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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


Correction de devoir
Message de lyly1962 posté le 16-04-2007 à 09:58:09 (S | E | F | I)

J'ai un devoir s à rendre demain soir ... merci de me dire si les idées exprimées sont claires.
Et un grand coup de chapeau à ce site ... par la même occasion !

How will be life in 2030 ?
Write about 20 lines life. Think of these things :
Climate, telephone, internet, inventions, work, studies, the family, the environment, books, newspapers, transport.

I think that in 2030, climate will be on the blink. Already, climate is heated then in 2030 … I think that we won’t have any more winter and there doesn’t less water in summer or almost anymore. Then, we will live less long because we will age more quickly.

I hope that we will invent some medicine for the cancer and others illness.

I am certain that telephones are going to be increasingly powerful and thin.

At home : I think that in 2030, a loudspeaker will announce the news or the weather forecast by demand. We won’t need newspaper. Maybe that we will intend to tell its preferred book ! There will be a computer with Internet on door of fridge and we will be able to order all that we want without moving of at home.
In 2030, I think that we will be able to leave on another planet.
I hope that in 2030, there will be anymore car with gasoline. They will be with solar energy.

A lot of people will be able to work at home … thanks to computer !

I’m sure that students are going to have portative computer very powerful. They are going to be able to record courses on their computer and to listen to them at home. Maybe, will be able to find their courses on Internet !

Modifié par whynot95 le 16-04-2007 10:43



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