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Film / axis

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Film / axis
Message de perfect posté le 03-10-2020 à 21:31:59 (S | E | F)
Here is a text; could you help me please?

Two axis can fit with the film. The first one is Fiction & Realities because the feature role is held by an AI, a simulation, (a "digitalized star" to retake the expression of Frank) and the spectators don't realize that she is a 'fake' in the sense she's not real. Indeed, manipulating her voice, her body, her lines makes her real, the second argument we can put forward is that the other actors are real, she's among real actors so no one can discover that Simone is a pure IT product. How to identify a real actress or computer-generated image at its best ? At the end of the movie, when Frank has been arrested, he reveals the truth about Simone but the police investigators don't believe him. His lies turned against him. The second axis is Art & Power because Frank uses Arts to influence people, the fans looses their manners and the sense of dignity.

Thank you in advance for your answers!

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-10-2020 21:46

Réponse : Film / axis de sneaky13, postée le 04-10-2020 à 01:14:48 (S | E)
J'ai corrigé quelques erreurs.

Two axis can fit with the film ce n'est pas le bon pluriel. The first one is Fiction & Realities(utiliser le singulier et opposer les 2 termes ) because the feature role is held by an AI, a simulation, (a "digitalized star" to retake the expression of Frank) and the spectators don't realize that she is a 'fake' in the sense she's not real. Indeed, manipulating her voice, her body, her lines makes her real, (utilisez un autre signe de ponctuation) the second argument we can put forward is that the other actors are real, she's among real actors so no one can discover that Simone is a pure IT product. How to identify a real actress or computer-generated image at its best ?mal dit utilisez plutôt "comment distinguer une vraie actrice d'une image....(to tell something from something) At the end of the movie, when Frank has been arrested, he reveals the truth about Simone but the police investigators don't believe him. His lies turned against him. The second axis is Art & Power because Frank uses Arts to influence people, the fans looses(faute de conjugaison) their manners and the (mettre un possessif) sense of dignity

Réponse : Film / axis de perfect, postée le 04-10-2020 à 10:23:23 (S | E)
Thanks a lot!
Here's the text with the faults I corrected plus new sentences I added.

Two axes can fit with the film. The first one is Fictions and Realities because the feature role is held by an AI, a simulation, (a "digitalized star" to retake the expression of Frank) and the spectators don't realize that she is a 'fake' in the sense she's not real. Indeed, manipulating her voice, her body, her lines makes her real ; the second argument we can put forward is that the other actors are real, she's among real actors so no one can discover that Simone is a pure IT product. How to tell a real actress from a computer-generated image at its best ? At the end of the movie, when Frank has been arrested, he reveals the truth about Simone but the police investigators don't believe she's not real. We can say that finally the AI "has merged" with the human being. Can this fiction be reality in the future years ?; this is what the film questions. The second axis is Art & Power because Frank uses Arts to influence people, the fans loose their manners and their sense of dignity.

Have a good day !

Réponse : Film / axis de bluestar, postée le 04-10-2020 à 13:13:26 (S | E)

the fans loose their...

Réponse : Film / axis de sneaky13, postée le 04-10-2020 à 14:53:13 (S | E)
The first one is Fictions and Realities pas faux , ce que j'avais suggéré c'était fiction versus reality

Réponse : Film / axis de perfect, postée le 04-10-2020 à 17:34:29 (S | E)
Merci mais les phrases que j'ai ajoutées sont-elles correctes ?

Réponse : Film / axis de gerondif, postée le 04-10-2020 à 17:38:39 (S | E)
Can this fiction be reality in the future years ?
Soit "in the future", soit "in future years".

Réponse : Film / axis de sneaky13, postée le 05-10-2020 à 11:31:18 (S | E)
oui à part ci-dessus c'est correct , quoique je préfère :

We can say that finally the AI "has merged" with the human being
We can say that eventually the AI "has merged" with the human being


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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