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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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Exercice Canadian Celts
Message de mobilik posté le 23-03-2007 à 16:18:21 (S | E | F | I)


J'ai encore effectué un autre exercice, pouvez-vous me le corriger ? L'exercice ne semble pas bien difficile et pourtant il comporte probablement d'éventuelles erreurs. J'essaye d'améliorer et de perfectionner mon anglais que j'étudie mais qui n'est pas ma LV1.

Read the following text.
Do the Right/Wrong exercise. Justify your answers by quoting from the text.

Canadian Celts

"As in the United States and Australia, the Irish have been in Canada for a long time and in goodly numbers, too.With Montcalm, the French commander, at the Battle of Quebec in 1759, there were several Irish brigades. Following the defeat of Montcalm by the British at Quebec, the French Army retired to Montreal where, a year later, the French surrendered.With this capitulation, the several hundred survivors of the Irish brigades realized that since they were British subjects, they could be shot for treason. Hence, the Irish soldiers quickly faded into Frenc-Canadian settlements. To escape detection, they changed their names into French. For instance, Captain Mc Carthy of the Irish brigade became Citizen Macarti, while Sergeant Boyle was henceforth known as Citizen Boylieu. Few ever returned to Ireland. Nearly all intermarried with the Canadian French and became permanent residents. Their influence was felt, too. For example, the one day of the year in the province Quebec on which the $25 fine for drunkenness is waived is St. Patrick’s Day."

1)A small number of Irishmen have settled in Canada. Right
Because It's written in the text : « the Irish have been in Canada for a long time » and « (…) became permanent residents. »

2)Some Irish troops took part in the battle of Quebec. Right
« At the Battle of Quebec in 1759, there were several Irish brigades. »

3)The French army lost against the British in 1760. Right/Wrong

4)The british regarded the Irish as traitors. Right
« the several hundred survivors of the Irish brigades realized that since they were British subjects, they could be shot for treason »

5)The Irish soldiers decided to hide. Right
« To escape detection, they changed their names into French »

6)They married French women. Wrong
Because It's written in the text : « Nearly all intermarried with the Canadian French » They are not with French women. But with the French Canadians.

7)After the war, they all went back to Ireland. Wrong
« Few ever returned to Ireland (…) . »

8)They all married French Canadians. Right
« Nearly all intermarried with the Canadian French »

9)Those new citizens changed the country. Right
« Their influence was felt, too »

10)On St. Patrick’s Day, in the Province of Quebec, fines for drunkenness are not to be paid. Right« . For example, the one day of the year in the province Quebec on which the $25 fine for drunkenness is waived is St. Patrick’s Day. »

J’hésite pour la question 3, je n’ai pas bien compris ce paragraphe :
« With Montcalm, the French commander, at the Battle of Quebec in 1759, there were several Irish brigades. Following the defeat of Montcalm by the British at Quebec, the French Army retired to Montreal where, a year later, the French surrendered. »

Les Français se sont rendus en 1760 mais il sont perdus en 1759 puisqu’ils sont partis vers Montréal ? Non .

Par avance, merci beaucoup pour votre aide !

Réponse: Exercice Canadian Celts de mobilik, postée le 26-03-2007 à 03:39:10 (S | E)

Je poste un message pour faire remonter mon topic qui était archivé. L'exercice est un peu long à cause du texte, mais y a-t-il quelqu'un qui peut me corriger ? S'il vous plaît !

Je suis persuadé qu'il y a des fautes qui m'échappent !

Merci par avance !

Réponse: Exercice Canadian Celts de willy, postée le 26-03-2007 à 09:26:34 (S | E)
Hello !

1) "In goodly numbers", donc ...

3) "Defeat, capitulation, surrendered", donc ... Ce que tu indiques en fin de post est correct, donc ...

6) OK, = 8!

Réponse: Exercice Canadian Celts de mobilik, postée le 29-03-2007 à 00:43:58 (S | E)

1) You're right !
Wrong, because It's not "A small number" but " In goodly numbers"

3) Wrong, The French army surrendered in 1760, but lost the battle in 1759 and they retired to Montreal.

Il y a d'autres fautes ou pas ?

With thanks,

Bye !

Modifié par willy le 29-03-2007 09:14
Je n'ai rien vu d'autre.



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