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Vérification lettre recommandation
Message de pim posté le 13-01-2007 à 23:47:41 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous,
Je suis professeur de Physique en Terminale S, et une ancienne élève partie en Angleterre m'a demandé une lettre de recommandation... en anglais !

Voici le résultat de 4 heures d'efforts : J'ai caché les noms et prénoms, pour pas que ma pauvre petite élève se retrouve sur internet ! Merci par avance à vous si vous pouvez jeter un coup d'oeil, car pour moi l'anglais c'est tout à fait terrible comme matière !

Mr. Mon nom
Professeur Agrégé
Lycee XXX
XXX Cedex

January 13, 2007

Dear Mr. and Ms.,

I am very pleased to write a recommendation for Prenom Nom. I was Prenom Nom’s teacher in physics speciality during her last year 2004- 2005 at Lycee XXX in France.

Unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue, Prenom has made clear to us all that her goal is to do physics. To this end she has worked tirelessly in our physics speciality program. Physics speciality is an honors program intended for students who have a strong interest in physics and chemistry, and show promise in the study of science. This program aims to provide students with a higher level in analysis and knowledge in both physics and chemistry.

Prenom is an intelligent, resourceful, discreet and efficient student, who favorably impressed all of her teachers at Lycee XXX. In the classroom Prenom was a joy to work with. She constantly strove to produce the very best effort she possibly could. She show great ability to work both with others and independently. Her composition skills were excellent. In physics speciality, compared to the class average of 12.3/20, Prenom Nom earned a 14.8/20, third over thirty three students. In the french bachelor exam, she earned a 15/20, clearly showed her strong ability to physics and chemistry. Prenom Nom continues to impress me with her knowledge, skill and dedication to her work.

I only recommend students whom I feel are well-suited for the program of their choice. Prenom Nom is one of those students. She has consistently show such a strong desire to learn that I simply could not turn down her request for recommendation.

I highly recommend that you consider her application. I am sure you will find her to be a student whose talents will only shine further through your program. I think Prenom Nom meet the requirements of the program she is applying for, and it is my hope that you will accept her admission. Feel free to contact me if you require further information.


Mr. Mon nom
Professeur Agrégé
Lycée de XXX

Modifié par bridg le 13-01-2007 23:48

Modifié par pim le 13-01-2007 23:54

Modifié par pim le 13-01-2007 23:55

Réponse: Vérification lettre recommandation de jean31, postée le 14-01-2007 à 10:16:54 (S | E)

Voici ce que j'ai remarqué, balisé en majuscules.
Cependant, tu es beaucoup trop modeste. J'aurais beaucoup aimé avoir jadis au lycée le même niveau en physique-chimie que le tien en anglais. No kidding!

January 13, 2007

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am very pleased to write a recommendation for Prenom Nom. I was HER (ça évite la répétition) teacher in physics speciality during her FINAL SCHOOL year 2004- 2005 at Lycee XXX in France.

Unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue, Prenom has made IT clear to us all that her goal is to STUDY physics. To this end she has worked tirelessly in our physics speciality programME. Physics speciality is an honors programME intended for students who have a strong interest in physics and chemistry, and show promise in the study of science. This programME aims to provide students with a higher level in analysis and knowledge in both physics and chemistry.

Prenom is an intelligent, resourceful, discreet and efficient student, who favorably impressed all her teachers at Lycee XXX. In the classroom Prenom was a joy to work with. She constantly strove to produce the very best effort she possibly could. She showED great ability to work both with others and independently. Her composition skills were excellent. In physics speciality, compared to the class average of 12.3/20, Prenom Nom earned a 14.8/20, third OUT OF thirty three students. In the French Baccalauréat exam,(School leaving certificate = A-Levels) she earned a 15/20, clearly showed her strong ability to physics and chemistry. Prenom Nom KEEPS ON impressING me with her knowledge, skill and dedication to her work.

I only recommend students who I feel are well-suited TO the programME of their choice. Prenom Nom is one of those students. She has consistently showN such a strong desire to learn that I simply could not turn down her request for recommendation.

I highly recommend that you consider her application. I am sure you will find her to be a student whose talents will only shine further through your programME. I think Prenom Nom meetS the requirements of the programME she is applying for, and it is my hope that you will accept her admission. Feel free to contact me if you require further information.

YOURS sincerely,

* La graphie "program" est plutôt américaine.
* Si après une telle lettre ton ancienne élève n'est pas acceptée, c'est à désespérer des hommes.
All the best to both of you.

Réponse: Vérification lettre recommandation de pim, postée le 14-01-2007 à 16:15:27 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la correction, c'est très sympathique de votre part. J'espère que mon élève sera effectivement acceptée, car elle est effectivement très courageuse.

Réponse: Vérification lettre recommandation de jean31, postée le 14-01-2007 à 18:27:48 (S | E)



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