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Magazine/ Hawaii

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Magazine/ Hawaii
Message de zacharie2010 posté le 10-01-2018 à 17:23:32 (S | E | F)
dans le cadre d'un cours d'anglais j'ai un magazine à réaliser sur Hawaii, j'ai donc décidé de "créer" un top 10 des raisons d'aller à Hawaii. C'est pour cela que je sollicite votre aide, pour m'aider à apporter des corrections à mon travail.
Merci d'avance,

Today, in this special-issue winter 2017, you will can read our choice for pass very good Christmas holidays with your family. This year we choose for you Hawaii the fifth state of the country of Uncle Sam. In Hawaii you will can find every necessary thing for have Xmas spirit.
First, Hawaii is the biggest archipelago of the Pacific Ocean. The archipelago is composed by 137 islands. James Cook (British explorer) discovered Hawaii on 1778 with his crew. He named the archipelago " Sandwich Islands" (in honour of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich which named the famous snack: Sandwich). After on 1810 a kingdom was created by Kamehameha the first (a native Hawaiian), until 1894 the descendants of Kamehameha managed the island. But on 1998, the US did an illegal annex of Hawaii, and on 1959 Hawaii became an official state of United States of America.

A little point of demography of Hawaii.
The Hawaii's archipelago is inhabited by 1 million 427 thousand persons, the 2017 grown rate is -0,08%. Since statehood, Hawaii has been governing by a governor, who is elect by Hawaiians and also governed by the US president who is elect by all of the USA population. I'm so sorry for you, but you will can't bump cross Hawaii 5-0 in the street, but you can still see the Kamehameha statue in front of Aliʻiolani Hale (royal palace in Honolulu). Hawaii 5-0 is a police serial in a special team in Hawaii like NCIS in Washington or Los Angeles. I will show you 10 reasons for pass holydays in Hawaii.

1) Landscape
Hawaii possess a lot of different splendid landscape, a natural variety for relax everywhere you stop with breathtaking scenery. And for appreciate the life like you deserve
2) Aquatic Activities
You can swim with turtles, dolphins or whales. You will can view a natural idyllic place.
Hawaii it's a paradise for lot of species, paradise of life also, because you can see and touch the coral reef, if your family love beach holidays, or discover new species; Hawaii is made for you.
3) Warm and generous people
Hawaiian will welcome you and your family like warm people. Aloha Spirit is the heart of Hawaiian extol friendly, affection. Aloha is the essence of relationships, the collective existence is a fundamental value in Hawaii. If you love happy people, you will love Hawaii.
4) Good weather and sun all the time
I'm sure, Hawaii is the sunny paradise, all year the temperature is between 27 and 31 degrees, it's a tropical destination, not too cold not too hot, a perfect temperature for swim in the Pacific Ocean, or in a swimming pool.
5) Good special food
You cannot not love Hawaiian food, because it's a mixture food you can eat: Chinese food, Polynesian food, Japanese food, American food, Korean food, Portuguese food and lot of other food. Hawaiian food is a perfect mixture of immigration from all the cultures.
6)An interesting history
The principal history of the archipelago began with the landing of Captain Cook in 1178. You can
visit museum if you like this, and also visit the memorial and the museum erected for Japanese attack against the US in Pearl Harbour in 1941. Despite Hawaii is a little place, it has a big history.
7) Climate
Hawaii is the archipelago with the biggest number of different climates. Around the world, there are 14 different climates, and in Hawaii there are 8 of the 14, you can find swooned volcanoes, hot beaches, or temperate plateau. There are for every taste, for people like mountains, for people like beaches, for people like volcanoes.
8) Scientist paradise
If you like volcano, or if you are volcanologist, Hawaii is a paradise for you, because Hawaii is a volcanic island. It was made by lava; this island is the fruit of volcano. But be careful: a volcano is very dangerous for not protected people, the Hawaiians' volcanoes are actives also the city is protecting against lava flows.
9) Jungle
You will can doing an expedition in the jungle, or doing hiking on the front of volcano. For example, you can admire Honolulu on the Diamond Head with an incredible view. And also, you will can view a gigantesque waterfall in Manoa Falls Lane.
10) Discover of seaside
You will can discover the beaches of seaside but also, the idyllic coves, and waterfalls on cliff next to ocean. The coasts can be beach, cliff and lots of beautiful places for tourists like turquoise water.
In conclusion, if you haven't understood that: Hawaii is a paradise for young and old. A perfect destination, for a family, a couple or with friends. If you don't believe me, believe the eighty million of visitors in 2016, 66% are Americans!! If you will go to Hawaii you won't regret it.

Je vous remercie de votre aide,
Bonne fin d'après midi

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-01-2018 07:11


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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