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correction de texte svp 2ème partie
Message de solyly29 posté le 25-03-2007 à 21:08:43 (S | E | F | I)

Voici la 2ème partie de mon texte. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

I met several times the director to show and correct my work. He had a precise idea for the redaction of this project. It must have had the same form that all services’ projects. He gave me the occasion to understand the functioning of social action in P. In fact, it’s very different than D. The S is late in particularly P. For example, the department doesn’t have a center of coordination for elderly people. The department of Y has got nineteen centers.

In the end, I wrote the project integrally. I explained the philosophy of the retirement homes and the new orientations. The goal of the document is to gather together.

3 The difficulties I met

It was very difficult to encourage the participation of employees. They have their habits and it’s impossible for a trainee to break them. They are afraid of changes and even the idea to change their working conditions. You speak, everybody looks you but nobody answers you: it’s funny.

I often was alone. Frequently, the director was on holidays (he is on the public function and he finishes her career, so she has the right to take more days). Even if I was autonomous, I’d rather to see more his work and the financial aspects. However, I had got excellent working conditions : I had my office with a computer, a telephone and a fax.

A Experience and goals

It was an enriching experience but my training period in the hospital in S was more interesting. But, now I understand the difficulty of human management and why the sector of elderly people is not attractive for some jobs. Elderly persons are not always open-minded and very demanding. This phenomenon will increase with baby boomers. Some employees are not patients. Unfortunately, these employees don’t have any formation. They need a medico-social formation. A lot of families are not present to help their parents.

It is difficult to apply the new policies concerning old age. Retirement home create commons activities for able and disabled people and try to maintain social relationships. A real effort is made for elderly people but there is a financial problem in the nursing homes. However, it is the result of the new policy: the policy of the old age.

I contribute to improve the respect of the law in these structures. My documents permit to give to a future resident all information on his rights or duties in the institution.

If I was offered a permanent job in this establishment, perhaps I would accept it to begin. But I would rather work with employees more implicated and volunteers. It’s important to understand: there is a job and more, a function of help. Elderly people can be alone and employees are a presence for them.

B My prospects for the near future

After my degree, I think that I will search a job in the medico-social sector in J. I hesitate to continue my studies but it’s very long. For a third cycle, you must work alone every time. I want to manage a retirement home or a nursing home for disabled people. The sector of services in the daily life is developing and offers a lot of jobs. Why not?



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