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The missing vowels/366

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The missing vowels/366
Message de marit64 posté le 23-09-2020 à 22:19:43 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.

1- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (m s t n)

2- A rope for holding and leading a horse by its head. ..... (r h l t)

3- (Of animals) to lie close to the ground, in fear, readiness for action etc. ..... (r h c c) 2

4- Cheerful, bright, lively. ..... (n j t) 3

5- Vulgar and coarse. ..... (w b d)

6- A very strong desire. ..... (t l s) 1

7- A small (usually cheap) ornament or piece of jewellery. ..... (k r t t n) 2

8- The stubs or ends of corn left in the ground when the stalks are cut. ..... (t l b s b) 2

9- A decorative strip of material usually frilled. ..... (n f c l) 3

10- The manner in which something is displayed or laid out. ..... (t l) 4

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week and stay safe!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/366 de flowermusic, postée le 23-09-2020 à 22:53:18 (S | E)
Dear Marit

That's my try :

1- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (m s t n) stamen

2- A rope for holding and leading a horse by its head. ..... (r h l t) halter

3- (Of animals) to lie close to the ground, in fear, readiness for action etc. ..... (r h c c) 2 crouch

4- Cheerful, bright, lively. ..... (n j t) 3 jaunty

5- Vulgar and coarse. ..... (w b d) bawdy

6- A very strong desire. ..... (t l s) 1 lust

7- A small (usually cheap) ornament or piece of jewellery. ..... (k r t t n) 2 trinket

8- The stubs or ends of corn left in the ground when the stalks are cut. ..... (t l b s b) 2 stubble

9- A decorative strip of material usually frilled. ..... (n f c l) 3 flounce

10- The manner in which something is displayed or laid out. ..... (t l) 4 layout

Have a sweet sweet week

Salut à la belle équipe

Réponse : The missing vowels/366 de chocolatcitron, postée le 24-09-2020 à 00:27:51 (S | E)
The missing vowels/366
Message de marit64 posté le 23-09-2020 à 22:19:43 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks!
Hi Flowermusic, you won the race this time, for sure ! Hi Swan, good luck to you, and have fun!
Hi Everybody, you're welcome it's quite easy!

Here is my work:
1- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. (m s t n) stamen = étamine.
2- A rope for holding and leading a horse by its head. (r h l t) halter = licol.
3- (Of animals) to lie close to the ground, in fear, readiness for action etc. (r h c c) 2 crouch = se tapir.
4- Cheerful, bright, lively. (n j t) 3 jaunty = enjoué.
5- Vulgar and coarse. (w b d) bawdy = paillard, sous la ceinture.
6- A very strong desire. (t l s) 1 lust = lubricité, luxure.
7- A small (usually cheap) ornament or piece of jewellery. (k r t t n) 2 trinket = bijou, colifichet.
8- The stubs or ends of corn left in the ground when the stalks are cut. (t l b s b) 2 stubble = le chaume.
9- A decorative strip of material usually frilled. (n f c l) 3 flounce = volant.
10- The manner in which something is displayed or laid out. (t l) 4 layout = plan, mise en page.

Have a sweet week and stay safe, each of You!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/366 de sanna6, postée le 27-09-2020 à 09:34:27 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hello to you all

I thank you for this interesting missing vowels Marit

1- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. ..... (m s t n) Stamen - Étamine

2- A rope for holding and leading a horse by its head. ..... (r h l t) Halter - Licol

3- (Of animals) to lie close to the ground, in fear, readiness for action etc. ..... (r h c c) 2 To crouch - Se tapir

4- Cheerful, bright, lively. ..... (n j t) 3 Jaunty - Jovial

5- Vulgar and coarse. ..... (w b d) Bawdy - Salace

6- A very strong desire. ..... (t l s) 1 Lust - Désir

7- A small (usually cheap) ornament or piece of jewellery. ..... (k r t t n) 2 Trinket - Bijou

8- The stubs or ends of corn left in the ground when the stalks are cut. ..... (t l b s b) 2 Stubble - Le chaume

9- A decorative strip of material usually frilled. ..... (n f c l) 3 Flounce - Volant (Froufrou)

10- The manner in which something is displayed or laid out. ..... (t l) 4 Outlay - Étendu / Exposé

Its always a pleasure playing with you all
Take good care of yourselves ❤️

Réponse : The missing vowels/366 de swan85, postée le 27-09-2020 à 22:10:20 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Thank you for this exercise.

Hi, Flowermusic, chocolatcitron and Sanna.

1- One of the thread-like spikes in a flower that bear the pollen. (m s t n) STAMEN
2- A rope for holding and leading a horse by its head. (r h l t) HALTER
3- (Of animals) to lie close to the ground, in fear, readiness for action etc. (r h c c) 2 CROUCH
4- Cheerful, bright, lively. (n j t) 3 JAUNTY
5- Vulgar and coarse. (w b d) BAWDY
6- A very strong desire. (t l s) 1 LUST
7- A small (usually cheap) ornament or piece of jewellery. (k r t t n) 2 TRINKET
8- The stubs or ends of corn left in the ground when the stalks are cut. (t l b s b) 2 STUBBLE
9- A decorative strip of material usually frilled. (n f c l) 3 FLOUNCE
10- The manner in which something is displayed or laid out. (t l) 4 LAYOUT

Nice week to you all.
See you.


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