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English only
All your questions about the English language, no French allowed.


Message de tiphanie0504 posté le 04-05-2006 à 14:57:34 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody!

My written English is not too bad but my pronunciation is really awful. I do not understand phonetics. So if I have a look at the dictionary it does not help me at all. Has anyone a good suggestion to help me ?

Thank you very much for your help!

Modifié par willy le 03-07-2006 19:57

Réponse: Pronunciation de traviskidd, postée le 04-05-2006 à 15:41:14 (S | E)
Hello tiphanie.

I suggest that you learn the sounds of English as an English-speaker would perceive them. Unfortunately this cannot be done without being able to hear the sounds. There are several lists that use symbols designed specifically for English; none is necessarily more correct than the others. I have posted my personal favorite list several times here in the forums, so I won't repeat the entire list here. However I'll include a sample of it so that you can decide if you would like me to send you the whole list. While I personally don't like the use of IPA symbols to explain the pronunciation of specific words, I will include the IPA symbol for the sounds listed here, since it is obviously impossible for me to let you hear the sounds themselves.

Here is the sample:

Short Vowels:
a - pat (//)
e - pet (//)
i - pit (//)
o - pot (/a/)
oo - put (//)
u - putt (//)

Long Vowels:
ā - bait (//)
ē - beat (//)
ī - bite (//)
ō - boat (//)
ōō - boot (//)
ū - beauty (/j/)

As you can see, what are considered diphtongs in IPA (and, I suppose, in reality) are considered as single sounds by English-speakers. I believe that in order to improve your English pronunciation you must learn to perceive these sounds as an English-speaker would.

Furthermore, learning the sounds this way helps you to remember certain rules. For example, a word spelled with CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) will have its vowel pronounced short. But if a silent E is added to the end, the vowel becomes long. Hence "hat" is pronounced /hat/ (= /ht/ in IPA) and "hate" is pronounced /hāt/ (= /ht/ in IPA).

If you would like to see the full list, let me know.

In any case, bon courage.

Réponse: Pronunciation de js40run, postée le 05-05-2006 à 12:38:12 (S | E)
Hi tiphanie0504,

I have the same problem but for me, I think "my" English writes is not very high.

But have you seen on this website (and I write under control the administrators of the site!), you can go to "utiles" (up this page) and you can choose a program about the pronunciation (21.000 mots prononcés, prononcer une phrase).

I you clic on "Détente" (up this page, in "logiciels gratuits"), you can find too a lot of freewares: SELINGUA, SELINGUA COLUMNS, SETTERA, SEBRAN's ABC,
I don't have tested them but I want to do it soon.

Tell me if they interesting, please.
I hope my response help you.

Have a nice day!

Réponse: Pronunciation de js40run, postée le 05-05-2006 à 12:44:21 (S | E)
Sorry for the mistakes!

Tell me if they ARE interesting, please.
I hope my response WILL help you.

Réponse: Pronunciation de camwag, postée le 11-07-2006 à 21:33:26 (S | E)
if you want to have good pronounciation you have to listen english musique or follow english cinemas



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