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traduction dossier géo.
Message de linoa1fleur posté le 08-05-2005 à 20:24:55 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour bonjour !

J'ai un dossier de géo en anglais à faire pour demain, mais pour la trad, j'ai du mal . Pourriez vous m'indiquer mes erreurs ? Merci beaucoup d'avance !

Whatever the master piece is made, it will have a functionnal aim. According to some tribes, the object will be filled with the energy of its creator.
Brazilian department of the environment estimate that 80% of cutting down are illegal. In 1600’s, the will to populate a empty area became the priority of the government: “ Lands without men for men without lands ”. A gigantic campaign of deforestation began.
Finally, after hundreds of dead persons, their ardour was overtaken.
In fact, in Europe, the number of species tended to decrease whereas they would undergo climatic changes less important in Amazonia, developing a sort of strategy: “the division in islets”.
The number of animal species presented in Amazonia is between 3 and 10 million, and 56 000 vegetable species (the very low end of the estimate scale).
This biodiversity represents a considerable medical reservoir. For instance, 70 % of labotary-tested medicine at the present time against cancers come from plants of tropical forest.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide

Edité par bridg le 08-05-2005 20:25

Réponse: traduction dossier géo. de regine_lyon, postée le 08-05-2005 à 20:41:29 (S | E)
Whatever the master piece is made, it will have a functionnal aim. According to some tribes, the object will be filled with the energy of its creator.
Whatever the master piece is made of, it will have a functionnal aim. According to some tribes, the object will be filled with the energy of its creator.

Brazilian department of the environment estimate that 80% of cutting down are illegal. In 1600’s, the will to populate a empty area became the priority of the government: “ Lands without men for men without lands ”. A gigantic campaign of deforestation began.
The Brazilian department of the environment estimates that 80% of cutting down are illegal. In 1600’s, populating an empty area became the priority of the government: “Lands without men are for men without lands ”. A gigantic campaign of deforestation began.

Finally, after hundreds of dead persons, their ardour was overtaken.
In fact, in Europe, the number of species tended to decrease whereas they would undergo climatic changes less important in Amazonia, developing a sort of strategy: “the division in islets”.
Finally, after the death of hundreds of people, its ardour was overtaken.
In fact, in Europe, the number of species tended to decrease whereas they would undergo climatic changes less important in Amazonia, developing a sort of strategy: “the division in islets”.

its ardour, parce que its fait référence à "the government"
they : je ne sais pas à quoi ou qui cela fait référence ?

The number of animal species presented in Amazonia is between 3 and 10 million, and 56 000 vegetable species (the very low end of the estimate scale).
Between 3 and 10 millions of animal and 56 000 vegetable species are present in Amazonia.
(the very low end of the estimate scale) ???

This biodiversity represents a considerable medical reservoir. For instance, 70 % of labotary-tested medicine at the present time against cancers come from plants of tropical forest.
This biodiversity represents a considerable medical reservoirs/stock. For instance, 70 % of the current labotary-tested medicine against cancers come from plants present in the tropical forest.

Bref, pas facile ton texte ! J'ai essayé de faire de mon mieux !!!

Réponse: traduction dossier géo. de linoa1fleur, postée le 08-05-2005 à 21:55:20 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ta rapidité !

Concernant le texte, l'original fait un peu plus de 20 pages et c'était donc impossible de tout mettre ici. Si les phrases n'avaient aucun rapport entre elles, c'est qu'elles faisaient partie de paragraphes différents (et je n'ai pas eu la bonne idée de sauter une ligne à chaque fois... ).
J'imagine(s) les fautes dans le reste du dossier !! .
Encore merci

Edité par bridg le 08-05-2005 21:58

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