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bac blanc d'oral d'anglais (1)

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bac blanc d'oral d'anglais
Message de lizie posté le 03-10-2007 à 18:24:21 (S | E | F | I)

can you help me please?

I will describe and analyse before giving my opinion.
This picture is a cartoon or more exactly a criticisme of capitalism.
There is a man who is wearing a cowboy hat and a dinner jacket.
He looks like a milionnaire.
Moreover, He’s imposing; he has a derisive smile and he looks nasty.
He has a ring in the shape of a bull’s head which is sign of aggresivity.
There’s the sign of dollars in his eyes. Maybe he always thinking of dollars.
As for me it’s a caricature or a stéréotype of the American boss.
Behind a good image of MCDO’S , he’s getter rich.
He tries to hide behind a mask because he maybe wants to give another image of himself.
One part of his face is hidden I think that he has two personalitie.
He plays a double game.
This picture shows that MCDO’S is an industrie whose only objective is to earn money.

After having studied this image, we are going to study the title of this one.
The title means MCDO’S has a hidden face.
It’s menant to catch people’s attention.
It’s eye catching and written in big bold capital letters.
A campaign criticising MCDO’S.

The logos

There are five logos.
On the first logo, he wrote there « MC PROFITS ».
This means that MCDO’S earns money at the expense of tir customers.

On the second logo, he wrote « MC GREEDY », this means that
The firm is avaricieuses and only thinks of vais of making profits; « MC CANCER »
Dangerous for health. They reap profits witloof bing preoculpied by the quality of the food that provoties cancer.
There are many drawbacks bing a good image.

Besides, « MC DEADLY » that means that They’re ray to all, even if somme people are hit by illnesses.

And to finish, « MC MURDER »which means that MCDO’S businessmen are killers, assassinate tir customers.

And to finish we are going to study the text.
The text to analyse deals with the theme of MACDONALD’S.
This text has eight paragraphes divided into 2 parts.
I will focus my attention on the accusation on MCDO as shown in the headline of this part «  what’s wrong with mcdonald’s? » before dealing with propositions against mcdonald’s « what can you do ?» which in direct address to the reader, so as to imply him directly in the fight .

First Reading of the text, we realise that its tone is very négative, péjorative in fact, there are an accumulation of words with a négative connotation such as « exploit » l.1 & « unsocial »l.2 futhermore , it’s a polemical tone because the authors criticise MCDO for destroyer customer’ health.

In the first place, we can look in the first paragraphe that the authors criticises MCDO.
In fact, he says that they exploit people with salaries very Small indeed people are underpaid, besides, people are Young and work in bad conditions « unsocial hours »
Moreover, in the second paragraphe, we can look that they’re involved in climatic changes and they’re direcltly related to the destruction of deserts.
In the third paragraphe, the authors denunce the fact that they put too much salt and sugar in tir food, which can provoque cancers.
In the fourth paragraphe, he denunces MCDO for produce a lot of unrecyclable packages and rubbish « 2.3 millions cubic feet of unrecyclable ».
In the fifth paragraphe, the authors talk about animals which are bref and killed in poor, sad conditions. The only thing we can against them is to stop eating there. We have to start talking with our friends about
MCDO hidden face.
The sixth paragraphe, denunces the fact that the image we have of MCDO is very different from. What is seems to be if we considère this document. They call « coloured gimmickry » the commercial image of Ronald MCDO that is a clown dressed in Bright red and yellow. They aldo mention that « their advertising  is directly  mostly at children » but this is a much used commercial practise in that children représente a large part of the potential consumers of today as well as of tomorrow.

Réponse: bac blanc d'oral d'anglais de lizie, postée le 03-10-2007 à 18:24:53 (S | E)
The two others paragraphes of the second part deals with the boycott of fast food places inde he says that the solution is to avoiding MCDO is to go and eat on other restaurants which may be more expensive and not as quick as fast food places but « not as exploitation as burger-bars » and the last paragraphe we incite to talk about the problems raised by MCDO and denunce them.

I agrée with the authors but at the same time they give us jobs so there are also good sides. They dont display-pity about MCDO. They are pitiless.

As a conclusion, this document shows all the anger and hatred MCDO can engender.



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