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Devoir d'expression (1)

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Devoir d'expression
Message de seza posté le 23-09-2007 à 13:25:58 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si mon texte comporte des erreurs, merci d'avance.

In my opinion, reading is a really great way to improve one’s mind since, in a book, there are a lot of things we can learn.
When we read, we acquire vocabulary and literary culture. Sometimes we find some informations about different subjects as history, geography… Furthermore, all kinds of books which exist enable we to have a culture in many fields. By doing a novel, a writer intends to pass us a message. In addition, thanks to our readings we build our personality.
However I disagree with people who think books are the only possible form of culture.
Indeed, it exists other forms of culture like music, painting, cinema. Moreover, travel enables you to discover the whole world and cultures of different countries.
Even if read is important to have knowledges, I think all forms of cultures are dependent, therefore it is impossible to assert « Books are the only possible form of culture ».

People set great store by a man’s library. It seems to be a good thing to judge a man on who he is, not on the way he looks.
I share the point of view that we can know a person thanks to his books. A man often possess books which reflect his personality. Man’s readings show his tastes. For example, a person who reads especially love novels is probably sensitive. In the same way, a person who has, in his library, only documents dealing with war is probably passionate by that.
Though we can’t really define a man’s mind whose books are in his library most to decorate rather than to be read. Besides, some people put books on their library in order to give us a positive image while they aren’t cultured.
To sum up, it is very difficult to judge a man just with his library because even library’s appearances are misleading. Also, there are other means to have an idea of a man’s personality : his disks, his movies…

Réponse: Devoir d'expression de nick27, postée le 23-09-2007 à 14:14:27 (S | E)

In my opinion, reading is a really great way to improve one’s mind since, in a book, there are a lot of things we can learn.
When we read, we acquire vocabulary and literary culture. Sometimes we find some informations about different subjects such as history, geography… Furthermore, all kinds of books which exist enable we to have a culture in many fields. By doing a novel, a writer intends to pass us a message. In addition to it, thanks to our readings we build our personality.
However I disagree with people who think books are the only possible form of culture.
Indeed, it exists other forms of culture like music, painting, cinema. Moreover, travel enables you to discover the whole world and cultures of different countries.
Even if read is important to have knowledges, I think all forms of cultures are dependent, therefore it is impossible to assert « Books are the only possible form of culture ».

People set great store by a man’s library. It seems to be a good thing to judge a man on who he is, not on the way he looks.
I share the point of view that we can know a person thanks to (=through) his books. A man often possess (=has) books which reflect his personality. Man’s readings show his tastes. For example, a person who reads especially love novels is probably sensitive. In the same way, a person who has, in his library, only documents dealing with war is probably passionate by that.
Though we can’t really define a man’s mind whose books are in his library most to decorate rather than to be read. Besides, some people put books on their library in order to give us a positive image while they aren’t cultured.
To sum up, it is very difficult to judge a man just with his library because even library’s appearances are misleading. Also, there are other means to have an idea of a man’s personality : his disks, his movies…

Il y a quelques erreurs de collocations mais c'est un très bon texte dans l'ensemble
Cependant, tu utilises trop le "we" qui se réfère à un groupe de personnes bien déterminé. Le "you" anglais traduit plus souvent le "on" français.
Il y aura encore quelques petites structures de phrases à changer mais j'attends ta correction

Réponse: Devoir d'expression de seza, postée le 23-09-2007 à 21:33:07 (S | E)
In my opinion, reading is a really great way to improve your mind since, in a book, there are a lot of things we can learn.
When you read, you acquire vocabulary and literary culture. Sometimes you find some information about different subjects such as history, geography… Furthermore, all kinds of books which exist enable to have a culture in many fields. By creating a novel, a writer intends to pass a message. In addition to it, thanks to your readings you build your personality.
However I disagree with people who think books are the only possible form of culture.
Indeed, there are other forms of culture like music, painting, cinema. Moreover, to travel enables you to discover the whole world and cultures of different countries.
Even if to read is important to have some knowledge, I think all forms of cultures are dependent, therefore it is impossible to assert « Books are the only possible form of culture ».
People set great store by a man’s library. It seems to be a good thing to judge a man on who he is, not on the way he looks.
I share the point of view that you can know a person through his books. A man often has books which reflect his personality. Man’s readings show his tastes. For example, a person who reads especially love novels is probably sensitive. In the same way, a person who has, in his library, only documents dealing with war is probably passionate by that.
Though you can’t really define a man’s mind whose books are in his library most to decorate rather than to be read. Besides, some people put books on their library in order to give you a positive image while they aren’t cultured.
To sum up, it is very difficult to judge a man just with his library because even library’s appearances are misleading. Also, there are other means to have an idea of a man’s personality : his discs, his movies…

Est-ce mieux ? Par contre je n'ai pas réussi à tout corriger.



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