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Language/ Biography

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Language/ Biography
Message de ceamc posté le 10-11-2020 à 13:18:56 (S | E | F)
j'ai dû écrire récemment une biographie langagière et avant de la présenter dans mon portfolio, je souhaite vous la faire lire pour que éventuellement vous corrigiez mes fautes ou alors mes tournures de phrases, j'espère que vous pouvez m'aider.
Merci d'avance

"Since I was a child, I spoke Arabic because of my parents. I have Algerian origins, and since I was little, I went to Algeria, so I was used to speaking this language.
When I was in primary school, I began to learn the German, but I did not really like it, I think because I was not good at it… Then I entered to the middle school, and at this time we had the possibility to choose what language we wanted to study, we had three options : the both (German and English), or only one of these two language. So, it is not a surprise, I choose English lessons, currently for me the English language were cool, because of the music, the celebrities, the movies… I wanted to be able to understand this English culture. And I think, it worked because I was curious, and I always wanted to learn more. I loved each of my teachers in the middle school, they were awesome.
It is weird but I do not really like to speak in English, because I feel like I am awkward. I think because of my accent I do not feel confident when I am speaking in English.
I do not really like when the teacher, ask us to write a fictive story in English, because I do not have a huge imagination, or maybe the problem is that I actually do not read so much, like books or articles, and I think it is my failing.
In English, I love learning a new word, expressions…
All opportunities to practice and improve my English:
- The workshop
- Reading books, article… in English
- Watching videos, series, movies… in English
- Try to speak with a foreign friend
Like I said, this year, I want to improve my pronunciation to feel more confident when I speak in English.
I want to learn expressions, and especially the language of the “young people” because I think it is also interesting to learn this part of English language: the colloquial language.
My strengths:
- I can make a sentence in English
- I can have a conversation in English with someone
My weaknesses:
- I am not very good in pronunciation
- Sometimes I need time to clean up my ideas and make an easy sentence
- I think I need to work in my grammar
I want to improve many things, but I think my principal goal is to have a good pronunciation.
I want to learn more words to grow up my vocabulary.
To improve my pronunciation, I need to speak more English, I need to speak out loud even to myself.
I can do workshops, and work on my pronunciation. I need to do research on the internet to know how I must pronounce a word.
At the end of the semester, I want to be able to speak out loud in English without being afraid of mispronouncing a word or a sentence.
And I want to have more vocabulary on my list."

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-11-2020 18:45

Réponse : Language/ Biography de gerondif, postée le 10-11-2020 à 15:11:58 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu.
"Since I was a child, I spoke(present perfect avec un depuis en for ou since) Arabic because of my parents. I have Algerian origins, and since I was little, I went (idem + le verbe aller ne va pas, mettez vivre ou être)to Algeria, so I was used to speaking this language.
When I was in primary school, I began to learn the German, but I did not really like it, I think because I was not good at it… Then I entered to (enter est transitif et ne va pas)the middle school, and at this time we had the possibility to choose what language we wanted to study, we had three options : the both(ne va pas, the est en trop et both tout seul , on ne sait pas de quoi vous parlez) (German and English), or only one of these two language(pluriel). So, it is not a surprise, I choose(prétérit) English lessons, currently(adverbe mal employé) for me the English language were (singulier) cool, because of the music, the celebrities, the movies… I wanted to be able to understand this English culture. And I think, it worked because I was curious, and I always wanted to learn more. I loved each of my teachers in the middle school, they were awesome.
It is weird but I do not really like to speak in English, because I feel like I am awkward. I think because of my accent I do not feel confident when I am speaking (présent simple) in English.
I do not really like it when the teacher ask(le s du présent !) us to write a fictive story in English, because I do not have a huge imagination, or maybe the problem is that I actually do not read so much, like(familier) books or articles, and I think it is my failing.
In English, I love learning a new word (plus courant au pluriel), expressions…
All opportunities to practice(s'écrit to practise quand c'est un verbe en anglais britannique) and improve my English:
- The workshop
- Reading books, article(pluriel)… in English
- Watching videos, series, movies… in English
- Try(forme en ing) to speak with a foreign friend
Like I said,(familier,ce like) this year, I want to improve my pronunciation to feel more confident when I speak in English.
I want to learn expressions, and especially the language of the “young people”(soit the young, soit young people) because I think it is also interesting to learn this part of English language: the colloquial language.
My strengths:
- I can make a sentence in English
- I can have a conversation in English with someone
My weaknesses:
- I am not very good in (at) pronunciation
- Sometimes I need time to clean up (sort out) my ideas and make an easy sentence
- I think I need to work in my grammar
I want to improve many things, but I think my principal goal is to have a good pronunciation.
I want to learn more words to grow up(signifie grandir mais est intransitif, ne signifie pas augmenter, to increase) my vocabulary.
To improve my pronunciation, I need to speak more English, I need to speak out loud even to myself.
I can do workshops, and work on my pronunciation. I need to do research on the internet to know how I must pronounce a word.
At the end of the semester, I want to be able to speak out loud in English without being afraid of mispronouncing a word or a sentence.
And I want to have more vocabulary on my list."

Réponse : Language/ Biography de ceamc, postée le 13-11-2020 à 12:34:48 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ta réponse ça m'aide beaucoup je vais corriger tout cela.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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