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article or not (1)

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article or not
Message de ghada posté le 14-11-2007 à 08:24:19 (S | E | F | I)

I've found this sentence "In the winter the sun sets early "
Why do we use the article "the" isn't better to omit it and we say "In winter the sun sets early"
thank you in advance

Réponse: article or not de williamengland, postée le 14-11-2007 à 09:14:34 (S | E)
Bonjour Ghada,
Any difference in meaning is infinitesimal. Like you I would prefer "In winter ... "

Réponse: article or not de jonquille, postée le 15-11-2007 à 00:09:06 (S | E)
For me, I find that adding the word "the" makes it sound better when listening to the sentence, and it makes it easier to say. (But that's just my opinion!)

In fact, as williamengland wrote, the distinction is quite minimal.

In winter = every winter (without fail)
In the winter = also every winter, but there's more stress on the fact that this occurs in the winter versus another season.
(In the winter the sun sets early, but in the summer it doesn't.)

Réponse: article or not de ghada, postée le 17-11-2007 à 09:33:18 (S | E)
If there is no difference or a small one ,Iprefer without an article except if Iemphasise on something .I think I'm true now
and thanks

Modifié par bridg le 17-11-2007 14:35
i => n'existe pas mais I = oui.



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