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Bac/ idea of progress

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Bac/ idea of progress
Message de mariechvlr posté le 18-04-2019 à 15:09:21 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral dans quelques jours et j'ai rédigé mon texte sur la notion d'idée de progrès, j'ai choisi de parler des robots et de l'intelligence artificielle.
N'hésitez pas à me dire ce que vous en pensez, ce qui ne va pas, des idées sur ce que je pourrais rajouter, et surtout me corriger ! Merci d'avance

I’m going to talk about the notion idea of progress. First, I will define the notion.
Progress can be defied as a development, an innovation or change. This notion of progress is also a technical scientific or social advance which contribute to making the word better. A progress can be positive or negative
The topic of my presentation will be the robot and the artificial intelligence.
Technology and robots are a great help. Technology is part of our lives: smartphones, TVs, computers, Internet, video games… Robots are more and more present in our society, for example in industry we use lot of robots. Artificial intelligence is the capacity of machines to work without human help, because Artificial intelligence is able to learn by itself, it developed new abilities, collecting data... We can ask ourselves “How technological progress changes our world and what are the dangers?”
To answer this question I will speak in a first time about the good aspect of the robots and the technological progress and in second time, I will speak about the dangers.

I. good aspect
Firstly, I would like to speak about one picture. On this, we can see a woman on a sofa, she is looking TV. And around her, there are many robots : one robots is doing a manicure, another is cleaning the floor and the third robot is bringing foods and milkshake… In my opinion, the help of robots is an advantage. People can relax and doing the housework is not an obligation. The robots represent a means of comfort. So robots can help people at home we can imagine that they help people with disabilities and they keep company to lonely people.
Moreover, we know that robots help a lot in science, in medicine...
They have lot of advantages, unlike us, robots can work everyday and avoid errors so for example, the factories can produce more with robots.
Finally, robots and Artificial Intelligence changed our lives: with the cars, the phone, the TV, he computer… and they help in factories, medicine..

II. dangers
Secondly, I will speak about the danger with a picture, this is a drawing of the title page of “The new Yorker”, a newspaper. We can see on a street few robots, there are dogs robots, little robots and robots with the humans attitude. And at the back, there is one man seated with his dog, he asks for money. So the author wants to show a risk of the robots. On the one hand, Workers are terrified that Robots will take their jobs because machines are more effective and can work everyday. And on the other hand, machines can take control over human, because machines knowing everything about anyone. There are the biggest risks. But there are others dangers like the addiction and the dependent. Our generation is affected by the addiction, it can contribute to a feeling of isolation.

To conclude, Today the technological progress can make us become better because thanks to robots and artificial intelligence we have a more comfortable life. Personally I cant live without technology because I was born with technology and the comfort of life. Today all people need a car, electricity, robot, phone… To my mind, we can use technology carefully to improve our capacity, make a better and safer world. We have to remain careful and not become dependent. We have to pay attention how we use technology and who use it because technology has a great power. Robots can take the control of the Earth alone.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2019 19:14

Réponse : Bac/ idea of progress de vaiana, postée le 18-04-2019 à 23:10:15 (S | E)

I’m going to talk about the notion idea of progress. First, I will define THIS notion.
Progress can be defied (spelling) as a development, an innovation or (article) change. This notion of progress is also a technical, scientific or social advance which contribute (conjugation) to mak(ing) the word (no ) better. A progress can be positive or negative
The topic of my presentation will be (the) robots and (the) artificial intelligence.
Technology and robots are a great help. Technology is part of our lives: smartphones, TVs, computers, xxx (an article is missing) Internet, video games… Robots are more and more/ increasingly present in our society(ies), for example (in industry we use lot of robots) many robots are used in industry. Artificial intelligence is the capacity of machines to work without human help, because (Artificial intelligence) THAT is able to learn by itself, (it developed) to develop new abilities, (collecting) to collect data... As a consequence, we can ask ourselves about how technological progress changes our world and what the dangers are.
To answer this question I will speak about the good aspect of (the) robots and the technological progress in a first time and the dangers in A second time.

I. good aspect
Firstly, I would like to speak about a picture (does it have a title? I think it must be given if so). On this, (we can see) a woman can be seen on a sofa, she is looking (wrong verb: to watch TV) TV. (And) Around her, there are many robots: (one) a robots is doing a manicure, another is cleaning the floor and the third ONE is bringing foods and milkshake… In my opinion, (the help of robots) robots' help is an advantage. People can relax and doing the housework is not an obligation. Robots represent/embody a means of comfort. So AS robots can help people at home, we can imagine (that) they could help people with disabilities and (they) keep LONELY PEOPLE company (to lonely people).
Moreover, (we know that) robots are known to help a lot in science, in medicine...
They have lots of advantages: unlike us, robots can work everyday and avoid mistakes so for example/ instance, (the) factories can produce more than they do with robots.
Finally, robots and Artificial Intelligence changed our lives: with (the) cars, (the) phones, (the) TVs, (he) computers… and they help in factories, medicine..

II. dangers
Secondly, I will speak about the danger with a picture(, this) which is a drawing of (wrong preposition) the title page of “The new Yorker”, a newspaper. We can see on a street a few robots, there are dogs (adj) robots, little robots and robots with (the) humans (adj) attitude. And at the back, there is a man seated with his dog, asking for money. So the author wants to show a risk of (the) robots. On the one hand, workers are terrified that robots will take their jobs because machines are more effective and can work everyday. And on the other hand, machines can take control over human, because machines knowing (wrong tense) everything about (anyone) everybody/everyone. There are the biggest risks. But there are others dangers like (the) addiction and (the) dependent (wrong word). Our generation is affected by the addiction, which can contribute to a feeling of isolation.

To conclude, today's (the) technological progress can make us become better because thanks to robots and artificial intelligence we have a more comfortable life. Personally I can't live without technology because I was born with technology and the comfort of life. Today all people need a car, electricity, robot, phone… To my mind, we can use technology carefully to improve our capacity, make a better and safer world. We have to remain careful and not become dependent. We have to pay attention to the way we use technology and who use it because technology has a great power. Robots can take the control of the Earth alone.


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