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Web accessibility/aide

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Web accessibility/aide
Message de euge86 posté le 13-10-2020 à 00:48:14 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous!
Je suis en master de psychologie et pour un oral d'anglais je vais parler de l'accessibilité des sites web.
Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger mon texte?
D'avance, merci beaucoup pour votre aide!

It is estimated that there were nearly 1 million disabled workers in France in 2012: Among these 1 million people, 500,000 were employees and 370,674 were registered with Pôle Emploi.
"According to the February 11, 2005 law: a disability is a limitation of activity or restriction of participation in society in his environment suffered by a person due to a substantial, lasting or permanent alteration of one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological functions, a polyhandicap or a disabling health disorder."
There are 5 main categories of disability: Motor impairment, sensory (visual, auditory) disability, mental disability (personality-disturbing pathologies), mental disability (intellectual disabilities) and disabling diseases.
In France, 2.7 million working age people (15 to 64 years) have recognition of disability or loss of autonomy.
938,000 disabled people with recognition are employed, representing an employment rate of 35%.
Legal obligations have been have been established to adapt work to disabled people
The February 11 2005 law for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of persons with disabilities, requires the online public communication services of the state, local authorities and public institutions that depend on them to implement accessibility measures. The law recognizes "international recommendations for Internet accessibility" as the standard.
That is why, under this Act, a General Accessibility Reference for Administrations (GAAR) has been developed. The reference system proposes a translation of accessibility criteria derived from international rules and a methodology to verify compliance with these criteria.
If the Internet and web resources are not accessible to people with disabilities and elderly people, this is an additional factor of exclusion that can aggravate a disability or situation of vulnerability.
International work has been undertaken to improve the accessibility of web content, with the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) launched in 1996 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

According to the “WAI”:
"Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the web. Specifically, they can perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the web, and that they can interact with the web. Web accessibility is also beneficial for others, especially for older people who may be compromised physically or mentally abilities change with age.
Web accessibility includes all disabilities that affect access to the Web, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive and neurological disabilities. »

Réponse : Web accessibility/aide de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2020 à 16:09:17 (S | E)
Il faut une certaine constance pour accrocher à ce texte assez indigeste quant à son sujet. C'est vous qui avez un master en psychologie mais vous êtes sûre que vous allez capter l'attention d'un jury avec ce texte de loi ? Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de faire passer ce genre d’épreuve, si vous devez vous exprimer sur un sujet aussi aride, à moins que vous n'ayez ensuite un entretien où l'on entendra votre vrai anglais. Parfois, je corrige la page et demi en anglais des mémoires d'infirmières qui résument leur dossier final, et c'est ma foi assez intéressant de voir ce qu'elles ont fait et pourquoi elles l'ont fait. Mais là, c'est indigeste. On dirait un texte de loi français traduit, ou un article wikipedia transformé en anglais par un étudiant n'ayant pas voulu changer la présentation.
L'anglais utilisé est plutôt correct par ailleurs.
Par curiosité, si vous passez avec ce texte, je serais curieux de voir quelle note cela vous ramènera.
Erreurs en bleu.
It is estimated that there were nearly 1 million disabled workers in France in 2012: Among these 1 million people, 500,000 were employees and 370,674 were registered with Pôle Emploi.
"According to the February 11, 2005 law: a disability is a limitation of activity or restriction of participation in society in his(one's) environment suffered by a person due to a substantial, lasting or permanent alteration of one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological functions, a polyhandicap or a disabling health disorder."
There are 5 main categories of disability(pluriel ies): Motor impairment, sensory (visual, auditory) disability, mental disability (personality-disturbing pathologies), mental disability (intellectual disabilities) and disabling diseases.
In France, 2.7 million working age people (from 15 to 64 years) have a recognition of disability or of loss of autonomy.
938,000 disabled people with recognition are employed (have a job), representing an employment rate of 35%.
Legal obligations have been have been established to adapt work to disabled people.
The February 11 2005 law for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of persons with disabilities, requires the online public communication services of the state, local authorities and public institutions that depend on them (on l'attend longtemps, ce complément de requires ! Je sais, le texte est fait comme celà mais il faut une bonne attention pour garder le fil)to implement accessibility measures. The law recognizes "international recommendations for Internet accessibility" as the standard.
That is why, under this Act, a General Accessibility Reference for Administrations (GAAR) has been developed. The reference system proposes a translation of accessibility criteria derived from international rules and a methodology to verify compliance with these criteria.
If the Internet and web resources are not accessible to people with disabilities and elderly people, this is(becomes) an additional factor of exclusion that can aggravate a disability or situation of vulnerability.
International work has been undertaken to improve the accessibility of web content, with the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) launched in 1996 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

According to the “WAI”:
"Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the web. Specifically, they can perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the web, and that(si ce that est relié à web accessibilty means that, c'est vraiment trop loin.Ou alors, il est en trop) they can interact with the web. Web accessibility is also beneficial for others, especially for older people who may be compromised physically or whose mental abilities change with age.
Web accessibility includes all disabilities that affect access to the Web, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive and neurological disabilities. »


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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