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Correction redaction/ voyage
Message de kiruban posté le 29-03-2007 à 22:38:15 (S | E | F | I)


Pouvez-vous corriger ma rédaction? S'il vous plaît.

As for me, I think that long trips are interesting when we travel with our friends because it would be much funnier than travelling with our family. Moreover, there would be no more parents behind us to say what we have to do during the trip. However, if the trip is organized by the school we would have our teachers behind us. Anyway, it would be cool, funny and so on. Indeed I have great teachers, so this is plenty. In order to make the trip interesting, we have to consider seasons. In fact if the weather is hot, it would be better to take a boat or a plane. Moreover, if the weather is cold we would have to find something else because inside the boat or the plane it would be very cold. Then, trips could take more time than what we planned for because we could get some troubles with the plane, the boat, the car and so on. In these moments, it would be annoying but we can fill in time by playing games, watching television, listening songs, reading books and so on. To sum up, long trips are interesting until we don't get unexpected troubles as mentioned above.

Merci d'avance.

Your truly,

Modifié par bridg le 29-03-2007 22:41

Réponse: Correction redaction/ voyage de solmaz, postée le 01-04-2007 à 01:08:08 (S | E)

Comme personne ne t'a encore corrigé depuis 2jours, je vais y apporter quelques corrections, mais dans l'ensemble, d'après ce que j'ai lu une première fois, ce n'est pas mal

I think that long trips are interesting --> correct mais tu pourrais te passer du "that" et ça sonnera mieux.

there would be no more parents behind us to say --> we wouldn't have to put up with our parents always telling us ...
if the trip is organized by the school --> so we call it a "school trip" or "field trip" --> if we go on a field trip...
it would be cool, funny and so on --> it would be cool and funny
Indeed I have great teachers, so this is plenty --> plenty of what???
In order to make the trip interesting --> je rajouterais juste "more interesting"
In fact if the weather is hot --> Actually if the... même signification mais dans ce cas là, ça sonne mieux je trouve.
Moreover utilisé deux fois! Tu pourrais utiliser besides, on top of it, furthermore...
if the weather is cold we would have to find something else because inside the boat or the plane it would be very cold--> correct, mais ce que tu dis est faux! Dans un bateau, il y a des portes, des chambres.... donc même avec -50°C dehors, tu n'auras pas froid dans le bateau ; pareil avec l'avion, quand tu montes dans le ciel, la température diminue et devient négative, mais dans l'avion, il fait très agréable!!! Ou si tu parles des avions ouverts comme les planeurs etc... ils ne sont pas faits pour voyager ; donc, ta phrase ne va pas là.
trips could take more time than what we planned --> than expected
we could get some troubles --> we could get into trouble, we could face trouble, we could have trouble...
the plane, the boat, the car and so on --> ... the car ect...
In these moments --> in those moments
we can fill in time by playing games --> or to kill time
long trips are interesting until we don't get unexpected troubles --> long trips are interesing as long as we don't get ...

Voilà, c'est plutôt bien je trouve



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