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Supporters (correction)
Message de anthonyfr38 posté le 09-04-2007 à 11:51:42 (S | E | F | I)

Hello !

Can you help me to correct my faults ? It's a text that I must present in oral test.

Last week was marked by new confrontations between supporters of club of football. Indeed, of the overflows took place Wednesday for the meeting which opposite the roma to Manchester united and Thursday at the time of the match between Seville and the London club tottenham. The incidents took place before the matches but also during where the police force had to penetrate in the platforms to calm the spirits. Other confrontations occurred at the end of the matches.
It would seem that the English supporters benefit from displacements of their teams through Europe défouler and to brawl with others supporters. During the confrontations, the Italian and Spanish police officers were quickly overflowed and did not know to employ the good methods to calm the English supporters. It is what denounces the British police force which is much more to test to manage this type of events. England fights against the hooliganism since years 80/90, where the many overflows had resulted in the death of several supporters.
This is why, the British police force denounces the methods employed by their European counterparts, according to them the Italian police force intervened in a too aggressive way by using bludgeons, this would have worsened the situation. The British authorities claim a legislation much more severe, dissuasive, precise rules, a better framing in the neighbourhoods of the stages and more rigour in the control of the tickets.

However, these overflows do not relate to only the English supporters. Indeed, last November, one to support bets was killed following violences between supporters Israeli and Parisian, in the same way in Italy where true scenes of riots urban guerrilla warfare occurred after a match in Sicily. Moreover, the stages of football are often the place of racist acts. Supporters close to the parties of extreme right-hand side do not hesitate to carry out safety hitlérien inside the enclosures.

Thank you
I can help you in french.

Modifié par bridg le 09-04-2007 12:29



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