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Retirement, what does it mean for you ? (1)

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Retirement, what does it mean for you ?
Message de lethidee posté le 21-04-2007 à 13:29:01 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody,

I would like to discuss with you about retirement. I think we are a lot in this fabulous site to be in this case or in this age to be retired or nearly. How is your feeling concerning this new state of your life ?
I hope that we can share our different points of view.
See you
Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2007 07:08

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de bridg, postée le 21-04-2007 à 13:32:28 (S | E)
And what about you, first ?

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 21-04-2007 à 13:35:46 (S | E)
Hello bridg,

Oh, I'm not retired for the moment but I'm preparing my time to be retired and I do a lot as volunteer. And you ?

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 21-04-2007 à 17:12:43 (S | E)

Have you a lot of time to enjoy your hobbies ? How do you organize your timing ? I'm very curious I know but it could be a good subject of sharing between us.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de marrina, postée le 21-04-2007 à 21:50:06 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee,

Here is a part of my activities:
I work voluntarily in a residence for old persons. I help our son in his work.
Then with my husband, we go on holiday except the school holidays.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de mascov, postée le 22-04-2007 à 02:27:17 (S | E)
retirement is the fact to stop working because of the advanced age
it's means also the end of a career

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de rimouski1926, postée le 22-04-2007 à 07:46:41 (S | E)
i'm retired and i'm very happy rimouski1926

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de bonsai93, postée le 22-04-2007 à 08:22:23 (S | E)
I am retired and it's good. I prepared it before to stop my job
I was found of my job , I was a teacher, so now I help pupils in a youth house
I practise gym twice a week ,I go to my painting group , and I try to improve my English during an English group and every day with this site ,I sometimes send some exercices to français facile
To be retired allows us to do what we like to do , with more time
I like to meet my neighbours and to speak with them , to listen to them and to invite them .It's a good way to try a lot of new recipes ....and some babies take a large part of my time.I enjoye to give them all the time I couldn't give to my own children .I wanted to spend my time visiting Paris and French country
but's need time and some monney!!!!!!!!!I loved my job , I was very happy with it , and I like to be retired I wish you the same (sorry for all the mistakes )

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 22-04-2007 à 08:40:12 (S | E)
thanks a lot for your first answers and we can see that this new part of your life allows you to do something else and to share your time with happiness, except for moscov who said that retirement is the end of a career.
I would like to exchange more with this idea of ending a career for what ? See you and don't be afraid to say only one sentence of a few words if you are not sure about your English.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de bridg, postée le 22-04-2007 à 09:12:42 (S | E)
Hello lethidee!
Even if you are not retired yet, you may have some views about your future life as a retired lady. I have thought about it for lots of years.
I love my job but I have got many fields of interest, this website of course, but oil painting, drawing, manual art … and I have not enough time to practise them as I would like.
I see my retirement time shared between my hobbies and two days per week a part-time work in my professional job. I have got this chance that specialized nurses are always expected to do a pinch it job. I would like to continue my studies in a free-time University too.
You see, I planned it.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 22-04-2007 à 12:42:20 (S | E)

Well bridg your planning is very interesting and constructive between your hobbies and your time-sharing.
Presently, I'm looking for a new job and I've time to think about what exactly I woulk like to do and it's strange but I'm feeling to get a job with children. I do an assessment about my abilities to get a training to be a babby sitter or an educative assistant. It was a long way to ask to myself what I would like to do exactly in my professional life and my answer has been : doing something with children.
I have to work at least the ten next years, I hope so.
Are you also in this case and have you the opportunity to choose another way in your professional life just a few years of the official time of retirement ?

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 23-04-2007 à 11:02:21 (S | E)

I know a lot of people who are not happy to be retired. Are you like them or, on the contrary are you feeling to do new things and maybe to discover other things that you never did before ?

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de zodiac97500, postée le 23-04-2007 à 17:11:17 (S | E)
Good Evening

As I wrote in an other post, I should retire in three years ; I don't have any idea about how we can feel the first months ; but at the beginning it must look like if you were just on holydays . The strange part I guess , must come after the end of a regular time for a holyday ; and when after two or three month ,you know that you can stay in bed all the time you want , or rise up when you want and be free of your move all day . I think maybe that the best thing to do , depending on your health and also your " state ? " of mind ; is to plan and organize your new future . Personally , I hope that I will still be able to dive and train Judo , or jogging or swimming for the active part . About the more quiet part , I have already started drawing and reading . I plan to write some fairy tales for the kids ; it comes from the time my children where little , and that I had to improvise stories before they were going to sleep .
A Teacher , when I was in France , told me : If it happen one day that you loose your job or you retire, never sit down complaining ; stand up and move your a... Do anything you can to keep you mind and your body active .
He was right , and will ever be right .

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 23-04-2007 à 17:29:46 (S | E)
Hello zodiac

You are a very active man and I think when you are retired you'll be in a good state in your mind to go on and plan a lot of interesting activities.
Presently, I'm in a period of assessment and I do write short texts or haikus. Do you know this kind of japanese poesy ? It's composed of three verses very short about different subjects but almost about nature and full of simple emotions. It's very beautiful for me and I can write some when I'm inspired, it's just a kind of meditation and a feeling of serenity.
I'm enough happy to be older and find these emotions.
I go also in the hospital to read some texts to the ill persons, young or old, who can't read by themselves and ask this kind of help.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lydidoune, postée le 24-04-2007 à 21:19:10 (S | E)

I wish I could talk about retirement. Unfortunately, i don't think I'll have one considering the situation! only 62 years left and I'll be retired! I'm so looking forward to it!
have a nice day!

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 26-04-2007 à 09:26:01 (S | E)

Actually, when we are young workers we don't think about retirement because it means the end of professional life and maybe active life for a lot of persons. But, in reality we are wrong because it's the beginning of another part of our life which is plenty of discoveries with other people and activities, maybe also a chance to learn something else.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 27-04-2007 à 20:48:34 (S | E)

I would like to know your point of view concerning the different generations. Do you think that retired people have to live with only persons being like them or do you think that it's better for all the society that the different generations live together ? Personnally, I prefer the second possibility.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de magstmarc, postée le 28-04-2007 à 13:33:26 (S | E)
Hello lethidee,

Well, you see, on this site I made friends with people of all ages...age, I think, has never been a problem for us - even though I believe people of the same age may have more precise or personal subjects to share (analog experiences of life at the same moment...)
Talking to people of different ages helps fighting against one's generational preconceived ideas.
Many retired people, as well as young ones, are full of qualities, humour, energy and goals...they are good company

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de alice, postée le 28-04-2007 à 15:04:18 (S | E)
Hello mag
It's sure that we understand better people of our generation. Then it's very pleasant to chatter between ourselves. The risk is to speak only about our "old people's problems". It's necessary and enriching to stay in touch with persons of all ages.

Modifié par alice le 28-04-2007 20:40

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 29-04-2007 à 11:56:52 (S | E)

In Europe and generally in a lot of countries where living is not only a question of surviving, we can hope to live older than our parents and grandparents and it's maybe the time of a changement of our society because we notice that retired people are still active, travel and are feeling to participate for helping young generations. What do you think ?

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de alice, postée le 29-04-2007 à 16:47:51 (S | E)
Lethidee, you are right. Retired time is the best age in the life. We have free time to do all the things we couldn't do when we worked and we had little children. Even if we look after our grand-children it's generally not every day. My two sons have not children yet, it's a pity but that take me the liberty to realize my desires. I learn English, I meet my friends, I go for a holiday when I want, I walk with my dog. I'm also a member of an association of defence of human rights. It's very interesting and I feel I'm useful. Retired time is great!

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de jean31, postée le 02-05-2007 à 12:02:22 (S | E)
Hello everyone,

Presently I've been a retiree for over six years and I can assure you that I've been enjoying every minute of my retirement.
Although I loved my former job, I have no regrets at all except for the number of years gone past, which is every one's lot.
Days, weeks and months never seem to last long enough to enable me to do only half the things I would like to do.
My wife and I often do house sitting, which implies travelling and staying several weeks in different regions of France.
If you happen to be unfamiliar with this activity, let me tell you more about it.
It consists essentially in looking after the house and the pets of people who are leaving their homes for 3 or 4 weeks holiday.
The main advantage of such a scheme is that your stay is free, unlike a hotel!
In the day time, you've got plenty of opportunities to visit the region, which is especially pleasant in the low season with only a few tourists around. Most of the time, we try to plan our house sitting sessions on such periods, of course.
Thus we combine business with pleasure, if I may say so. In most cases we meet nice people and often make friends with them.
I also spend quite a lot of time on the Internet, doing voluntary help on school support sites such as anglaisfacile and a few others. It's good for my ageing neurons, I believe it helps keep them fit!
Weeding and trimming the garden, doing odd jobs about the house also contribute to keep me rather busy.
To conclude, I am aware of being a lucky guy so far since I am still fit enough to make the most of my free time.
And please I beg you forgive me if I look somehow selfish to you by saying so, I wish I can still enjoy my new way of life for many more years.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 03-05-2007 à 19:22:25 (S | E)
Hello Jean31

How lucky retiree you are Jean31 and thank you a lot to share your impressions about your new life after your professional life that you don't regret at all.
I've learned something very interesting about this house sitting and it seems a good way to discover others areas and other people too.
See you and have always this energy, it's so conforting.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de jean31, postée le 04-05-2007 à 09:50:27 (S | E)
Thanks a lot, lethidee.
I wish you can also fully enjoy your retirement when time comes.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de flomrhell, postée le 14-06-2007 à 23:58:08 (S | E)
hi everybody!
as far as i am concerned,i am only sixteen years old,but this subject appealed to me,because everybody has to think about it sooner or for me,retirement means a second life,a brand new life,after long hours working:you can do all that you want,all that you can't do when you work,for intance travelling,practising sport,reading,or just having a rest!but you can also help people in an organisation,or meet very interesting people.however,i think that we had better have fun when we are young and in good health,instead of waiting for retirement to do what we want.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 15-06-2007 à 07:08:34 (S | E)
Hello flomrhell,

As you say it's not easy when we are young to share our time between business activities and voluntary activities because we are very busy and a little bit tired. I think also that it depends on our way of life, if we are women or men the difference can be seen and the organisation of a day for a woman who works is very often an obstacle race.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de michellesnowy, postée le 31-07-2007 à 07:50:49 (S | E)
hello,I'm a Chinese,a country of numerous people,which means that it's hard to hunt a job,i mean,a job that you satisfied.and i'm now working in a foreign-owned company,when i came into this company i prepared for that day,you know what i mean.for me retirement is not the end but the beginning.experice everything from optimatic way,and i'll gain more sweet rather than pain.
remember:God helps those who help themselves.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de simson, postée le 07-08-2007 à 16:25:10 (S | E)
The moment when a person who works leaves his job because of age.

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de karenb, postée le 07-08-2007 à 17:54:56 (S | E)
hello, I am 27, I am not retired! I don't know what I will do when I will be retired!

Réponse: Retirement, what does it mean for you ? de lethidee, postée le 07-08-2007 à 18:17:02 (S | E)
Hello everybody

You're right you are too much young to be retired but you have also enough time to think about it.



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