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Notion/Myths and heroes

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Notion/Myths and heroes
Message de vivi2320 posté le 18-04-2019 à 16:48:55 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous me corriger s'il vous plait?.
De plus je ne sais pas si mon plan est bien adapté à la problématique ainsi que le choix de mes exemples dans leur parties respectives.
Bien cordialement

I am going to talk about the notion of “myths and heroes”. Myth is the story of a hero but which stay famous in a long period, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. Hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his achievements. Many forms of hereos : patriotic or national hero, a fictitious hero, an icon or role model, a defender of common value, a politician/king/queen who has achieved international recognition. They save and change lot of life. We can illustrate this notion with Iconic African American sportsman. We will try to answer : Who were they and what was their approach to the fight for civil rights/ againts racism?

I. African American They use their popularity to fight for civil rights
a)Colin Kaepernick (a famous quarterback)and the take a knee movement (2018)
To fight racial injustice, he decided to take a knee before the matches during the national anthem. Trump said the NFL should fire all those players because they disrespect the flag and everything America stands for. He insults them (it is the pot calling the kettle black).
Sometimes they risked their life and perished to save them.
A report from CBS Miami on a controversial Nike Ad
The ad reads “believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything”. This slogan refers to how he prefered to give up his career than to stop taking a knee to denounce police brutality against African Americans.
Some people post videos on social media of them burning their nike sneakers because they are outrage. They think his gesture is an insult for veterans, the police force and americans values. A lady explains she is not wearing any nike anymore. Shares of nike dropped 3 percent on the stock exchange after the ad came out.
A man says he thinks CK is respectful. He adds expressing one’s options is part of the american experience.

b) Malcolm X was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist who was a public figure during the civil rights movement, he defended the equality for blacks, he led the black power mode movement: influential figure and hundreds of the streets and schools in the US have been renamed names in his honor (myth)
Then there is hero who wants change the History as a defender of common values. Many people fighted for freedom and equalities between Black and Whites like Rosa Park or Martin Luther King who incited to keep hope. Thanks to them the blacks achieved the abolition of the Jim Craw Laws and got Civic Rights even if the racism is also present. They change the course of History and the condition of Blacks today

II. They fight againts racism
a) Mohammed Ali :
He was the champion at the OG but he tossed his medal in the river cause he was left out from the whites only restaurant. He joined the Nation of Islam and changed his name to MA because Clay was his slave name.He carried the olympic torch at the OG in Atlanta wich was highly symbolic
And yet he was immensely popular, he was a showman, he liked to show off, to say ‘Im the greatest”. He was a philantropist : he helps feed 22 million people and gave millions to charities. He went on trips around the world for humanitarian muslims

b) A silent gesture that spoke volumes (mexico 1968)
Both took off their shoes and simple wore socks to represent black poverty in Amerca. Peter Norman the white American silver medallist, wore the same badge as them to show his support. John Carlers unzipped his tracksuit top to show solidarty with blue collar workers. They put their Puma shoes on the poduim for everyone to see to thank the brand for its support. The picture is most remembered for their Black Power Salute : they both raised a black gloved fist bowing their heads during the national athem to protesst against racism in America. They were raising awarness about lack of access to top colleges for black children/ lack of blackcoches/ lack of housing. They were also thinking of MA. They thought they were respectful but many people booed them, their managers fired them from the national team and whn they came back they received death threats

So, we can say in conclusion that any country in the world need heroes. They are the mirrors of society. Their thoughts and actions are used as guidelines in our lives. They are universal, they are known and admired by all regardless of age or culture. This fascination for these characters comes mainly from the phenomenon of identification. They are distinguished by his achievements or extraordinary courage.They are brave and strong and have a sense of sacrifice for humanity, like the knight who is ready for anything for his lady

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2019 19:16

Réponse : Notion/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 19-04-2019 à 10:27:18 (S | E)
- Myth is the story of a hero but which stay (pas le bon mot ici + faute de conjugaison) famous in a long period,
- (article)Hero can be a mythological figure,
- (there are) Many forms of hereos : patriotic or national hero (pluriel), a fictitious hero (pluriel), an icon or role model (pluriel), a defender of common value (pluriel), a politician/king/queen (pluriel) who has achieved international recognition.
- They save and change (article)lot of life (pluriel).
- with Iconic African American sportsman (pluriel).
- We will try to answer (the following question)

I. To fight (préposition)racial injustice
Trump said the NFL should fire all those players because they disrespect (passé)the flag and everything America stands (passé)for. He insults them (passé)
The ad reads : ?
- americans (majuscule + pas de s)values.
- A lady explains she is not wearing any nike (shoes) anymore.
-the american experience

b) Then there is hero: mal dit
- fighted: preterit irrégulier!
- the (pas de the)racism is also present. They change (passé)the course of History and the condition of Blacks today

II. They fight againts racism
a) Mohammed Ali :
from the whites only restaurant: mal construit
- He joined the Nation of Islam and changed his name (in)to MA
he helps (passé) (préposition)feed 22 million people

b) A silent gesture that spoke volumes (mexico (majuscule) 1968)
- poduim
- for everyone to see to thank: mal dit
- They were raising awarness about l(article) lack of access

any country in the world need (faute de conjugaison)heroes.

Trop long! Synthétiser! Vous n'avez que 5 minutes!


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