridro le 02-10-2006 04:30

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 04:33:21 (S | E)
-- Mots précédents (8): note, here, north, then, or, nor,
-- Je propose: under=> sous --- et --- the => le, la , les , l'
-- Nouveau total: 10 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 02-10-2006 à 04:36:35 (S | E)
-- Mots précédents (8): note, here, north, then, or, nor,under,the

-- Je propose:sun=>soleil ...and...moon=>lune
-- Nouveau total: 12 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 02-10-2006 à 08:52:16 (S | E)
Attention !! Il ne faut pas oublier d'écrire tous les mots !

Mots précédents (12) :note;here;north;then,ode,hen,or,nor,under,the,sun,moon
Je propose : trot out---> débiter/réciter d'affilée- troth----> promesse/serment.
Nouveau total : 14 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de shinygirl, postée le 02-10-2006 à 08:55:31 (S | E)
-- Mots précédents (12): note, here, ode, hen, north, then, or, nor,under,the, sun, moon

-- Je propose:storm : orage and me : moi

-- Nouveau total: 14 mots

thanks mp27

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 02-10-2006 à 09:15:24 (S | E)
-- Mots précédents (14): note, here, ode, hen, north, then, or, nor,under,the, sun, moon, storm, me

-- Je propose : south / sud et red / rouge

-- Nouveau total: 16 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 02-10-2006 à 09:20:42 (S | E)
-- Mots précédents (18): note, here, ode, hen, north, then, or, nor,under,the, sun, moon, trot out, throt,storm,me,south,red

-- Je propose:trout--->truite - stout---->gros/corpulent

-- Nouveau total: 20 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 02-10-2006 à 11:06:04 (S | E)
-- Mots précédents (20): note, here, ode, hen, north, then, or, nor,under,the, sun, moon, trot out, throt,storm,me,south,red, trout, stout

-- Je propose:---> mouse / souris and house / maison

-- Nouveau total: 22 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 12:01:23 (S | E)
Voir les 3 points rajoutés au bas des instructions pour le jeu.
--Mots précédents, avec les 2 mots de pimpampoom = 22
note – here – north – then - ode – hen - or – nor – under – the -
sun – moon – trot – troth – storm – me – south – red – trout – stout -
mouse - house
-- Je propose: nude =>nu
nose => nez
-- Nouveau total => 24 mots

Attention: Quand vous commencez avec "Mots précédents", tenez compte des deux derniers mots du post précédent et ajoutez-les sur la liste avec le total correct
Pour le moment, on va mettre notre liste en rangées de 10

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 02-10-2006 à 13:00:12 (S | E)
--Mots précédents, avec les 2 mots de mp27 = 24
note – here – north – then - ode – hen - or – nor – under – the -
sun – moon – trot – troth – storm – me – south – red – trout – stout -
mouse - house - nude - nose
-- Je propose:
(to) run / courir
shoe / chaussure
-- Nouveau total => 26 mots

Modifié par pimpampoom le 02-10-2006 17:19

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 16:26:46 (S | E)
-- Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents avec les 2 derniers mots de pimpampoom=> 26
note – here – north – then - ode – hen - or – nor – under – the -
sun – moon – trot – troth – storm – me – south – red – trout – stout -
mouse - house - nude – nose – run – shoe -

--Je propose: us => nous -----et----- use => usage, emploi, utilisation
-- Nouveau total: 28 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 02-10-2006 à 17:09:02 (S | E)
Mots précédents avec les 2 derniers mots de mp27=> 28
note – here – north – then - ode – hen - or – nor – under – the -
sun – moon – trot – troth – storm – me – south – red – trout – stout -
mouse - house - nude – nose – run – shoe -us - use

--Je propose: thrush---> grive - thud ---->un bruit sourd / un son mat
-- Nouveau total: 30 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 17:54:11 (S | E)
-- Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents avec les 2 derniers mots de steeve34 => 30
note - here - north - then – ode - hen - or - nor - under - the -
sun - moon - trot - troth - storm - me - south - red - trout - stout -
mouse - house - nude - nose - run - shoe – us – use – thrush – thud -
-- Je propose: hence => d'où, de là.....&......duet => duo
-- Nouveau total: 32 mots
Modifié par mp27 le 03-10-2006 15:05 J'ai remplacé le second mot ("through") par "duet" .... car il n'y a pas de lettre "g" dans le mot "thunderstorm"!!! Thanks for your sharp eyes, euol Please, keep checking!

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 02-10-2006 à 18:01:00 (S | E)
Mots précédents avec les 2 derniers mots de mp27=> 28
note – here – north – then - ode – hen - or – nor – under – the -
sun – moon – trot – troth – storm – me – south – red – trout – stout -
mouse - house - nude – nose – run – shoe -us - use-thrush-thud

je propose:dune=>>ton,tonalité
Nouveu total:34

Modifié par dridro le 02-10-2006 18:03

Modifié par dridro le 02-10-2006 18:05

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 18:34:00 (S | E)
-- Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents avec les 2 derniers mots de dridro => 34
note – here – north – then - ode – hen - or – nor – under – the -
sun – moon – trot – troth – storm – me – south – red – trout – stout -
mouse - house - nude – nose – run – shoe -us - use-thrush-thud
hence – through – dune – tune –

-- Je propose: odd=> bizarre, étrange......&......home => maison, foyer, chez-soi
-- Nouveau total: 36 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 02-10-2006 à 19:24:43 (S | E)
-- Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents avec les 2 derniers mots de mp27 => 36
note – here – north – then - ode – hen - or – nor – under – the -
sun – moon – trot – troth – storm – me – south – red – trout – stout -
mouse - house - nude – nose – run – shoe -us - use-thrush-thud
hence – through – dune – tune – odd - home

-- Je propose: sound / bruit and morse / morse
-- Nouveau total: 38 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 02-10-2006 à 23:00:00 (S | E)
-- Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents avec les 2 derniers mots de pimpampoom => 38
note – here – north – then - ode – hen - or – nor – under – the -
sun – moon – trot – troth – storm – me – south – red – trout – stout -
mouse - house - nude – nose – run – shoe -us - use-thrush-thud
hence – through – dune – tune – odd - home- sound - morse

-- Je propose:sour---->aigre/acide/sur - mourn-----> pleurer la disparition de qqn.
-- Nouveau total: 40 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 23:12:47 (S | E)
-- Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents avec les 2 derniers mots de pimpampoom => 40
note – here – north – then - ode – hen - or – nor – under – the -
sun – moon – trot – troth – storm – me – south – red – trout – stout -
mouse - house - nude – nose – run – shoe -us - use - thrush - thud
hence – through – dune – tune – odd – home - sound - morse - sour - mourn

-- Je propose: there => là --et-- ethos => idées, croyances, philosophie
-- Nouveau total: 42

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 03-10-2006 à 00:55:58 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents ==> 42 mots
here - hence - hen – house - home
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn
note - north – nor - nude - nose
ode - odd - or
red - run
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour
then - the– trot – troth –trout – thrush - thud– through – tune - there
under - us – use
Je propose:
rest --- reste
out --- dehors
Nouveau total: 44

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 03-10-2006 à 01:35:45 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents ==> 44 mots
here - hence - hen – house - home
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn
note - north – nor - nude - nose
ode - odd - or-out
red - run-rest
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour
then - the– trot – troth –trout – thrush - thud– through – tune - there
under - us – use
Je propose:
Nouveau total: 46

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 03-10-2006 à 06:56:08 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents ==> 46 mots
here - hence - hen – house - home
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn-men
note - north – nor - nude - nose
ode - odd - or-out
red - run-rest
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour
then - the– trot – troth –trout – thrush - thud– through – tune - there- ten
under - us – use-
Je propose:
hundred----> cent
room----> pièce / chambre
Nouveau total: 48

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 03-10-2006 à 09:59:02 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents ==> 48 mots

here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men
note - north – nor - nude - nose
ode - odd - or-out
red - run-rest - room
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour
then - the– trot – troth –trout – thrush - thud– through – tune - there- ten
under - us – use-

Je propose:
dome ----> dôme / coupole
nurse ----> infirmière / nourrice
Nouveau total: 50

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 03-10-2006 à 12:21:07 (S | E)
-- Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents + les 2 derniers de pimpampoom ==> 50 mots
dune - dome - duet
ethos -
here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred -
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men -
note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
ode - odd - or - out -
red - run - rest - room
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour
then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there - ten
under - us – use -
Je propose: err = se tromper, commettre une faute, une erreur
erode = corroder, éroder, ronger
Nouveau total: 52 mots
Modifié par mp27 le 03-10-2006 16:09 Noter maintenant le mot "duet" qui a remplacé le mot "through". Rectification faite également sur le post du 2 octobre. Thank you very much, euol! Le total reste donc: 52

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de euol, postée le 03-10-2006 à 15:00:33 (S | E)
désolé,mp27mais trough que tu as proposé le 2/10,me parait érronné,je ne vois pas de "g" dans le mot de were "erring".tès amicalement,mais nouveau total 51

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 03-10-2006 à 16:26:43 (S | E)
-- Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents = 52 mots
dune - dome - duet
ethos - err - erode -
here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred -
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men -
note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
ode - odd - or - out -
red - run - rest - room
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour
then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there - ten
under - us – use -
Je propose: torn = déchiré ................ error = faute, erreur
Nouveau total: 54 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de cooltrois, postée le 03-10-2006 à 17:39:28 (S | E)
dune - dome - duet
ethos - err - erode -
here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred -
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men -
note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
ode - odd - or - out -
red - run - rest - room
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour
then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there - ten
under - us – use - torn - error -
Je propose: thrust = fourrer/ pousser
shut = fermer
Nouveau total: 56 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 03-10-2006 à 17:55:53 (S | E)
-- Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents = 58 mots
dune - dome - duet
ethos - err - erode - error
here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred -
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men -
note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
ode - odd - or - out -
red - run - rest - room
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut
then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there - ten - thrust - torn
under - us – use - torn - error -

Je propose:
- (to) trust / avoir confiance, se fier
- round / rond, cercle, manche

Nouveau total: 60 mots

Modifié par pimpampoom le 03-10-2006 18:06

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de cooltrois, postée le 03-10-2006 à 18:03:27 (S | E)
Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de cooltrois, postée le 03-10-2006 à 17:52:11 (S | E)
dune - dome - duet
ethos - err - erode - - error
here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred -
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men -
note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
ode - odd - or - out -
red - run - rest - room
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut
then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there - ten - torn - thrust
under - us – use -
Je propose: shed = verser ( des larmes)
send = envoyer
Nouveau total: 58 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 03-10-2006 à 18:09:40 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents = 60mots
dune - dome - duet
ethos - err - erode - error
here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred -
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men -
note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
ode - odd - or - out -
red - run - rest - room-round
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut
then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there - ten - thrust - torn
under - us – use - torn - error -trust

Je propose:
root---> racine / cause /origine.

Nouveau total: 62 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 03-10-2006 à 18:20:55 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents = 62 mots
dune - dome - duet
ethos - err - erode - error
here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred -
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men -
note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
ode - odd - or - out -
red - run - rest - room - root - roost - round
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut -send - shed
then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there - ten - thrust - torn- trust
under - us – use - torn -

Je propose:
* her / sa, son, ses
* must / falloir / devoir

Nouveau total: 64 mots

Modifié par pimpampoom le 03-10-2006 18:21

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de cooltrois, postée le 03-10-2006 à 18:47:49 (S | E)

Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents = 64 mots
dune - dome - duet
ethos - err - erode - error
here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred - her -
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must -
note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
ode - odd - or - out -
red - run - rest - room - root - roost - round
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut -send - shed
then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there - ten - thrust - torn- trust
under - us – use - torn -

Je propose:
* set = poser, fixer
* hurt = blesser, faire mal

Nouveau total: 66 mots

Modifié par pimpampoom le 03-10-2006 18:21

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 03-10-2006 à 19:40:39 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents = 66 mots
dune - dome - duet
ethos - err - erode - error
here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred - her -hurt
me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must -
note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
ode - odd - or - out -
red - run - rest - room - root - roost - round
storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut -send - shed-set-
then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there - ten - thrust - torn- trust
under - us – use - torn -

Je propose:
hunter----> chasseur
hush----> calme / silence

Nouveau total: 68 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 03-10-2006 à 19:44:38 (S | E)
Hello everybody!
Could you wait a few minutes, please?
I need a bit of time to check the words (some seem to appear twice... and the total needs to be sorted out).
Be patient... I'll try not to be too long
If you can't wait....., have a go at the association games... or/and "le mot le plus long"?

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 03-10-2006 à 20:57:19 (S | E)
--Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34 = 68
D-dune - dome - duet
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred – her – must – hurt – hunter – hush -
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men -
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
O-ode - odd - or - out -
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust –
U-under - us – use -

Je propose: turn = tourner, un tour ----------- thorn = épine
Nouveau total: 70
En première ligne, le nombre de "mots précédents + les 2 derniers" = nombre donné à la fin du post précédent....
et.....n'oubliez pas de taper les 2 derniers mots (du post précédent)pour compléter la liste. Un grand

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de marrina, postée le 03-10-2006 à 21:12:13 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp 27 = 70
D-dune - dome - duet
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred – her – must – hurt – hunter – hush -
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men -
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
O-ode - odd - or - out -
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust –
U-under - us – use - turn - thorn

Je propose: ----------- to usher ==> inaugurer
utmost ==> extrême
Nouveau total: 72

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 03-10-2006 à 21:17:09 (S | E)
--Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27 = 72
D-dune - dome - duet
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
O-ode - odd - or - out -
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn
U-under - us – use -

Je propose:

hot / chaud
(to) shoot / tirer - abattre

Nouveau total: 74

Modifié par pimpampoom le 03-10-2006 21:17

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 03-10-2006 à 23:15:11 (S | E)
--Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 2 derniers mots de mots de pimpampoum = 74
D-dune - dome - duet
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hence - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
O-ode - odd - or - out -
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot-
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn
U-under - us – use -

Je propose:
mound---> tertre / butte / monticule / monceau / tas
moss---> mousse

Nouveau total: 76 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 04-10-2006 à 00:08:42 (S | E)
"hence" can't be accepted because of the "c" which doesn't exist in the word "Thunderstorm"
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 2 derniers mots de mots de steev34 = 75
D-dune - dome - duet
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
O-ode - odd - or - out -
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot-
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn
U-under - us – use -
I add 3 words so that the new total will be: 78
door ---- porte
one ---- un
truth ---- vérité

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 04-10-2006 à 00:28:46 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 3 derniers mots de nouara= 78
D-dune - dome - duet-door
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
O-ode - odd - or - out -one
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot-
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn-truth-
U-under - us – use-

J'ajoute les mots suivants:

Nouveau total : 80 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 04-10-2006 à 00:49:57 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34= 80
D-dune - dome - duet-door
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -
O-ode - odd - or - out -one
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot-
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn-truth-
U-under - us – use-

deed : acte
need : besoin
total : 82 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 04-10-2006 à 01:02:58 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 2 derniers mots de nouara= 82
D-dune - dome - duet-door-deed
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need
O-ode - odd - or - out -one
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot-
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn-truth-
U-under - us – use-

more : plus(davantage)
noun: nom
total : 84 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 04-10-2006 à 01:06:53 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 2 derniers mots de dridro= 84
D-dune - dome - duet-door-deed
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun
O-ode - odd - or - out -one
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot-
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn-truth-
U-under - us – use-
mores : mœurs
noon : midi
total : 86 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 04-10-2006 à 01:17:15 (S | E)
Thunderstorm -- Mots précédents y compris les 2 derniers mots de nouara= 86
D-dune - dome - duet-door-deed
E-ethos – err – erode – error -
H-here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot
M-me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more-mores
N-note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun-noon
O-ode - odd - or - out -one
R-red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S-storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot-
T-then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn-truth-
U-under - us – use-
stress(to) : accentuer
dress : robe
total : 88 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 04-10-2006 à 01:28:12 (S | E)
A--->To those who haven't found the word in their dictionary
mores ( plural noun):
1. The fixed customs of a particular group that are morally binding upon all members of the group.
2. Moral attitudes.
3. Customs; habits; ways.

B---> I have just counted the words of the above list, but I haven't found 88 words. Give me a bit of time to count them again and to find the missing words! Let me know by mp, if you find them before me. Thanks a lot!
Modifié par mp27 le 04-10-2006 01:50 At last!!!!!!!!!
I've just found the 2 missing words: "usher and utmost".

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 04-10-2006 à 02:07:29 (S | E)
Hello everybody!
-- J'ai ajouté les 2 mots qui n'avaient pas été mis sur la liste: "usher" & "utmost"
-- D'accord, "hence" a bien été éliminé (pas de "c" dans thunderstorm) et remplacé par "door" grâce à nouara.
-- et je viens d'ajouter "stress" et "dress", donnés par dridro. Nous sommes à jour!

-- THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots inclus, nous avons 88 mots
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth-
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: humour = humour, humeur .............three = trois
Nouveau total: 90 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 04-10-2006 à 04:52:03 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots inclus, nous avons 90 mots
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot-humour- M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth-three
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose:true=vrai month=mois
Nouveau total: 92 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 04-10-2006 à 08:44:49 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots true et month de dridro inclus, nous avons 92 mots
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot-humour- M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores -month-
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth-three-true-
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: mud---->boue et mother---> mère.
Nouveau total: 94 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 04-10-2006 à 13:21:38 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots mud et mother de steeve34 inclus, nous avons 94 mots
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot-humour-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores -month- mud - mother
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth-three-true-
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: honor / honneur et store / entrepôt - magasin

Nouveau total: 96 mots.

Modifié par pimpampoom le 04-10-2006 13:21

Modifié par pimpampoom le 04-10-2006 13:23

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 04-10-2006 à 14:49:53 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de pimpampoum honor et store inclus, nous avons 96 mots
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush -hot-humour-honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores -month- mud - mother
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress -store
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth-three-true-
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: mood ----> humeur / disposition et moo --->beuglement / mugissement / meuglement

Nouveau total: 98 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de frapedur, postée le 04-10-2006 à 14:55:51 (S | E)
Voici 2 nouveaux mots: her/sa (quand on parle d'une fille)
et tree/l'arbre

Nouveau total 100 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 04-10-2006 à 15:02:50 (S | E)
hello frapedur,

"her" est un mot qui figure déjà dans la liste des mots trouvés !!
Il faut donc en donner un autre.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 04-10-2006 à 16:28:19 (S | E)
Je reprends après le post de steeve34. Je laisse le soin à frapedur de trouver un second mot, et de revenir nous donner ses 2 mots ensemble. See you later, frapedur!
-- THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de steeve34, mood, et moo, nous avons 98 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour-honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true-
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: test = test --------- tooth = dent

Nouveau total: 100 mots. --------En route pour les 200???????

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de frapedur, postée le 04-10-2006 à 17:51:17 (S | E)
dsl steeve alors je remplace her par most

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 04-10-2006 à 19:14:26 (S | E)
- THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de mp27 test et tooth nous avons 100 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour-honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true-tooth-test
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: motor = moteur-------mutter = marmonner / murmurer.

Au total 102 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 04-10-2006 à 20:00:56 (S | E)
- THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de steeve34 motor et mutter nous avons 102 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour-honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true-tooth-test
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: sort / genre - sorte et dust / poussière

Au total 104 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 04-10-2006 à 20:35:00 (S | E)
Hello frapedur,
Avec ton mot "tree", et maintenant, ton mot "most" tu n'as plus qu'à nous envoyer un post en suivant le modèle que nous avons adopté. Pour des raisons pratiques, autant suivre cette façon d'envoyer ton post, si tu veux bien... Et n'oublie pas de mettre à jour la liste, en ajoutant les 2 derniers mots du post précédent. Pas compliqué! See you!

-- THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de pimpampoom, sort, dust, nous avons 104 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: mesh = grillage, filet, mailles-----et---- (to) muse = songer
Nouveau total = 106 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 04-10-2006 à 21:10:37 (S | E)
-- THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de mp27, mesh et muse nous avons 106 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose:
- roe / chevreuil
- deer / daim
Nouveau total = 108 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de marrina, postée le 04-10-2006 à 22:15:12 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de pimpampoom, mesh et muse nous avons 108 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose:
- drum/tambour
- norm/norme
Nouveau total = 110 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 04-10-2006 à 23:05:04 (S | E)
Petite distraction de marrina , alors, je commence par ajouter le mot "deer" qui n'a pas été mis sur la liste précédente et j'ajoute les 2 mots de marrina: "drum" et "norm".

-- THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de marrina, drum et norm, nous avons 110 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon - norm -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: (to) enter = entrer, pénétrer -------et------ son = fils
Nouveau total = 112 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 05-10-2006 à 00:06:09 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de mp27 enter et son nous avons 112 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum -
E- ethos – err – erode – error -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon - norm -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -

Je propose: moth = mite / papillon de nuit et mouth = bouche
Nouveau total = 114 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 05-10-2006 à 00:07:02 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de mp27, nous avons 112 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum -
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon - norm -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -
Je propose:
tooth: dent
teeth: dents
Nouveau total = 114 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 05-10-2006 à 00:11:02 (S | E)
hello nouara,

Attention !!
tooth a déjà été proposé .
il faut remplacer ce mot.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 05-10-2006 à 00:25:37 (S | E)
thanks steev34
I'll replace tooth by:
teen (adjective): adolescent

Modifié par nouara le 05-10-2006 02:00

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 05-10-2006 à 00:37:12 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de steev34, nous avons 116 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum -
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse - moth- mouth
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon - norm -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth - teen
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -
Je propose:
terror - terreur
terse - bref
Nouveau total = 118

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 02:11:10 (S | E)
That's great nouara! We're back on our feet now... and all the latest words (enter, son, moth, mouth, teeth, teen) are on your list!

--THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de nouara, terror & terse, nous avons 118 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum -
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse - moth- mouth
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon - norm -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth - teen - terror - terse -
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -
Je propose: tern = sterne (hirondelle de mer)
teens (nom pluriel) = les nombres entre 13 et 19 (tous terminés par "teen")

Nouveau total = 120

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 05-10-2006 à 02:13:45 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de mp27, nous avons 120 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum -
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse - moth- mouth
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon - norm -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth - teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -
Je propose:
Nouveau total = 122

Modifié par dridro le 05-10-2006 02:17

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 02:37:05 (S | E)
Thanks for your node, dridro (oui, noeud, dans beaucoup de domaines, mais pas ceux que l'on fait avec les lacets de chaussures! ) et c'est aussi le mot pour "nodosités" . Et je rajoute "done" sur la liste! All done now!
--THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de dridro, node, & done, nous avons 122 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse - moth- mouth
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon - norm - node -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth - teen-terror - terse - tern - teens -
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -
Je propose: dot = point, pois = désertique, désert (nom), déserter, abandonner.
Nouveau total = 124
Good night!

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 05-10-2006 à 03:29:07 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de mp27, dot and desert,nous avons 124 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done-dot-desert
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse - moth- mouth
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon - norm - node -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth - teen-terror - terse - tern - teens -
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -
Je propose:tone/
Nouveau total = 126

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 05-10-2006 à 07:54:49 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de dridro, dote et tone ,nous avons 126 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done-dot-desert- dote
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter -mesh - muse - moth- mouth
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse -need - noun - noon - norm - node -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort -son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth - teen-terror - terse - tern - teens -tone
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost -
Je propose: utter---> proférer / prononcer / émettre -et - user ---> utilisateur / usager.
Nouveau total = 128

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 11:31:22 (S | E)
-- THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de steeve64, utter & user, nous avons 128 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done-dot-desert- dote
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth - mouth
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost
utter - user -

Je propose: rum = rhum ..... rush = ruée, bousculade; se précipiter, se ruer
Nouveau total = 130

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 05-10-2006 à 12:36:42 (S | E)
-- THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de mp27, rum et rush, nous avons 130 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done-dot-desert- dote
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth - mouth
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum - rush
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose:

derm / derme
duster / chiffon

Nouveau total = 132

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 05-10-2006 à 13:15:45 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de pimpampoum, derm et duster , nous avons 132 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done-dot-desert- dote- derm - duster
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth - mouth
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum - rush
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose:

mush ---> bouillie - et - mute ---> muet.
au total 134 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 05-10-2006 à 14:57:07 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de steeve34, mush et mute , nous avons 134 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done-dot-desert- dote- derm - duster
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth - mouth-mush-mute
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum - rush
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose:mess/désordre nôtre
Nouveau total 136 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 15:15:42 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de dridro, mess & ours, nous avons 136 mots.

D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm - duster
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute –
mess -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one –
ours -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum - rush
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose: rumrunner = contrebandier d'alcool / bateau servant à la contrebande d'alcool
.....................other = adj. autre / adv. autrement
Nouveau total: 138 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de prinncesse, postée le 05-10-2006 à 15:17:14 (S | E)
je propose not= pas et see=voir

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 15:31:07 (S | E)
La prochaine fois, prinncesse, donne-nous tes 2 mots avec la présentation complète - Merci à l'avance!

--THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de princess, not & see, nous avons 140 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm - duster
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum - rush
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose: rust = rouille .......... et ...........rout = déroute, débâcle / mettre en déroute (armée)
Nouveau total: 142 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de cooltrois, postée le 05-10-2006 à 15:43:59 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de princess, rust & root, nous avons 142 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm - duster
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum - rush - root - rust -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose: do = faire .......... et ...........tend= tendre, s'occuper, prendre soin
Nouveau total: 144 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 05-10-2006 à 16:05:53 (S | E)

THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de cooltrois do - &- tend, nous avons 144 mots.

Je voudrais faire remarquer qu'il ne s'agit pas de ROOT qui figure déjà dans la liste , mais de ROUT.

D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm - duster- do
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum - rush - root - rust -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone- tend-
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose: horn---> corne - & - hour---> heure.
Nouveau total: 146 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de cooltrois, postée le 05-10-2006 à 16:10:02 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de princess, do & tend, nous avons 144 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm - duster
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour - honor-
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum - rush - root - rust -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose: mounted = monté.......... et ...........order= ordonner
Nouveau total: 146 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 16:18:39 (S | E)
Petit mot à tous!

Patientez un petit moment avant de venir continuer le jeu svp.
Je viens de voir quelques petites erreurs que je voudrais rectifier tout de suite.

pour votre patience.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 17:10:13 (S | E)
Hello cooltrois,
Quelle déroute!
Tu as tapé "root"( qui figurait déjà ) au lieu de ROUT. Merci à steeve64 pour avoir remarqué l'erreur.... mais.... le second "root" n'a toujours pas été enlevé!!! .... et toujours pas de “rout”sur la dernière liste!

Autre chose:....(ce cas peut arriver à tout le monde!).
Ton post est arrivé quelques minutes après celui de steeve 34 , répondant au post qui précédait. Après avoir envoyé ton post, SI tu étais allée jeter un coup d'oeil, tu aurais remarqué qu'il fallait en tel cas rectifier et adapter le contenu de ton post: changer la première ligne, inclure les mots de steeve34 et ajuster le nouveau total....

Tu as mélangé le nom de princess avec ton propre nom ... disant inclure ses mots "do et tend"... lesquels étaient, en fait, les tiens (envoyés un peu plus tôt).... et déjà repris par steeve34. Attention!
Je vais faire les arrangements nécessaires pour rectifier. La prochaine fois, please......, fais plus attention, et vérifie le post que tu as envoyé!!!!! Merci.

Petit conseil à tout le monde: après avoir envoyé votre post, allez toujours le vérifier et faites des rectifications si nécessaires.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 17:30:04 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de cooltrois, mounted & order, nous avons 148 mots. ( Tout vérifié! )
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm – duster – do -
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour – honor- horn - hour
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess – mounted -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours – order -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum – rush – rust – rout
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens – tone – tend -
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose: end = la fin, .............. endure = supporter, endurer, tolérer
Nouveau total: 150 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 05-10-2006 à 17:55:06 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de mp27 end- & - endure, nous avons 150 mots. ( Tout vérifié! )
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm – duster – do -
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter-end- endure
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour – honor- horn - hour
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess – mounted -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours – order -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum – rush – rust – rout
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens – tone – tend -
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose:horse ---> cheval - &- horseshoe ----> fer à cheval

Au total 152 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 18:39:00 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de steeve64, horse & horseshoe, nous avons 152 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm – duster – do -
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter - end - endure -
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour – honor- horn - hour - horse - horseshoe -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess – mounted -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours – order -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum – rush – rust – rout
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see -
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens – tone – tend -
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose: endorse = endosser (chèque), sanctionner (action, décision), approuver
....................shush - Chut!

Au total 154 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de pimpampoom, postée le 05-10-2006 à 20:37:41 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de mp27, endorse et shush, nous avons 154 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm – duster – do -
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter - end - endure - endorse
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour – honor- horn - hour - horse - horseshoe -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess – mounted -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours – order -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum – rush – rust – rout
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens – tone – tend -
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose:
- (to) dote / être gâteux
- theme / thème - rédaction
Au total 156 mots.

Modifié par pimpampoom le 05-10-2006 20:37

Modifié par pimpampoom le 06-10-2006 09:00
Désolée pour to dote qui était déjà présent dans la liste et qui m'avait échappé.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de marrina, postée le 05-10-2006 à 21:59:34 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de pimpampoom, dote - theme , nous avons 156 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm – duster – do - dote
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter - end - endure - endorse
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour – honor- horn - hour - horse - horseshoe -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess – mounted -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours – order -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum – rush – rust – rout
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens – tone – tend - theme
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose:
- rumour/rumeur
- meter/ compteur
Au total 158 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 22:33:19 (S | E)
Hello pimpampoom!

Ton mot “dote” était déjà sur la liste, donc, inutile de l'avoir 2 fois . Marrina l'a placé dans sa liste. Il est donc en double!
Je vais reprendre le jeu et l'effacer. Si tu joues ce soir, tu peux mettre un mot supplémentaire pour le remplacer...

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de hotmustard, postée le 05-10-2006 à 22:40:06 (S | E)
suet suds

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 05-10-2006 à 22:52:58 (S | E)
1) J'ai enlevé le deuxième mot "dote" et ajouté les 2 mots de marrina.
détail->(meter -->mètre et compteur ->gas meter, electricity meter).
2) Hello hotmustard, je t'ai envoyé un mp pour t'expliquer

--THUNDERSTORM -- avec les derniers mots de marrina, rumour & meter , nous avons 157 mots.
D- dune - dome - duet - door - deed - dress - dust - deer - drum - done -dot - desert - dote - derm – duster – do - dote
E- ethos – err – erode – error - enter - end - endure - endorse
H- here - hen – house - home - hundred – her – hurt – hunter – hush - hot -humour – honor- horn - hour - horse - horseshoe -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse – moth – mouth - mush - mute – mess – mounted - meter -
N- note - north – nor - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -
O- ode - odd - or - out -one – ours – order -
R- red - run - rest – room – round - root – roost - roe - rum – rush – rust – rout - rumour -
S- storm - south - sun – stout - shoe - sound – sour - shut – shed – send – set -shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush
T- then - the– trot – troth – trout – thrush - thud – tune - there – ten – torn – thrust – trust – turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test- teeth – teen - terror - terse - tern - teens – tone – tend - theme
U- under - us – use - usher - utmost – utter - user -

Je propose: sum = somme, total, opération (calcul)
................ some = du, dela, de l', des,
Au total 159 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de hotmustard, postée le 05-10-2006 à 23:14:38 (S | E)
avec suet: graisse pour la patisserie et suds: mousse de savon nous avons 157 mots:
D - dune-dome -duet-door-deed-dress-dust-deer-drum-done-dot-desert-dote-derm-duster-do-
E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse
H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe
M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted
N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not
O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order
R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout
S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shuit-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush
T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme
U- under-us-use-usher-utmost-utter-user

je propose :
street: rue
stone : pierre
Au total 159 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 06-10-2006 à 00:36:51 (S | E)
Avec street - & - stone nous avons 159 mots:
D - dune-dome -duet-door-deed-dress-dust-deer-drum-done-dot-desert-dote-derm-duster-do-
E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse
H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe
M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted-meter
N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not
O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order
R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout-rumour-
S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shuit-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush-stone-street-some- sum
T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme
U- under-us-use-usher-utmost-utter-user

je propose :
mutton---> viande de mouton - & -to moor --->amarrer

Au total 161 mots

Je pense qu'il faut recompter les mots car hotmustard a oublié de noter les siens.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 06-10-2006 à 00:47:28 (S | E)
Avec mutton - & - moor nous avons 161 mots:
D - dune-dome -duet-door-deed-dress-dust-deer-drum-done-dot-desert-dote-derm-duster-do-
E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse
H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe
M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted-meter-moor-mutton
N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not
O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order
R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout-rumour-
S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shuit-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush-stone-street-some- sum
T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme
U- under-us-use-usher-utmost-utter-user
je propose :
demo : démonstration
demesne: domaine
total 163 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 06-10-2006 à 01:45:35 (S | E)
indeed mp27, some words are missed!
after checking, I realize that the two words given by "Hotmustard" were not added
suet and suds
I'll also add my two last words demo and demesne
D - dune-dome -duet-door-deed-dress-dust-deer-drum-done-dot-desert-dote-derm-duster-do-demo-demesne
E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse
H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe
M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted-meter-moor-mutton
N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not
O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order
R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout-rumour-
S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shuit-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush-stone-street-some- sum-soot-suet-suds
T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme
U- under-us-use-usher-utmost-utter-user
and I'll add one more word so that the new total will be: 166 words
soot: suie

Modifié par nouara le 06-10-2006 01:47

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 06-10-2006 à 07:54:58 (S | E)
Après rectification, nous avons 166 mots

D - dune-dome -duet-door-deed-dress-dust-deer-drum-done-dot-desert-dote-derm-duster-do-demo-demesne
E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse
H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe
M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted-meter-moor-mutton
N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not
O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order
R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout-rumour-
S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shut-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush-stone-street-some- sum-soot-suet-suds
T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme
U- under-us-use-usher-utmost-utter-user.

Je propose: hound---> chien courant / chien de meute - & - mote -----> atome / grain
Au total 168 mots.
j'ai remplacé "shuit" par shut.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de shinygirl, postée le 06-10-2006 à 09:55:16 (S | E)
Nous avons 168 mots

D - dune-dome -duet-door-deed-dress-dust-deer-drum-done-dot-desert-dote-derm-duster-do-demo-demesne

E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse

H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe-hound-

M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted-meter-moor-mutton-mote

N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not

O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order

R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout-rumour-

S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shut-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush-stone-street-some- sum-soot-suet-suds

T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme

U- under-us-use-usher-utmost-utter-user.

Je propose:
hood = a headdress that protects the head and face or protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine
sunset = the daily event of the sun sinking below the horizon OR the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon

Au total 170 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de shinygirl, postée le 06-10-2006 à 10:03:55 (S | E)
Nous avons 170 mots

D - dune-dome -duet-door-deed-dress-dust-deer-drum-done-dot-desert-dote-derm-duster-do-demo-demesne

E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse

H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe-hound-hood

M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted-meter-moor-mutton-mote

N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not

O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order

R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout-rumour-

S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shut-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush-stone-street-some- sum-soot-suet-suds-sunset

T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme

U- under-us-use-usher-utmost-utter-user.

Je propose:
SUNROOM = a room enclosed largely with glass and affording exposure to the sun
NORN = any of the three Fates or goddesses of destiny;

Au total 172 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 06-10-2006 à 13:40:54 (S | E)
UPDATING / Mise à jour

1-- Merci à nouara pour son aide hier soir dans les vérifications. Les 2 mots: suet et sud, donnés par hotmustard n'avaient pas été inscrits. Merci de les avoir rajoutés.

2-- Merci à steeve34 pour la rectification. En effet, “shut” s'était transformé en shuit! Tout est bien rétabli. Merci.

3-- La traduction des mots en français. Votre mot, et sa traduction / définition est utile à chacun de nous.

-Si le mot est assez littéraire, notez-le. Par exemple: le mot de steeve64 “MOTE” est un grain, une très fine poussière, (a speck), un atome (mais pas dans le sens scientifique)

- Si le mot est rare ou assez spécial, ajoutez une brève explication Par ex: demesne = domaine, dans le sens historique (concept féodal->ensemble de terres et de droits). Dans certains cas, une définition en anglais peut être utile. Pas besoin de donner la définition en anglais de SUNSET (coucher de soleil suffit). Par contre, pour le mot NORN, shinygirl nous a donné la définition en anglais. Excellent! après le dernier mot, j'ajouterais --> “in the Norse mythology”. Cela dit, je vais en profiter pour donner ce mot “Norse” dès que je jouerai..... et je vous le traduirai en français!

4-- Pour les nouveaux/les moins habitués/les distraits:
N'oubliez pas de toujours ajouter les 2 mots précédents sur la liste que vous présentez. Vos 2 nouveaux mots sont présentés à la fin, et seront repris par la personne suivante qui les ajoutera à la nouvelle liste... et ainsi de suite!

See you soon!

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 06-10-2006 à 14:18:25 (S | E)
NOTE: Les mots norm et n o r n--> ne se distinguent pas très bien (pour ceux qui ont des yeux comme les miens) bref, il ne s'agit pas du même mot répété 2 fois!

LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)
-THUNDERSTORM-Nous avons 172 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de shinygirl: SUNROOM & NORN.

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne -
E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse
H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe-hound-hood
M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted-meter-moor-mutton-mote
N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not -norn -
O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order
R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout-rumour-
S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shut-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush-stone-street-some- sum-soot-suet-suds-sunset – sunroom -
T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme
U- under – us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user.

Je propose:
NORSE = adj. nordique, scandinave, norrois – (old norse = le vieux norrois->premiers écrits de la langue scandinave médiévale)
NOR = ni (en seconde partie de--> “neither... nor”)
Nouveau total: 174 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 06-10-2006 à 14:39:42 (S | E)

-THUNDERSTORM-Nous avons 174 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27: Norse et nor.

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne -
E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse
H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe-hound-hood
M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted-meter-moor-mutton-mote
N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not -norm -nor- norse
O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order
R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout-rumour-
S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shut-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush-stone-street-some- sum-soot-suet-suds-sunset – sunroom -
T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme
U- under – us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user.

Je propose:
usherette-----> ouvreuse (cinéma ; théatre) -&- doom----> ruine / perte / destin.
Nouveau total: 176 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 06-10-2006 à 14:57:56 (S | E)
-LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)-
-THUNDERSTORM-Nous avons 176 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve64: usherette et doom.

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom -
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss -museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo-motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote -
N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not -norm -nor- norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order -
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone -tend - theme
U- under – us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette -

Je propose:
shot = coup, décharge, coup de fusil, essai, tentative......
shoot = rejeton, pousse - verbe: chasser, abattre, fusiller...
Nouveau total: 178 mots

J'ai rectifié le troisième mot de la ligne "M"-->MOUSE (la souris avait été (hier)transformée en "moude" par quelqu'un qui avait re-tapé chaque mot avec patience, au lieu de copier-coller la liste.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 06-10-2006 à 15:05:14 (S | E)

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 06-10-2006 à 14:57:56 (S | E)
-LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)-
-THUNDERSTORM-Nous avons 178 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27: shot & shoot.

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom -
E - ethos-err-erode-error-enter-end-endure-endorse
H - here-hen-house-home-hundred-her-hurt-hunter-hush-hot-humour-honor-horn-hour-horse-horseshoe-hound-hood
M- me-moon-moude-morse-mourn-men-must-mound-moss-museum-mushroom-more-mores-month-mud-mother-mood-moo-motor-mutter-mesh-muse-moth-mouth-mush-mute-mess-mounted-meter-moor-mutton-mote
N- note-north-nude- nose- nurse- need- noun- noon- norm- node- not -norm -nor- norse
O- ode- odd- or-out-one-ours-order
R- red-run-rest-room-round-root-roost-roe-rum-rush-rust-rout-rumour-
S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shut-shed-send-set-shoot-stress-store-sort-son-see-shush-stone-street-some- sum-soot-suet-suds-sunset – sunroom -shot- shoot
T- then-the-trot-troth-trout-thrush-thud-tune-there-ten-torn-thrust-trust-turn-thorn-truth-three-true-tooth-test-teeth-teen-terror-terse-tern-teens-tone-tend-theme
U- under – us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette -

Je propose:
doe ----> biche / lapine / hase - &- donor ----> donateur.
Nouveau total: 180 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 06-10-2006 à 15:30:24 (S | E)

-LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)--THUNDERSTORM-Nous avons 180 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve64: doe & donor.
D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote -
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norm - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order -
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette -

Je propose:
Um = interjection--> euh... (on a déjà le verbe "to err"-->to um and err = hésiter beaucoup)
Underdone = pas assez cuit, saignant (pour la viande)
Nouveau total: 182 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de frapedur, postée le 06-10-2006 à 16:30:49 (S | E)
On ne peut pas changer de mot

Je sèche

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de euol, postée le 06-10-2006 à 18:38:43 (S | E)
super mp 27 pour cette seconde édition de play and learn que tu gères de main de maitre.Mes très limitées capacités informatiques m'obligeraient à taper(avec un doigt) les 180et quelques mots.Alors, merci de bien vouloir prendre en charge,detest:detester,et rude:grossier.Confus de ce travail supplémentaire,amicalement euol

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 06-10-2006 à 19:30:46 (S | E)
--LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 182 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27: um & underdone
D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote -
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order -
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -

Je propose les 2 mots de euol (qui a des ennuis d'ordinateur):
-- detest = détester
-- rude = impoli, mal élevé, insolent, grossier, indécent.
Nouveau total: 184 mots.

Modifié par mp27 le 06-10-2006 22:41

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 06-10-2006 à 20:14:02 (S | E)

--LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 184 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de euol: detest & rude
D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote -
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norm - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order -
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour -rude
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -

Je propose les 2 mots

U-turn ---> demi-tour (sur une route) - & - moorhen ---> poule d'eau (oiseau) Nouveau total: 186 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 06-10-2006 à 23:16:01 (S | E)
Résultat d'une vérification: 2 mots ont été donnés hier, mais n'ont pas été inscrits :
rumrunner = contrebandier d'alcool / bateau servant à la contrebande d'alcool
other = adj. autre / adv. autrement.
Je vais les rajouter sur la liste ci-dessous.


--LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 186 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34: U-turn & moorhen
D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen -
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn --

Je propose les 2 mots: smooth = lisse, satiné, doux, onctueux
rod = baguette, tringle , canne (à pêche)
Nouveau total: 190 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de sami105, postée le 06-10-2006 à 23:23:40 (S | E)
Hi everybody,
Congratulations.I hope to join you very soon.Keep on and good luck

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 07-10-2006 à 00:23:21 (S | E)

--LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 190 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27 rod & smooth
D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen -
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn --

Je propose les 2 mots: moose----> orignal (Canada) / élan (Europe du nord) - & - moot (adj) ---->discutable / controversé.

Nouveau total: 192 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 07-10-2006 à 00:50:53 (S | E)
LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 192 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34 moose & moot
D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn --
Je propose :
den = l'habitation d'animaux sauvages
outmoded = démodé
Nouveau total: 194 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 07-10-2006 à 01:05:37 (S | E)

LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)

--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 194 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de nouara den & outmoded

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest-den
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -outmoded
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn --
Je propose :
dormer---> lucarne -&- door-to-door---> à domicile / porte à porte.

Nouveau total: 196 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 07-10-2006 à 01:17:24 (S | E)
LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)

--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 196 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34 dormer & door-to-door

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest-den-door-to-door-dormer
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -outmoded
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn --
Je propose :
dent: bosse
dessert: dessert
Nouveau total: 198 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 07-10-2006 à 01:28:17 (S | E)
LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)

--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 198 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de Nouara dent -&- dessert

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest-den-door-to-door-dormer-dent-dessert
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -outmoded
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn --
Je propose :
dotted----> en pointillé - & - urn ---> urne
Nouveau total: 200 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 07-10-2006 à 01:40:34 (S | E)
-- LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 200 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34:
dotted et urn

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest-den – dormer – door-to-door -- dotted
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -outmoded -
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn -- urn -

Je propose: ensue = s'ensuivre, résulter... et ... ensure = s'assurer, garantir
Nouveau total: 202 mots.
La troisième centaine est entamée!!!

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de nouara, postée le 07-10-2006 à 01:42:48 (S | E)
LIRE la Mise à jour du 6 octobre (13:40)

--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 202 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest-den-door-to-door-dormer-dent-dessert-dotted
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue-ensure
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -outmoded
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn -- urn
Je propose :
detent: détente
deter: dissuader
Nouveau total: 204 mots.

Modifié par nouara le 07-10-2006 01:45

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de dridro, postée le 07-10-2006 à 05:06:09 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 204 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de nouara

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest-den-door-to-door-dormer-dent-dessert-dotted-detent-deter
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue-ensure
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose
N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -outmoded
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn -- urn
Je propose :

Nouveau total: 206 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de shinygirl, postée le 07-10-2006 à 06:55:59 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 206 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de dridro :

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest-den-door-to-door-dormer-dent-dessert-dotted-detent-deter

E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue-ensure-eden

H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -

M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose

N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -

O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -outmoded

R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod

S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth

T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme-these

U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn -- urn

Je propose :
SURE = certain not to fail and
OUST = remove from a position or office / remove and replace

Nouveau total: 208 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 07-10-2006 à 09:05:12 (S | E)

THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 208 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de shinygirl :
sure & oust

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest-den-door-to-door-dormer-dent-dessert-dotted-detent-deter

E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue-ensure-eden

H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -

M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose

N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -

O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -outmoded -oust

R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod

S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth-sure

T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme-these

U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn -- urn

Je propose :
hotpot--> a mixture of meat, potatoes and onions, cooked slowly together : un ragoût. - & - hum---> bourdonner.

Nouveau total: 210 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de hotmustard, postée le 07-10-2006 à 11:00:48 (S | E)
THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 210 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34 :

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest-den-door-to-door-dormer-dent-dessert-dotted-detent-deter

E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue-ensure-eden

H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -hotpot-hum
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot-moose

N- note - north-nude- nose - nurse- need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -

O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other -outmoded -oust

R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner -rod

S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed -send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot -smooth-sure

T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme-these

U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- U-turn -- urn

Je propose :
endorsement:endos (d'un chèque par exemple)
thresh: battre le blé
Nouveau total: 212 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 07-10-2006 à 13:31:22 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 212 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de hotmustard: endorsement & thresh

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent - deter
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden - endorsement -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -hotpot-hum -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded -oust
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh -
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn -

Je propose: threesome = groupe de throw = jeter, lancer
Nouveau total: 214 mots.
Modifié par mp27 le 07-10-2006 15:46-SORRY! Je vais remplacer "throw" dans mon prochain post.
Merci d'avoir mentionné mon erreur!

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 07-10-2006 à 15:25:09 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons 214 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27 threesome & ...... ???
Attention mp27 throw ne convient pas !! Il faudra trouver un autre mot.

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent - deter
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden - endorsement -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood -hotpot-hum -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded -oust
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn -

Je propose:
hue -----> teinte / nuance - & - horror ----> horreur.
Nouveau total : 216 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 07-10-2006 à 16:09:36 (S | E)
Tout d'abord, je remplace mon mot "throw" par: HOOT et je vais le rajouter dans la liste ci-dessous.
Hoot = hululement, coup de klaxon, mugissement d'une sirène, sifflement du train, huée (et verbes équivalents)


--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 216 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34: hue & horror

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent - deter
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden - endorsement -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot - hue - horror
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded -oust
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn -

Je propose: neon = néon ..... nest = nid
Nouveau total : 218 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 07-10-2006 à 16:29:29 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 218 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27: neon & nest

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent - deter
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden - endorsement -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot - hue - horror
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -neon- nest
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded -oust
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn -

Je propose: host ----> hôte / foule / hostie - & - hostess-----> hôtesse
Nouveau total : 220 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de frapedur, postée le 07-10-2006 à 19:59:16 (S | E)
peut-on changer de mot

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de hotmustard, postée le 07-10-2006 à 21:54:11 (S | E)
Non frappedur, on ne change pas de mot .On continue jusqu'à épuisement,certains on l'air de bien s'amuser!!!

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de hotmustard, postée le 07-10-2006 à 22:02:13 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 220 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34:host et hostess

D – dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent - deter
E - ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden - endorsement -
H - here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot - hue - horror-host-hostess
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -neon- nest
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded -oust
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn -

Je propose: dose ----> dose/doser et eel----:anguille
nous avons maintenant 222 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de artsolex32, postée le 07-10-2006 à 22:49:37 (S | E)
je propose shunt/court circuit et morse/morse code
ca fait 224 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 08-10-2006 à 01:12:04 (S | E)
Hello hotmustard! On ne peut prendre que ton mot: “dose” car “eel” contient la lettre “l”. Pas de “l” dans le mot THUNDERSTORM.

Hello artsolex32 and welcome! Te voilà membre depuis quelques heures, alors, d'accord, on prend en charge tes mots (la prochaine fois, ça sera plus facile pour toi). Seulement, je ne peux prendre `qu'un seul mot: “shunt” , car le second mot : morse” est déjà sur notre liste.

--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 222 mots y compris les 2 derniers--> ”dose” de hotmustard, et “shunt” de artsolex32.

D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose -
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -neon- nest
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded -oust
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn -

Je propose: net = Adj--> net (pour prix, revenu, poids) – Noun--> filet, voile (net curtain)
nether = Archaique-->bas, inférieur (le nether world = enfers, pluriel)

Nouveau total--> 224 mots

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 08-10-2006 à 08:40:02 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 224 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27 net & nether

D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose -
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -neon- nest-net-nether
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded -oust
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn -

Je propose: honest ---->honnête/ probe /intègre.- & - hone ---->affûter / affiler / aiguiser
Nouveau total--> 226 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 08-10-2006 à 09:17:59 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 226 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34: honest & hone
D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose -
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess - honest - hone -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -neon- nest-net-nether
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded - oust -
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn -

Je propose: otter = loutre .......... et .......... Oh = exclamation = oh! ah!.....
Nouveau total--> 228 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 08-10-2006 à 09:50:56 (S | E)

--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 228 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27 otter & oh .
D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose -
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess - honest - hone -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -neon- nest-net-nether
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded - oust -otter-Oh
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn -

Je propose: horrendous --->horrible / affreux - & - houmous---> a soft smooth savory food made from crushed "chickpeas", oil and lemon juice---> houmous.
Nouveau total--> 230 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 08-10-2006 à 13:24:28 (S | E)
To steeve34: sur ta première ligne, c'était 228 mots (pas 226)

--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 230 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34: horrendous & houmous
D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose -
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess - honest - hone - horrendous - houmous -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -neon- nest-net-nether
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded - oust -otter-Oh
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn

Je propose: he = pronom-->il, --- nom-->a male (is it a he or a she?)
oh = exclamation marquant surprise, plaisir, déception, colère, tristesse.......
Nouveau total--> 232 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 08-10-2006 à 14:14:18 (S | E)
-THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 232 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27 he & oh
D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose -
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess - honest - hone - horrendous - houmous - he
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -neon- nest-net-nether
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded - oust -otter-oh
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm - south - sun - stout - shoe - sound - sour - shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt -
T- then - the - trot - troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn

Je propose : strenuous------> hardu / acharné / vigoureux. - & - trousers ---> pantalon.
Nouveau total--> 234 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de hotmustard, postée le 08-10-2006 à 22:24:25 (S | E)
-THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 234 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de steeve34 strenuous et trousers
D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose -
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess - honest - hone - horrendous - houmous - he
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse -neon- nest-net-nether
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded - oust -otter-oh
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm-south-sun-stout-shoe-sound-sour-shut- shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt - strenuous
T- then-the-trot-troth-trout - thrush - thud - tune - there -ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true -tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh - threesome-trousers
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn

Je propose : hose : tuyau , et nut : noix
Nouveau total--> 236 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de mp27, postée le 09-10-2006 à 06:08:48 (S | E)

--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 236 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de hotmustard: hose & nut
D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose -
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess - honest - hone - horrendous - houmous – he – hose -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse – neon – nest – net - nether – nut -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded - oust -otter-oh
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod -
S- storm – south – sun – stout – shoe – sound – sour – shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt - strenuous
T- then – the – trot – troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there - ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh – threesome – trousers -
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" -- urn

Je propose : rhododendron = rhododendron ..........& .......... undue = excessif
Nouveau total--> 238 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de oratowsky, postée le 09-10-2006 à 06:23:36 (S | E)
hi there, i'm a native speaker of english... and i'm afraid i've never seen "norn" before, could you explain what exactly this means? =P

or "usherette" either... perhaps these are formal words I don't know, but you would never use them in spoken english.

je parle un peu du français, mais je suis beaucoup plus comfortable en anglais. je suis neauveau ici, allors je suis désolée si ca est une commentaire stupide.

Modifié par oratowsky le 09-10-2006 06:24

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 09-10-2006 à 08:44:01 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 238 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de mp27 rhododendron & undue
D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose -
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess - honest - hone - horrendous - houmous – he – hose -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse – neon – nest – net - nether – nut -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded - oust -otter-oh
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod - rhododendron
S- storm – south – sun – stout – shoe – sound – sour – shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt - strenuous
T- then – the – trot – troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there - ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh – threesome – trousers -
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" - urn- undue

Je propose : dour ----> ausrère / sévère -&- douse ----> plonger /tremper dans l'eau- asperger d'eau -éteindre un feu avec de l'eau- noyer ; inonder.
Nouveau total--> 240 mots.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de steeve34, postée le 09-10-2006 à 09:34:53 (S | E)
Hello oratowsky,

Here is my answer :

Norn : In Germanic mythology, any of a group of supernatural beings who corresponded to the Greek Moirai ; they were usually represented as three maidens who spun or wove the fate of men.
En français on les appelle " LES PARQUES". Elles sont trois. Clotho préside à la naissance et tient la quenouille, Lachésis tourne le fuseau, et Atropos coupe le fil.
Par périphrase on les appelle "les filles de la nuit"; "les filles du destin" ; "les filles de l'Achéron". La Fontaine les nomme " Les soeurs filandières"

Usherette: A woman who works in a theatre or cinema, whose job is to show people to their seats and to sell sweets and drinks.

Réponse: Play and Learn -Game 2- de shinygirl, postée le 09-10-2006 à 10:13:33 (S | E)
--THUNDERSTORM-- Nous avons maintenant 240 mots y compris les 2 derniers mots de Steeve34
D– dune - dome – duet – door – deed – dress – dust – deer – drum – done – dot – desert – dote – derm – duster – do – demo – demesne - doom - doe - donor -detest - den -- "door-to-door"-- dormer - dent - dessert - dotted - detent – deter – dose - dour - douse
E- ethos - err - erode - error - enter - end - endure - endorse - ensue - ensure - eden – endorsement -
H- here - hen - house - home - hundred - her - hurt - hunter - hush - hot - humour - honor - horn - hour - horse - horseshoe - hound - hood - hotpot - hum - hoot – hue - horror - host -hostess - honest - hone - horrendous - houmous – he – hose -
M- me - moon - mouse - morse - mourn - men - must - mound - moss - museum - mushroom - more - mores - month - mud - mother - mood - moo - motor - mutter - mesh - muse - moth - mouth - mush - mute - mess -mounted - meter - moor - mutton - mote - moorhen - moot - moose -
N- note - north - nude - nose - nurse - need - noun - noon - norm - node - not -norn - nor - norse – neon – nest – net - nether – nut -
O- ode - odd - or - out - one - ours - order - other - outmoded - oust -otter-oh
R- red - run - rest - room - round - root - roost - roe - rum - rush - rust - rout - rumour - rude - runrunner - rod - rhododendron
S- storm – south – sun – stout – shoe – sound – sour – shut - shed - send - set - shoot - stress - store - sort - son - see - shush -stone - street - some - sum - soot - suet - suds - sunset – sunroom - shot - shoot - smooth - sure – shunt - strenuous
T- then – the – trot – troth - trout - thrush - thud - tune - there - ten - torn - thrust - trust - turn - thorn - truth - three - true - tooth - test - teeth - teen - terror - terse - tern - teens - tone - tend - theme - these - thresh – threesome – trousers -
U- under - us – use – usher – utmost – utter - user - usherette - um - underdone -- "U-turn" - urn- undue

For me,
The words : TOE = one of the digits of the foot and TOO : to an excessive degree; eg :"too big" or also, eg "me too".

so in total : 242 words

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