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Notion/Spaces and exchanges

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Notion/Spaces and exchanges
Message de antoine6750 posté le 07-04-2019 à 21:23:03 (S | E | F)
je suis en classe de terminale S et je prépare mon bac d'anglais oral; si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider à corriger mes fautes et surtout me conseiller des améliorations pour cette notion cela serait très gentil de votre part et m'aiderait beaucoup.
Merci beaucoup

Today I’m going to speak about the notion spaces and exchanges. Firstly, I would like to give a definition of these worlds. A space is a geographical area, it can be a country somewhere different from your native. An exchange is the act of giving and receiving something in return, it can be material ( an object, economic), immaterial ( a dialogue, advices, cultural exchange with the language...) with the inhabitant of a country for example. Then i want to define the key word of the theme, who is meeting the world, it means discover the world, the other countries and those inhabitants. We can wonder why people decide to move abroad. The analysis will be divided into two parts : to begin with moving abroad as a student and then moving abroad to start a new life.

The first document is an extract from a diary of Letty Hardy on the website He deals with of her gap year, this a year during which people go abroad and visit different countries to discover new culture. She gives her testimony where she volunteers in charities and get experience in the Sri Lanka and Thailand to take care of elephant with the project “Elephant Experience”. The advantages of taking a sabbatical year is the relationships with other people : you develop skills such as patience, and you create long-life friends, for the professional life : it looks good on a CV, and for the personal life : you build up your self-reliance, you test your limits, you have got good memories and you broaden your mind. The link for the notion is for the space the Sri Lanka and Thailand, for the exchange it’s cultural exchanges between Letty and the inhabitant and this job with elephants

Secondly i want to present a picture in black and white, who represent a boat going to the USA, and more specifically the Statue of the Liberty in the late 19th century. The characters are immigrants coming from different countries, they wish to start a new life and to live the American Dream (anyone can make any projects for their future and climb the social ladder in the USA provided that they are willing to work hard). Before being American you had to take a medical and psychological examination on Ellis Island (this is a checkpoint), it was the first step before entering the USA. To be sure they would be good American citizens. Ellis Island is a small island in New York harbor, it received thousands of immigrants up to 1945, when she became a famous museum visited by many millions of people. In effect, it’s over 40 million people have migrated to the United States. All Americans are immigrants or children of immigrants. The exception is probably the indians. But some anthropologists believe that the Indians themselves were immigrants from another continent. The link of the notion the boat, NY and the USA are the spaces, the exchanges are between immigrants by communication ( they had full of hope) , between immigrants and doctors ( they had feared too) and once they are in the USA, they can work, learn the language and receive what the country will offer them and create social relationships.
After that this is article from a newspaper, the narrator is SreyRam Kuy, a american woman surgeon who was born in Cambodia and they felt the genocide with her mother and her sister . He deals with moving abroad to be free and to have a better life, she lives the american dream. She lived in refugee camps in Thailand for several years and waiting for a visa to migrate to the USA. She managed to get to American where they started from scratch. She learnt English, she did odd jobs, worked hard like her mother who she is cleaning woman, she picked fruit and vegetables at the weekend to get more money. The link with the notion space is the USA is a “refuge”, the exchanges are they received the American nationality or the right to stay in the USA, she gives by working hard in return for her “new life”.
To put it in a nutshell people decided to move abroad b

Edited by lucile83 on 07-04-2019 22:16

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de gerondif, postée le 08-04-2019 à 15:27:06 (S | E)
Pour avoir assez de place, ecrivez bonjour, envoyez, puis réouvrez votre message et collez votre texte, vous échapperez à la limite de caractères.
Votre anglais se dégrade surtout en fin de texte.
Arrêtez de vous justifier. Le professeur qui va vous écouter va bien comprendre de lui-même, s'il n'est pas trop obtus, que les pays relèvent des espaces et les voyages ou les expériences, ce que l'on prend ou ce que l'on donne, des échanges.
Si un mécanicien auquel je donne ma voiture à réparer me disait: Je prends une clé plate de 10 parce que c'est du 10, je tourne en sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre parce que je dévisse, je verrais rouge assez vite...
erreurs en bleu;

Today I’m going to speak about the notion spaces and exchanges. Firstly, I would like to give a definition of these worlds(ces mondes ou ces mots ?). A space is a geographical area, it can be a country somewhere different from your native(adjectif esseulé). An exchange is the act of giving and receiving something in return, it can be material ( an object, economic(adjectif au milieu de rien)), immaterial ( a dialogue, advices(mot collectif , sans pluriel), cultural exchange with the language...) with the inhabitant (pluriel ?) of a country for example. Then i(majuscule !) want to define the key word of the theme, who(theme n'est pas un humain) is meeting the world, it means discovering the world, the other countries and those(ces habitants ou ses habitants ??) inhabitants. We can wonder why people decide to move abroad. The analysis will be divided into two parts : to begin with, moving abroad as a student and then moving abroad to start a new life.

The first document is an extract from a diary of Letty Hardy on the website He deals with of her gap year, this is a year during which people go abroad and visit different countries to discover new culture'pluriel). She gives her testimony where she volunteers in charities and get (le s du présent) experience in the Sri Lanka and Thailand to take care of elephant(pluriel) with the (mettez project derrière le nom)project “Elephant Experience”. The advantages of taking a sabbatical year is the relationships with other people : you develop skills such as patience, and you create long-life friends, for the(your) professional life : it looks good on a CV, and for the personal life : you build up your self-reliance, you test your limits, you have got (have ou get)good memories and you broaden your mind. The link for the notion is for the space the Sri Lanka and Thailand, for the exchange it’s cultural exchanges between Letty and the inhabitant and this job with elephants (inutile)

Secondly i(majuscule pour dire je , c'est toujours I) want to present a picture in black and white, who represent a boat going to the USA, and more specifically the Statue of the Liberty in the late 19th century. The characters are immigrants coming from different countries, they wish to start a new life and to live the American Dream (anyone can make any projects for their future and climb the social ladder in the USA provided that they are willing to work hard). Before being American, you had to take a medical and psychological examination on Ellis Island (this is a checkpoint), it was the first step before entering the USA. To be sure they would be good American citizens. Ellis Island is a small island in New York harbor, it received thousands of immigrants up to 1945, when she became a famous museum visited by many millions of people.(tout ce paragraphe précédent sur Ellis Island donne une impression de copié-collé) In effect, it’s(à enlever) over 40 million people have migrated to the United States. All Americans are immigrants or children of immigrants. The exception is probably the indians. But some anthropologists believe that the Indians themselves were immigrants from another continent. The link of the notion the boat, NY and the USA are the spaces, the exchanges are between(inutile et between n'a pas de sens) immigrants by communication ( they had full of hope) , between immigrants and doctors ( they had feared too) and once they are in the USA, they can work, learn the language and receive what the country will offer them and create social relationships.
After that this is an article from a newspaper,( a newspaper article) the narrator is SreyRam Kuy, an american woman surgeon who was born in Cambodia and they felt(qui sont ce they et pourquoi felt ?) the genocide with her mother and her sister . He(he ou she ??) deals with moving abroad to be free and to have a better life, she lives the American dream. She lived in refugee camps in Thailand for several years and(à ôter) waiting for a visa to migrate to the USA. She managed to get to American where they started from scratch. She learnt English, she did odd jobs, worked hard like her mother who she is a cleaning woman, she picked fruit and vegetables at the weekend to get more money. The link with the notion space is the USA is a “refuge”, the exchanges are they received the American nationality or the right to stay in the USA, (inutile) she gives by working hard in return for her “new life”.
To put it in a nutshell people dec (manque la fin)

Modifié par gerondif le 08-04-2019 15:27


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