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Mass gathering/help

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Mass gathering/help
Message de eugge86 posté le 10-02-2019 à 17:40:35 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai un oral d'anglais demain et j'aimerais avoir votre avis. Est-ce que c'est compréhensible? Y-a-t-il des choses à améliorer, des fautes à corriger?
Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide!

With this article, authors want to show the influence of collective psychology on health practices in mass gathering. First, we know that identify themselves as belonging to a particular group will influence our behaviour. Group’s members will refer and act according to the norms and values of the group. Each group has different norms and values and we need to look at group norms to understand group members behaviour in mass gatherings. For example, the norms at religious festivals are characteristically a matter of abstinence while at music festivals they are more to do with excess.

Sometimes, collective norms and practices can endanger the health of the group’s members. In this article, authors give the example of swimming practices in polluted water during some Hindu festivities wich could cause infections.

On the other hand, there can also be positive health consequences associated with mass gatherings. Some positive feelings like empathy, trust or respect, grows with a sense of shared identity. This feelings will help to promote well-being.
But other negative consequences can result from this sense of shared identity. Trust feelings between group’s members which make it easier to share resources can facilitating infection transmissions between group’s members.

So, Empathy and trust are some parameters that play a role in resource sharing, and authors make the hypothesise that there would also be another parameter, that is the disgust. The normal feeling of disgust usually associated with physical proximity with others is reduced because of the sense of shared identity. For example, peoples belonging to the same group would be less disgusted at the idea of sharing food or water between us.
Among the negative consequences of mass gathering and sense of shared identity there is another problem. As we see previously, feeling part of the group and sharing a common identity makes people feel less stressed and more confident even in dense crowds. Except that these feelings could lead people to put themselves in danger by believing themselves safe. For example, participants feeling safe in a dense crowd would tend to linger in places where there is a real danger of crushing.

The authors suggest that it is by trying to understand all the parameters in mass gathering psychology, that we can think a ways to increase positive health behaviour and decrease negative behaviour. The goal is to design health interventions. And to intervene in a good way, we must understand collective psychology.

It is possible to influence group’s members and negative conformism behaviours. For that, we must be able to explain the normative constructions of the group while using messages which agrees with this norms. It means that we should not try to explain to group members how to act while we are outside the group. The source of the message must be exemplary and the message must be consistent with group's norms and values.
Also, we must be able to argue and redefine normative practices that endangered the health of group’s members. We have to explain that this practices going against tht group’s norms. On the other hand, practices that contribute to good health can be defined as being perfectly in line with the group’s norms. In this way we increase positive health behaviors and reduce negative health behaviors.

For example, in some Hindu practices, continue group rituals despite bad health, which can be cause by infection is often defined like “heroic endeavour”. There is the risk of contaminate other members of the group during the ritual. It is then necessary to try to redefine this kind of behavior as going against the group’s norms by showing how this kind of behavior can put the other participants in danger. And then we can redefine true heroism not as participating in the ritual but as staying behind to preserve the collective health.
Finally, in this study researchers wanted to show that a psychological dimension must be incorporated into the study of health and well-being in mass gatherings. Like this, we can understand the dangers of mass gatherings and members group’s behaviors .

The authors also showed the way mass gatherings can have positive and negative health consequences. Negative consequences on health exist such as infections, exhaustion ... but a minority may be afflicted and mass gatherings have a lot of positive consequences on health.
In conclusion, to improve health in mass gatherings, we must understand crowd psychology and be careful to send a reasoned intervention message in harmony with group’s norm. However, today there is still much work to do to better understand the mass gathering psychology.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-02-2019 17:47

Réponse : Mass gathering/help de lucile83, postée le 10-02-2019 à 17:57:50 (S | E)
With this article, authors want to show the influence of collective psychology on health practices in mass gathering. First, we know that identify themselves as belonging to a particular group will influence our behaviour. ...themselves et our ne vont pas ensemble
Group’s members ...pas de cas possessif mais un nom composé will refer and act according to the norms and values of the group. Each group has different norms and values and we need to look at group norms to understand group members behaviour ici oui possessif in mass gatherings. For example, the norms at religious festivals are characteristically a matter of abstinence while at music festivals they are more to do with excess.

Sometimes, collective norms and practices can endanger the health of the group’s members. In this article, authors give the example of swimming practices in polluted water during some Hindu festivities wich ...spelling could cause infections.

On the other hand, there can also be positive health consequences associated with mass gatherings. Some positive feelings like empathy, trust or respect, grows with a sense of shared identity. This feelings will help to promote well-being.
But other negative consequences can result from this sense of shared identity. Trust feelings between group’s members, which make it easier to share resources can facilitating infection transmissions between group’s members.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-02-2019 17:58
Not enough time to go on now, sorry.

Réponse : Mass gathering/help de here4u, postée le 10-02-2019 à 21:02:29 (S | E)

So, Empathy and trust are some parameters that play a role in resource sharing, and authors make the hypothesise that there would also be another parameter, that is the disgust. The normal feeling of disgust usually associated with physical proximity with others is reduced because of the sense of shared identity. For example, peoples belonging to the same group would be less disgusted at the idea of sharing food or water. between us.
Among the negative consequences of mass gathering and XXX sense of shared identity there is another problem.(Boff!) As we see previously, feeling part of the group and sharing a common identity makes people feel less stressed and more confident even in dense crowds. Except that these feelings could lead people to put themselves in danger by believing themselves safe. For example, participants feeling safe in a dense crowd would tend to linger in places where there is a real danger of crushing.

The authors suggest that it is by trying to understand all the parameters in mass gathering psychology, that we can think a ways to increase positive health behaviour and decrease negative behaviour. The goal is to design health interventions. And to intervene in a good way, we must understand collective psychology.

It is possible to influence group’s members and negative conformism behaviours. For that, we must be able to explain the normative constructions of the group while using messages which agrees with this norms. It means that we should not try to explain to group members how to act while we are outside the group. The source of the message must be exemplary and the message must be consistent with group's norms and values.
Also, we must be able to argue and redefine normative practices that endangered the health of group’s members. We have to explain that this practices going against tht group’s norms. On the other hand, practices that contribute to good health can be defined as being perfectly in line with the group’s norms. In this way we increase positive health behaviors(orthographe britannique plus haut!) and reduce negative health behaviors.

For example, in some Hindu practices, continue group rituals despite bad health, which can be cause by infection is often defined like X “heroic endeavour”. There is the risk of contaminate other members of the group during the ritual. It is then necessary to try to redefine this kind of behavior as going against the group’s norms by showing how this kind of behavior can put the other participants in danger. And then we can redefine true heroism not as participating in the ritual but as staying behind to preserve the collective health.
Finally, in this study, researchers wanted to show that a psychological dimension must be incorporated into the study of health and well-being in mass gatherings. Like this, we can understand the dangers of mass gatherings and members group’s behaviors .

The authors also showed the way mass gatherings can have positive and negative health consequences. Negative consequences on health exist such as infections, exhaustion ... but a minority may be afflicted and mass gatherings have a lot of positive consequences on health.
In conclusion, to improve health in mass gatherings, we must understand crowd psychology and be careful to send a reasoned intervention message in harmony with XXX group’s norm. However, today there is still much work to be done to better understand(Beurk! a split infinitive! ) the mass gathering psychology.


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